
Chapter 1 : Technology Exhibition

Queens, Midtown High School.

Midtown High School is a key high school in Queens, and basically all the geniuses in Queens are here.

And this school has been continuously supplying specialist talents to famous universities.

Today, the students in the school are moving around. Occasionally, there will be students carrying a high-tech instrument towards a tall lighthouse.

Spheres filled with liquid, boxes full of water chestnuts, instruments with wires inserted everywhere, lightsabers with flashing lights...

Everyone walked towards the destination with a confident face.

Today is the science and technology exhibition of Midtown High School. Students in each class need to make their own scientific research results individually or in groups.

If there is an amazing work, the school will apply to the Federal Intellectual Property Council and leave a strong note on your resume.

When everyone enters the exhibition area with their exhibits, they find a space to put their exhibits. The conspicuous position has obviously been preempted by the students who came one step ahead.

The exhibition area is very spacious, with a dazzling array of exhibits and spectators moving around, the venue is still not crowded, and most of the crowds are around each exhibit.

Not only the teachers and students of the college, but also the agents of many technology companies came to visit here. They hoped to find interesting and practical things in this group of exhibits.

Many times, the ideas of young people can bring bright works to people.

The quality of the works can be seen from the density of the audience around the exhibits.

After confirming that there is no danger, some people can't help but try.

"Hey, Parker, have you seen Ethan?" In a slightly empty place, a fat little black man in a hood stood on tiptoe and looked around at the slightly taller but frail-looking child beside him.

The two of them looked about five or six years old, obviously they were not from this school.

Parker looked around for a while but couldn't find the person he was looking for, and shrugged helplessly, "I didn't see either..."

"Didn't he also participate in the school science and technology exhibition this time? He won't oversleep!" Little fat Ned guessed while rubbing his chin.

"No, he invited us here, and I'm still waiting for his Atom!" Little Parker couldn't help but look at the entrance again, his eyes full of anticipation.

A movie was released in American theaters a while ago. The name of the movie is "Real Steel", a sci-fi competitive movie.

Science fiction machines, sports competitions. These two points have captured the fantasy point of many teenagers.

The film also attracted a lot of attention before its release, most of it, of course, about the negativity.

Because the director of this movie was just a high school student.

Before the movie was released, many people in the know were already not optimistic about it.

It's just that this movie was able to be released, which is beyond the expectations of many people. It is not clear where the high school student got the investment.

Afterwards, what shocked them even more was that under the circumstances that they were not optimistic and the movie theater rate was extremely low, Real Steel, like Atom in the movie, got up from the mud and went all the way. Looking down, there is no rival.

In the end, within a month of its release, the film created a miracle and went high at the box office. It not only won the weekend box office championship in North America, but also broke the box office record of the classic boxing movie "Rocky".

As a result, this film has also been sought after by many teenagers in New York, and even covered the lace news of Tony Stark, the president of Stark Company, in some magazines.

The fantasy of future technology and the warm scene between father and son in the film have won wide acclaim from viewers.

As the producer and publisher, White Wolf Studio is also well known to more people.


Parker's full name is Peter Parker, the future Spider-Man.

[Peter Parker, only little ~]

It's just that he was still a little boy at this time. He had just started elementary school. Obviously, he had never been bitten by a mutant spider, and the little black fat man next to him was his future best friend, Ned Leeds.

[Ned, only little ~]

The two lived in the same community and went to the same primary school.

Under the expectant gaze of the two, finally, a straight boy with a gentle temperament walked in. Although his appearance is not very stunning, but with his gentle temperament, it is particularly attractive. It makes people want to get close to him involuntarily.

"Brother, here, here..." Little Parker excitedly waved his hands and ran over after seeing this person.

The voices of the two also attracted the attention of others, and immediately, more people looked at the boy at the exit.

Many girls have admiration in their eyes. There was respect in the boy's eyes.

But just as the two were running towards each other, suddenly, a commotion broke out in front of them.

The two of Parker, who were running over excitedly, were also forced to stop.

'Boom!' A thin high school student wearing glasses lay heavily on the ground, very embarrassed.

"Pete!" A black guy next to him exclaimed and quickly stepped forward to help him up.

"Thompson, what are you doing?" the black guy supported his friend, turned and asked angrily to the disdainful Thompson.

[Flash Thompson, only little ~]

"What, nigger, do you want to avenge him? You bastard!" Thompson cursed at the two of them. "Oh, two soft eggs..."

"Hahaha..." His friend also laughed.

The two bowed their heads, and although they were angry, they did not dare to step forward.

The people around showed pity, some sympathy, and some cold eyes, but no one stepped forward.

Although the two of them have good grades, his physical fitness is obviously his weakness, let alone compared to Thompson, a football player.

Resistance will only make the two of them more embarrassed.

"Hey, Thompson, I told you not to bully people in the future. Have you forgotten the teaching of the senior?" At this moment, a voice came in from the surrounding crowd, and then Ethan who had just stood at the entrance Walked in from the crowd.

[Ethan McAvery ~]

Seeing the gentle face of the person who came, Thompson's face not only darkened, but he remembered the scene of being knocked off many times by the opponent on the football field.

When he first entered the football team, with his extraordinary physical ability, he quickly became the core of the team.

Unsurprisingly, in another year, he will be able to become the captain by virtue of his strength.

However, in a rugby match, their captain held a rugby match in private because of a conflict, but there was only one opponent on the other side.

One person against a team, Thompson, who was standing in the team at that time, made no secret of mocking Ethan, who was alone on the opposite side.

At that time, the other party just smiled gently and didn't seem to care, which made him even more convinced that the other party was a clown.

