
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 51: You Need Help

Jade's POV: I didn't really care how many barrier spells were on this place, I will kill Rosie for bringing my darkness back! I would've been fine but when she showed up with her lunatic boyfriends I became a ticking time bomb. I stood with my arms crossed in the room full of dead silence, glaring at Rosie. My only issue with the darkness now is that Charles won't look at me the same. I mean, yeah, he said he likes this, but I know the truth...he wants me back just as much as I, and everyone else does! We just have to figure out a way too...

Charles' POV: I love Jade no matter what, I meant it when I told her I don't mind the darkness, but we need the old her back. If we don't then she'll fall off the rails forever and nobody will be able to bring her back. Sure, I'd be fine with that too, the only thing is, Talia and her dad need Jade to be okay and if she gets to caught up in the darkness then she'll kill and eventually turn off her humanity and never want to feel again. So I came up with the perfect solution, which I discussed with Elizabeth... I told Jade we're going to take her to therapy...

Jade's POV: THERAPY! SERIOUSLY? Why the hell do I need therapy, I just need to release the black magic from my system, I don't need therapy! I asked Charles, "Why do you think I need therapy? It's just dark magic." Charles grabbed my hands and said, "I love you Jade, with all my heart, and if you continue on this path then eventually you'll turn off your emotions and I'll lose you forever, I don't want that and I know you don't either. Elizabeth saw it when she was in your head, apparently you've got a lot of...mental illnesses forming, and if you don't go to therapy you might just fall of the rails forever because of everything going on in your head. It's what's best for you." A tear ran down my cheek as I said in a loud, angry tone, "What's best for me? Therapy? This isn't what's best for me and you know it. Maybe- What if I just turn it all off right now? No more mental problems, no more anger. I'll just be...better. What if I turn out to be okay with my emotions off, what if I'm not as bad as you all think I'll be? You all have no idea what's best for me because you aren't me! Only I know what's best for me, I can see that I'm on the verge of a psychotic break and that I need help, but this isn't the way. We just need to let me break because...if you try to fix something that isn't broken then you break it and have to start all over again...so just let me break, then you can fix me." Charles pulled me in and hugged me, he whispered in my ear, "I love you Jade, and I'm so sorry about all of this..." I leaned my head in closer to his neck and when his hands moved from my waist to my upper back I realized, he was getting ready to snap my neck. I then whispered to him, "щракване на врата" and then he fell to the ground with a snapped neck. I looked up at Elizabeth and said, "When he wakes up, tell him I'm sorry it came to this..." Elizabeth replied suspiciously, "What are you-" Before another word left her mouth I stretched my arms out to my side and said, "Пуснете заклинанието, дадено на тази къща, и освободете тези, хванати в капан вътре"And without further notice I smiled and ran out the door, with my new little werewolf friend...

Elizabeth's POV: What the hell? How did she break all of my barrier spells at once. She snapped Charles's neck and grabbed Rosie! But why? Where is she going? There's no where around here for miles and even then it's just and empty highway! I couldn't do anything right now except wait for Charles to wake up, he'll know where Jade's going with Rosie, and in the meantime I can just do a locator spell on her.

Charles' POV: I woke up and popped my neck back into place. I gave Elizabeth a confused expression and asked, "Where the hell is Jade and Rosie?" She took a deep breath and replied, "You see, they kind of...well they- okay fine. Jade broke the barrier spell in less than five seconds and grabbed Rosie and ran out the door without a single word. I stayed here so I could fill you in once you woke up again and so I could ask if you have any ideas is to where she's going, I tried a locator spell but she was smart enough to block any magic used on her. So... any ideas?" I honestly couldn't think of anywhere Jade would be wanting to go. She doesn't know of any other vampires around this area, or witches. I know she wouldn't go to California to see her dad and sister because she doesn't like driving. So that's out of the picture. Jade could be going back to Rome to see that professor, but he wouldn't remember us so that's not an option either. Jade's been to New York, but I couldn't see why she'd want to go there besides the very many places to hide, but I don't think she'd want to hide. Maybe her old house...no that's to obvious, she's smarter than that. It's definitely not our house. I asked Elizabeth, "Is there a place with a big group of vampires or werewolves or witches anywhere near Boston?" She thought for a minute and then replied, "No. everywhere around this area is cleared of werewolves and vampires from my knowledge, and the witches like either pure isolation or big crowds to blend in with." I sat in deep thought for a few minutes and could only come up with one place, "Jade's going to Florida..."