
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 5: Kiss Me

Jade's POV: "Eddington is my mother's last name..." I trailed off. Daniel said, "Now I shall continue. Everyone only needed to cut the palms of their hand in order for the spell to work. Except for one person. Amelia. She had to die in order for the ritual to complete. It was her blood that had to be sacrificed because it was pure. She was pure. Nathaniel had something with her, an emotional connection to her. Her blood would poison him, our mother's blood would knock him down, and the rest of our blood would seal the spell. All we were waiting for was Amelia. She knew she was dying, she accepted it. She knew about us and what we became and what Nathaniel had become. Monsters. I remember her exact words which were, 'If this will keep everyone here and the rest of the world safe from a monster, then I'm willing to die for it. I couldn't think of a better way to go!' Amelia wasn't a fighter. She stood by with her head held high and let her throat get split open." I saw a tear run down Daniels face. He cared for her, I said, "It wasn't just Nathan who loved her. It was you!" He replied, "I fell for Amelia the minute I layed my eyes on her. She was beautiful, much like you actually. Her hair was a silky brown, and she had beautiful blue eyes, I could get lost in them. She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. And when I had to watch her die for the sake of my brother, the little piece of my humanity that I had left was gone. I couldn't do anything about it either. It had to be done. I mentioned before what the bloods purpose is. Amelia has to die because we needed every last drop of her blood, and we got it. My mother boiled our blood over a fire and when Nathaniel came my mother threw all that blood on him, his own girlfriends blood, his families blood, and her blood. Then he blacked out and fell to the ground. Along with my mother. She linked herself to him with the rest of the magic she possessed and when he died, she died, only she was a witch, not a vampire, she was mortal, so the Amelias poisoned blood killed my mother, and only spelled Nathaniel." Another tear down Daniels face, I felt terrible, even though he technically kidnapped me, he's clearly been through a lot. I said, "Daniel? Why is it that you kidnapped me?" He replied, "I'm so sorry Jade. I didn't want to have to do that, but when I heard you and Nathaniels conversation, I couldn't stand it. I took you away from him because I was worried about both of you." "But why take me to New York, why not just take me back to my house?" I answered. He quickly responded, "Jade, if you would have stayed there any longer you two would've had a connection, if you have a connection with him then it allows him to use you in the sacrifice." "Sacrifice? Didn't we already discuss this?" I questioned. "Not this part. Jade you need to listen to me, whatever you do, do not make a connection with Nathaniel! Your connection with him would be used in breaking the ritual my mother created 3,000 years ago! I told you that Nathaniel and Amelia had something special together, he's trying to create that bond with you because it's required in order to break the ritual. He has to drink every ounce of blood from your body in order to undo his curse. He'll be the monster I once knew him as. The beast that would rip people apart without guilt. We cannot let him do that Jade, do you understand me?" "Yes, I understand you! But I have a few questions. Wouldn't he need your mother's blood to perform the ritual? And all of your siblings?" I answered. Daniel replied, "My brother Nathaniel has been trying to break this curse for 3,000 years Jade! He has special weapons that can put us into a deep sleep, enabling his to have access to our blood. Also, Nathaniel doesn't need my mother's blood, only a witch's blood. I'm sure after 3,000 years he has one, we'd be stupid to doubt him! The only thing holding him back from doing the spell is you Jade. He just wants to make that connection so he can kill you! That's why you're here with me, because Nathaniel will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. But he has to create that bond within three months because that's when a very special comet comes around. The ritual my mother did was performed during the same comet. It comes around every 500 years, so if he doesn't make the comet then you'll be safe! We just have to wait it out. Then you can go back to living your simple little life. I should also mention that Nathaniel has to perform the ritual in the birthplace of the woman being sacrificed, in this case it'd be your birth place. You need to tell me exactly where you were born." How did I know I could trust Daniel, I nearest met him and it was because he kidnapped me. Who knows, what if him and Nathan are working together or something? I don't know who to trust. I replied to Daniel and said, "How do I know I can trust you? You could just be doing Nathan's dirty work!" He looked surprised at my comment and said, "After everything I just said you still don't trust me?" "No!" I said sternly. "Fine. I can prove my loyalty, come here." "Why would I come any closer to you, you could kill me. Or hurt me. Or- I don't know, sacrifice me for god sake!" He replied, "I can promise you I wouldn't do anything to hurt a Eddington, especially you Jade, not in a million years! So please, come over here." I said, "Fine. But if you hurt me, I'll haunt you forever!" I said with a laugh. "I haven't seen you smile since we got here, let alone laugh. I think we're making progress!" I answered back to that saying, "Don't get to ahead of yourself, you still kidnapped me...Okay, I can't possibly get any closer to you, so what'd you want to show me..."

Daniel's POV: I have no idea if Jade will agree to this, but she said she wanted proof that I was being loyal to her about all of this. I just said, "Kiss me!"