
I’m Not The Villainess

After being reincarnated as the main female protagonist in her most favored novel, Khayasta planned to go along with everything. Who wouldn’t want to bathe in money and be pampered by beautiful men? All she had to do was act cute and innocent for one moment, then she’s got the rest. But before that could happen, Ivory, the original antagonist, took the role from her. In the end, she was even sentenced to death. After barely escaping with her limbs intact, Khayasta figured, “Ah, so that’s how it’s going to be? Well, don’t expect me to stay down, losers!” By remembering all the villainess in every book she read in the past, Khayasta becomes a savage figure determined to turn their world around. I’m Not The Villainess / Let’s Become the Villains / I’ll Become the Villainess

CooCooNot · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Villainess, Villainess


I gazed at the castle made of marble and gold. It looks stunning, regal, and befitting for someone like me. After all, it was made from the thought of me. So why...

Why am I in this god-forsaken place?!

I look around, but nothing other than rusty iron bars and dirty ceilings filled my sight. The smell of blood in the air is so thick that I'd rather smell the booze-drunken-man earlier. Yes, he'd smell a thousand times better than this place.

My hands are tightly bound with a rope. It's been hours since they did this. So much time had passed, so my skin is now chapped, red, and swollen.

Ugh, just how did this happen? I've been racking my brain for a while now, but nothing's coming at all!

Suddenly, I hear a subtle noise of footsteps making their way towards my cell. I closed my eyes to hear them better.

Khayasta lived in the dangerous streets for sixteen years and survived by hiding, because of this she develops high senses comparable to that of an animal. This was until a prophet told her in her dreams that she was a missing princess. She can also prove it by stepping inside the Holy Room, a place that specializes in telling if someone is speaking the truth.

Now, let's see who my dear guests are...

One? No, two people. Light footsteps, so they must either be a woman or a child. Most likely the former. No way a child's gonna be down this dumpster.

"Hoh.. so this is the real princess?"

I look up, startled to see a mirror of my image standing with a devilish smirk on her face. It doesn't quite add up to the innocent features so it looks a bit creepy but other than that she was the splitting image of 'Khayasta Vin Entrienne'.

I gaped at her.

How was this possible?! That's me! Is this some kind of plot twist or something?!

"Oh, look at her face," says the hooded figure beside her. "Looks like she wants to know what happened, Madam."

Madam? That's familiar... wait, if I remember correctly that's - !

'She was a force to be reckoned with. A woman notorious for her fiery passion and grounded desires. And lost in her own glutton, the roots of the villainess was envy, the urge to rule the empire. People call her Madam but her real name was...'

The villainess!

"I-Ivory!" I stuttered. "What's the meaning of this?"

They didn't seem startled.

"I must be so famous that even a country bumpkin knows my name," says the real imposter. "Since you're going to die anyway, I'll explain things to a pitiful creature like you."

She will?

"Priestess, explain it to the poor child."

Eh? But she said she would?

"Yes, your Majesty." The hooded woman removed her cloak, showing silver hair that gleamed like a moon. "Now, imposter, let me tell you what happened before your death."

The Priestess, Eveana.

Another antagonist in the novel. The woman also wants the throne despite being the center of the Holy Church. Her glutton is comparable to Ivory but unlike the bold woman, she was secretive and strategic. She had the influence and backing of the Aristocratic faction so even the male lead had a hard time getting rid of her.

"Are you sure it's okay to tell her?"

"Of course! She's going to die anyway."

I stayed silent because fighting right now wouldn't do me any good. I should learn what I can from this situation and after I've gathered what I need - I'll escape! I don't care if I'm depicted as a criminal anymore. Right now, nothing is going to be worse than my current situation.

I upheld my pitiful state until they finished talking. It was a brilliant plan if I dare say. Eveana who saw the same vision must've felt threatened and worked with Ivory for the throne. They fooled the Holy Room and spread lies that there was another prophecy wherein an 'imposter' will come and kill the 'princess'. It's not easy but with the Priestess, it was barely possible.

"Such insolence!" I screamed, faking a delusional face. "How dare you mock the Imperial family!"

They laughed at me, savoring the look of crazed delirium on my face.

"This is enough, your Majesty. We've been away for too long."

"Sayonara Princess~"

I glared at them until they were out of sight. When I was sure they were no longer there, I sighed and fixed my slumped figure. Patting my dirt-covered dress clean, I began to devise a plan.

"As expected, this isn't going to be easy. I can't live in the castle anymore if it's going to be like this and I certainly can't even dream about that harem of handsome guys."

Tsk. The moment I entered this world everything went haywire already. Aren't changes supposed to happen only after I didn't follow the story? Seriously.

But if it's like this then a carefree life is still achievable. I hope those losers don't expect me to stay down because I really, really won't at all.

Instead, why don't I wreak havoc? Even if I'm Khayasta Vin Etrienne, I don't want a kingdom that can't recognize its heir. So it's better if I just destroy it all.

I need to be careful, calm, and collected - this was how the villainess, Eleanore Crystalinionis dealt with her enemies. Do not make rash moves and be the smartest one in the room.

A sickening grin decorated my face. I can't wait to see all their face as I take whatever they have one by one. That would be the most enticing revenge ever!

Who cares if I'm the protagonist?

Living as a villainess - it may not be as bad as I thought.

I feel like the protagonist is too young. Who wants to destroy her country at sixteen, right?

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