
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 34: I Made A Deal With The Devil

Jade's POV: Ariana must've been the mystery sibling Charles failed to mention sooner. I opened the coffin up and saw chains wrapped around her body, I pulled them off and pretty much had a heart attack when her eyes opened, blood red. I smiled and whispered. "I'm here to get you out." Her eyes closed again. I pulled the page from my pocket and the hair comb from my purse. I started rehearsing the spell over and over and over again until Arianas body slowly started to de-desiccate. The spell was over and her body would recover soon. I went upstairs and got 5 blood bags. That will definitely be enough for her. I went back downstairs to see the coffin was empty. If she left I'll be so pissed that I even bothered to wake her up. I turned around and heard, "Time for a snack!" Then I was slammed against the wall, but before she started feeding on me I gave her an aneurysm over and over again to keep her down long enough for me to grab the blood bags off the staircase. Once I did I stopped my spell and handed them to her. I then said, "Hello, my name is Jade Bradford. I'm the one who woke you up!" She looked at me and replied, "I'm Ariana, sorry I tried to eat you. Whenever Nathaniel would wake me up I'd usually be left with a person to kill, my mistake." I smiled and asked, "You know what happened to you right?" Ariana laughed and answered, "Of course I do. Nathaniel put me to sleep and you clearly were the one who awoken me. So thank you for that!" I took a deep breath and said, "Can we go somewhere to talk?" She smiled and said, "Of course! Where'd you have in mind?" I gestured my head so she'd follow me. I took her to the grill in the middle of town so we could get a meal and talk about things. We sat at a table and once we got our food I said, "I noticed you don't have an Australian accent like the rest of your family." Ariana replied with a stuffed face, "Well my dad was American so I got his accent and everyone else got my mothers. But now my turn to ask a question, who are you, and not just your name, but who are you for real?" I answered, "My name is Jade Bradford, but I come from the line of Eddington witches, does the name Shania ring any bells?" Ariana smiled widely and said, "That's my best friend! So what, is she like your mom or your grandmother or something. I take it I've been asleep for awhile." "Oh boy!" I whispered. Ariana immediately dropped her smile and said, "Jade, what year is it?" I took a deep breath and said, "It's 2009, in about a week it'll be 2010!" Arianas expression exploded. Her mouth hung open and she said, "What happened while I was gone?" I ignored her question and instead said, "Why don't I explain how you got into that coffin." Ariana nodded her head and I continued, "In the early 1900's you knew my ancestor Shania, your best friend. Well according to your family you lost control back then and was killed everyone, so Shania used a spell to desiccate your body, then so nobody could ever wake you up she put the spell into a safe along with a hair comb and another spell to seal it shut forever. Nobody found it or could wake you up until Charles and I went to Prague and found it. He doesn't know you're awake, nobody else but me does. And I want it to stay that way for a little longer. What do you say, want to be partners?"

Charles' POV: The funeral was almost over, I've been with Talia the entire time trying to keep her from crying. We already watched the burial and now we were on our way to the after ceremony at the town square. There's been prepared speeches and drinks until midnight in honor of their mother. I thought it was a great idea, Talia did too. She seemed a little happier than she did this morning. We arrived there shortly after and talked to quite a few people before grabbing a drink...

Jade's POV: "I want to hear this plan of yours before I agree to anything." Ariana demanded. I explained, "I want to kill Nathan. You in?" Ariana smiled and said, "I couldn't be any happier to help you kill Nathaniel. And on that note, I'd love to be your partner Jade!" I smirked and then said, "Alright, but I brought this," I held up the glass hair comb, "it'll give me the power I need to destroy him. First, you'll make your appearance to your family by sneaking up on Nathan and grabbing him so he can't move, then I come in and perform a paralyzing spell that'll make him unable to move a muscle. Then I'll rip out his heart!" Ariana smiled widely when I said my exact plan. She replied, "I see one flaw in this plan Jade. My siblings. They'll want to stop us." I then said to her, "Your siblings won't be a problem. Charles believed that he's helping me destroy Nathan, but he'll be the one to hold back everyone, and by everyone I mean Elizabeth. She'll be the saddest and most against it, but Daniel and Audrey are on our side. We have nothing to worry about!" Ariana said, "You've thought of everything I see. Except, how are you planning on ripping his heart out with your bare hands. You're just a witch." I laughed and said, "That's what the comb is for. I can consume a great amount of dark magic from it and have about half the strength of a vampire, and the paralyzing spell will make his heart beat closer to the surface of his chest, allowing me one clean shot at his heart." Ariana seemed impressed. Then she said back, "Alright, sounds like we have a plan to carry through-" I cut Ariana off by saying, "Actually, Nathan is out of town for awhile, I can lure him back, but I'm not sure if it'll work, so it might take time. But until then I'll have you staying at one of my best friends house, his name is Ashton and you are not allowed to eat him!" We both laughed at that and headed out of the grill. I know the after party is going on for awhile which means Ashton won't be home for a little longer. Until then I'm taking Ariana back to my house to freshen up after being in a box for nearly a century, then I'll pack her some of my clothes since we're about the same size. After that I'll take her down to Ashton house and make it back home just in time for Charles and Talia to walk through the door...


Charles' POV: Talia was finally ready to go home so I told my siblings that I'd be staying at Jade's house tonight, then we got in my car and went to her house. Once we got there I took Talia up to her room and left, then I walked into Jades room, she was all tired looking. She had a towel on her head and her pajamas on. Jade looked so perfect right now. I took off my shirt and crawled into bed with her. She opened her eyes and said, "How was the funeral?" I smiled and said, "It was a beautiful ceremony. Now let's get some sleep."