
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 20: I Made My Choice

Jade's POV: I've been with Talia ever since Charles and Daniel left. She's been helping me make a decision, and I'm still not completely sure what I want to do. I said, "Talia, I still don't know what to do. Who am I supposed to choose?" She answered, "I'm not going to tell you who to choose because that's 100 percent up to you. But tell me one thing...who's better in bed?" I laughed and said, "OH MY GOD TALIA! I'm not answering that!" "Well sure enough you've slept with them, so... who?" "I haven't had sex with Charles, I only slept with Daniel once...okay maybe twice." Talia and I are very close, we tell each other everything, that's why I came back to Boston is so I could see her. I couldn't care less if I saw my mom or not. Talia replied, "Wait! So you're telling me you lost your virginity to a F**KING ORIGINAL VAMPIRE! And a hot one. No way in hell!" "How do you know I lost my virginity to him?" "Jade, no offense but I know you, you would not let just anyone take that. But I mean a vampire, I'll give you credit for that because isn't he like 20 something?" I replied, "Yeah he's 23, well technically like over 3,000 years old, but that's besides the point." Talia looked at me confused and said, "Wait. So you nailed a 23 year old vampire, then how old is Charles?" "Uhm, I think he's my age actually, like 17 or 18. I'm not sure exactly." She gave me a look and asked, "Well, who's the better kisser then?" I bit my lip nervously and replied, "Well that's a hard one to answer. I don't really think one is better than the other. I mean, Daniel is passionate and rough which I do like, but then there's Charles who has soft plump lips that melt when I kiss him. So I'm kind of stumped with that one!" "Oh my god Jade! You totally liked Charles's better than Daniel's kiss!" I shook my head and said, "W-What. N-no I didn't. I- uhm, I liked them both the same!" Talia smiled and said, "I'll forget I just heard that. But in the mean time you need to just focus on your choice! What I always do when I'm confused between guys is I just make a pros and cons list and in the end I have my decision." That was smart. I'll just make a list between Charles and Daniel, then maybe I'll get an answer. I got out a piece of paper and wrote down one side with Daniel and one with Charles, then I put pros and cons underneath both. Some of the pros for Daniel was that he was really good in bed, his eyes are beautiful, the way he looks at me and compliments me. Some of the pros for Charles were, he's an amazing kisser, his body is so sexy, he makes me feel like I'm the only woman in his life, and how he's such a gentleman. But there was a very long list of cons, I put the cons together so I could determine exactly how my choice will play out. Cons were, if I chose one brother I'll lose the other and draw a wedge between their family, I would be human, well a witch, and they would be immortal vampires, I could very well be dead in two months, once I chose one of them I won't be able to get over the fact that I'd hurt the other, and finally, Daniel told me about the 'humanity switch' that vampires use to turn off their emotions and they go full blown serial killer, so what if I chose one and eventually they turn their humanity off and kill me, or worse, if the brother I don't pick turns it off to prevent from getting hurt. It could either be a lose win or a lose lose situation! At the end of the list I showed Talia the chart and figured out who my decision would be! I know who I should pick, what'll be right for me...

Daniel's POV: Charles and I arrived back at the house where Nathaniel sat there and as soon as we walked in the door he asked, "So, which one of you lovebirds gets to spend the last two months of Jade's life with her? If I may ask." I looked at Charles who said, "She didn't pick anyone yet Nathaniel. She said to give her some time. She's going to give us a call when she makes a decision tonight. So we just have to wait it out." I nodded my head and said, "I just think I'll go spend some time with Elizabeth and wait for Jade to call." "Okay!" Charles and Nathaniel said in unison. I went upstairs to Elizabeth's bedroom where she was sitting with Audrey. Elizabeth said, "I heard you were up now. Trouble in paradise I hear? What's going on?" I took a deep breath and said, "Once I woke up I found out that Nathaniel only brought me back so I could find out that Charles had kissed Jade. He went behind my back and I'm very upset with him. So Jade is now in the process of making a decision on who she wants to be with." Audrey interrupted, "Daniel? Why are making Jade choose? Don't you think she has enough going on in her life, she probably doesn't need, nor deserve the stress of picking one of you since after all, she will be dead in two months! You can't expect her to just be okay with all of this!" I closed my eyes for a moment and said, "I know Audrey. But you have no idea how mad and upset I am with Charles for kissing Jade! So if Jade picks me tonight, we'll be saying goodbye to Charles, he'll be leaving town... forever!" Both Elizabeth and Audrey said together, "WHAT!" I didn't say anything, then Elizabeth continued, "Daniel! Are you trying to break us apart again? Don't make Charles go away because of Jade! And wouldn't you be happy enough with having Jade all to yourself, you don't have to send Charles away from us! It's not just for yourself, you'd be taking him away from me and Audrey too! Think about that!" "You wouldn't understand the pain I took when I heard Charles say he kissed Jade-" "Exactly Daniel! 'Took' as in you used to have that pain, you don't anymore because in the end, you two are brothers, and you should be more appreciative about that. So go make up with him and tell him that no matter what Jade chooses that you two will still be brothers like it's always been! Okay?" Elizabeth's words burned to the back of my skull but I realized she was right. I couldn't let Jade come in between us, no matter how we felt about her. I went downstairs and Charles said, "Daniel, Jade said she's made her decision!" I hurried and hugged him while saying, "I don't care what she chooses. You're my brother and no matter what happens tonight, you will always be my brother! I don't want you to leave! I said it out of anger earlier and I'm sorry. Please forgive me?" He replied, "I could never stay mad at you Daniel! You're forgiven. But perhaps we should get going to find out what Jade chose?" "Of course." I responded and we both got in the car and shortly arrived at Jade's house...

Jade's POV: I didn't tell Talia who my choice would be. I needed to keep it to myself until they got here. My mom texted Talia earlier and said she wouldn't be coming home until late tonight so I had awhile. Before I could regret texting Charles I heard the doorbell ring. I answered it and told them both that I prepared a speech. They asked what I chose and I replied, "Well I put together a list of pros and cons, I know...how childish of me, but I couldn't make a decision so easily. It was the toughest choice I've ever made in my life! You are both two of the most amazing men I've ever met in my life, no matter who you've killed or hurt, or even how old you are! I will always have strong feelings for the both of you. That's why when I looked at my list I realized, there were more cons put together than any of the pros I had for you two. Sure, you're both amazing and so so perfect in every way possible, but at the end of the day I realized. I only possibly have two months left to live so this choice was based off of knowing that I'll be dead soon. I need to be with my mom and Talia, and my friends. That's why I choose myself..."