
I’m literally a Virus

I Died and got to Spin a Wheel so that’s cool, i Guess

Adrianix1234 · Anime & Comics
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My Race

Ok, then i guess i have to describe it here,

So i did…

Basically I'm the Blacklight Virus, I'm a sentient virus that can consume others and gain their talents, abilities, memories etc… basically have Predator from Rimuru,

In Game it's obviously more balanced, and being a jack of all trades maybe even a bit weaker than all other 100 level but i got some things as well…

Like, my racial class can let me copy racial powers (maximum of 3,) from other races, besides absorbing, devouring and analyzing the things i eat, i can shapeshift into weapons, or different shapes of whatever i have devored before etc… my speciality as a race is Basically Genetic Engineering, just like Vampires like Blood and Undead like to kill the Living, The Virus can act as Venom an become a Symbiote, that will slowly modify the Genes of the Infected and it will slowly adapt and Learn everything it can from the Genes (Sadly this created an Apocalyptic Zombie problem in Midgar) but here's the best part, after absorbing a Infected Subject i now know everything there's to know about that race giving me the ability to complete mimicking it, (or adding passives to my main form)

Now naturally that's just the lore part of the game, what will happen after I'm out of it, in it basically if other players maximum start points is 1000 mine is just 1300, i can't just constantly adding stat by consuming players or npc/monsters

My weakness are Fire and Holy (Fire cause High Temperatures kill Viruses and Holy cause it Cleanses)

My Strengths are Ice and Blood (Freezing Temperatures Cause Spreading in Viruses and Blood/Dna cause Biological Manipulation is a Cool Power)

Aesthetically i look however i want to look, until I'm hit by Flames or A Cleansing Spell were my Form gets Unstable and start looking like a Alex Mercer's Armor Form like a basic self defense Instinct (game mechanic only)

Basically I'm the perfect Spy, and unless the cast fireball or a holy spell at me I'm not screwed

When i typed all the details…

I suddenly was in Third Person, I saw how my "Body" went full on Automatic, you know like if you were watching a speed run, and you can't comprehend why does the character move weird because of the glitches, God or whoever was controlling my body, just speed run character creation (which was a heteromorphic one obviously) i started as a handsome vampire, (or at least i guess i could be handsome by True Vampire Standards) and my Gamer tag is… Amara … really? I mean it's sounds like a weird thing to name myself but there's also people calked Touch me in the Game so…

Anyways, like a said it was basically a speed run, while everyone was trying to understand how to create a character (we were on a white lobby) i suddenly just hit accept and disappeared, a screen appeared asking me were i wanted to spawn then my body hit Midgard

And then i appeared in what basically was the tutorial city, Were basic combat and magic was teached to everyone there, My character opened his status (and apparently, for being the First to choose Heteromorphic race i got a Origin of Monsters Racial Class whose max level was 5 but was blocked till 3 until i kill The Demihuman King and The First Hero)

my body razed through the tutorial (thankfully you can't skip dialogues, so i did pay attention to it) my character went blazing directly to the strongest monster my level can kill in a battle sometimes a battle lasted a second sometimes various minutes, i don't know what he choose as a base, if the power of the enemy or how much ex would the monster give to choose were to go an kill, this lasted a couple of hours till my body finally leveled up till level 5 (3 to Origin and 2 to Vampire Race class)

Finally at level 5 my character was aloud to get out the village/city and went to another place, and when i mean speed running Im not kidding, it killed a lot of more monsters till he god a passive regeneration buff from the vampire race, and then used what i can guess was a fusion of magic/with physical strength to basically copying spiderman and use blood like webs and then using the body like a catapult, obviously the part of falling to the ground looked very painful, but he just waited till his regeneration brought him to top health, if he needed more blood he just killed a couple of monsters near where he landed and launched itself again…

It was like thank for like 7 hours, then finally he got to what appeared like a infected city, from a zombie apocalypse, he went straight to what looked like a laboratory, he went obtained a clue to where to get s code to open a locked door to the basement, and did the missions in like half an hour affter beating a little horde of zombies (not normal one, but ones that appeared powered up by something weird that caused them to use a weird black substance, finally he got the code got down there won against a miniboss

And finally grabbed a Vial that was sealed shut, but the moment he grabbed it, a cinematic started were "something" had taken control of me, it looked like a was pulled into a dream were my character couldn't realize what was reality and what wasn't

"Dr Mercer pu the vial down" One soldier said

Two men were pointing their guns at me, my character just wouldn't budge and thrown it into the floor, and was shot down, but the thing in the vial got attached to my body

[Do you want to proceed with the Race Change?

Note: This race will be Heteromorphical]

I got full control of My character Again and Pressed [Yes]

[It has been Detected that you have Unique Origin class, Do you want to Keep it?]


[Were will you Spawn?]

I choose Niflheim… Obviously the Cold there is beneficial for me…

And that's how everything started


Now obviously as you realize i basically copy pasted Alex Mercer's origin story but's that just cause it's a very good one… I'm still indecisive about my Character Name, i was about to call him Thanatos but decided to had that just as an alias, or codename… (i actually wanted to give him the Mercer Last name but i think that that's already over the top)

I need your help actually

In Overlord there's a limit to 45 level to Racial Classes 5 or those will be for My Origin Class but there's like other 4 classes that i don't know how to Name so give Ideas