However, when the whistle sounded, he had been lying on the ground with a suspicious expression on his face throughout the game. In that game, his team lost miserably, and the opponent's tactics were extremely cruel...

It turns out that the clown is himself.

After the game, after returning to the lounge, he deliberately asked the captain.

Then the captain just said to him with a complicated expression, "Don't provoke him, even if it's a fight, don't be in the school... All I can tell you is this."

Maybe his gentle face was just to hide his rhinoceros body.

At this time, looking at the gentle face of the other party again, Thompson felt a emptiness in his heart.

But in front of so many people, the youth's sense of honor made him have to bite the bullet.

"Senior, playing football is not the same as fighting. I advise you not to meddle in your own business." Thompson raised his head sternly and said. But the name of the senior still called obediently.

Saying that, a few juniors gathered around him, making his body lift again.

"Thompson, let's not provoke him..." The companion on the right glanced at Ethan and whispered.

It's just that at this time, he has already released harsh words, and it would be too embarrassing to go back.

"I think you need to apologize for your classmates." Ethan's gentle expression paused, he didn't care about the other party, he just stared at Thompson and pointed to the two behind him.

"Hmph, just these two freaks want me to apologize!" Thompson said with disgust looking at the weak and dark bodies of the two people.

"Hey~ Let's be honest, man, I don't like violence very much... It just so happened that I brought my work today!" Ethan sighed and said a little helplessly, then shouted to the exit, "Martin, come in! "

Thompson pursed his lips when he heard his words. Don't you like violence? If he hadn't met him on the court, and the school's rumors, he would have almost believed him when he saw the gentleness on his face.

But before he could think about it, he heard the sound of metal meshing and rubbing at the entrance, and a shadow appeared at the entrance of the exhibition.

Afterwards, everyone looked at the entrance in stunned silence.

A robot taller than an adult walked in with a little boy.

The robot wasn't tall, and it didn't look very ferocious. It wore a net like a Western swordsman on its head, reflecting two pairs of orange-yellow eyes. It looks a little silly.

Feeling the gazes around him, the little boy didn't have stage fright, his footsteps jumped forward, his arms waved and he started dancing. Behind him, Atom also moved synchronously with his movements.

[Atom ~]

The crisp mechanical metal sound rang throughout the exhibition hall.

Everyone came back to their senses from the sluggishness. Seeing this familiar scene, the entire exhibition burst into deafening cheers.

Excited, they kept shouting to God

This is exactly the dance in the movie where the little boy takes Atom to the ring.

The film Real Steel has just been withdrawn from the theater, and the popularity is still hot. Therefore, most teenagers in the Big Apple have seen this film.

They provide the box office on weekends.

The crowd consciously left a gap for the little boy and Atom.

"Ethan. I'm here." The little boy came to Ethan happily.

"Well, work hard. I'll give it back to you when I'm done showing it." Ethan patted his head affectionately.

The little boy is the protagonist in Real Steel. His name is Martin Stok, and he was hired by Logan. I heard they are students of their school.

Then, Ethan took the bracelet from him, controlled Atom and waved his hand, then turned to look at Thompson: "I think it would be a better choice to apologize than to be thrown out by it."

Looking at the robot Atom behind him, Thompson swallowed hard, and his friend next to him also stepped back consciously. They didn't want to touch steel with flesh and blood.

"Have you thought about it? I still have something to do!" Ethan urged him, spreading his hands out to him, and Atom behind him also stretched out his hand at the same time.

Thompson thought about it for a while, and finally faced the weak boy with glasses, his mouth wriggled a few times, and a small voice came out of his mouth.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" His face flushed.

"It's okay, it's okay." The thin young man on the ground waved his hand in shock.

"Well, that's great, let's go, I believe you should be very curious about Atom, come and have a look!" Ethan didn't care about his voice, nodded with satisfaction, and then faced a few people including Thompson.

The beautiful country advocates freedom, so there is a lot of violence, and campus bullying incidents occur in every college, even rampant.

However, since Bai Yang came to Midtown High School, there have been fewer and fewer campus bullying incidents, and he himself has gradually changed from a delinquent teenager in the first year of high school to the big brother of the third year of the school, which is a faint constraint on the school system.

However, his own grades are also in the category of academic masters, he has even won many awards for the school. Therefore, teachers and principals will turn to him in the face of things.

What's more, Ethan's approach has stabilized the school system, and the reduction of violence within the school has attracted many parents and students.

It can be said that in this school, everyone has to give him a bit of thinness.

Thompson seemed a little embarrassed, but he couldn't resist the temptation of the robot behind him, so he followed up despite his inner awkwardness.

He has also seen the movie Real Steel, but now the fighting robot in the movie has actually appeared in reality, which makes him unable to bear his inner curiosity at all.

Ethan, who was from the Blue Star in his previous life, fell into a dark cave when he was searching for a material on an Arctic expedition. When he woke up again, he became a member of the Queens Welfare Institute.

The child appeared to be in a garbage dump at the time, with bruises and swelling on his face and body.

When Ethan woke up, the pain in his body and the hunger in his stomach made him almost want to faint again.

But he also knew that if he fainted again, he might never wake up again.

Therefore, he forced his body to walk out of the **** heap and crossed the dark alley. The dazzling light made Ethan's eyes incandescent. Then, his eyes went black and he passed out. When he woke up again, he was already in the orphanage. Now, the kind old dean smeared ointment for him.

When Ethan recovered, he found that there was a system that followed. The system could allow the host to travel through the movie world, release corresponding tasks, and return to the original world after completion.

The film was then filmed, and according to the popularity of the film, some rewards in the film could be obtained.

It can be technology or objects. Only characters cannot be brought out.


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