
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 17: Good Morning Sleepy Head

Jade's POV: I woke up, unaware of what happened last night until I actually woke up, then I just kind of stared at Charles laying next to me. God, he has an amazing body! No. I can't think that. Anyway, I snuck out of bed without waking him up, I walked downstairs to get something to drink, I had no idea what time it was but I take it I was going to be late for school! I didn't even acknowledge the fact that I was in Charles' t-shirt until I finished walking down the stairs to the kitchen and found my mother in there making breakfast. My mom smiled and said, "Well well well. Goodmorning sleepy head! Next time you bring someone over, at least check to see if I'm sleeping." My face burned with embarrassment so I replied, "Sorry mom. I know I shouldn't have, he just kind of...showed up. I'll just wake him up and tell him to go hom-" my mother cut me off and said, "Nonsense. If a boy is going to come to my house and sleep with my daughter then he better have the decency to have breakfast with us! Go fetch him and put on some real clothes sweetie!" My mom, Vanessa, is probably the most understanding and caring woman in the world, I didn't even bother to let her know that we only watched a movie because if I corrected her she might start yelling. I smiled and hurried back upstairs where Charles was still sleeping. I took off his shirt and changed into a pair of jeans and a tank top. Then I woke Charles up...

Charles' POV: I was awakened by Jade whispering in my ear, "If you don't wake up now my mother will come in to wake you up herself. So get your ass out of bed!" I laughed and sat up. She threw my t-shirt at my and said I needed to get dressed, I asked what time it was and to my shock Jade said it was 7 AM which meant she would be late for school soon! I then asked if her mother knew I was over last night and she replied, "Actually, you're in for a tough morning. My mother was aware of you being here, she actually wasn't mad, but she thinks we slept together, and she's making breakfast. I trust that being a vampire means you can't eat 'people' food, right?" I laughed and responded, "We can eat human food, as long as we have a healthy blood diet we can function like regular humans, only slightly dead." Jade sighed of relief and said, "Okay. Now let's go before she comes and wants to know whats going on. Oh, I almost forgot...since you're about 3,000 years old would you mind talking a little more like someone from this century, you talk like you're from the 1800's!" I playfully rolled my eyes and said, "Well I think my accent will hide the fact that I talk like an 'old person.' Also, to be fair I was asleep for most of the 1800's, and I'm pretty positive that you like the way I talk! Or am I mistaken." Jade only walked over to me, kissed me once before turning back to the doorway, and then walked out hinting for me to follow her. We got downstairs where I smelled a delicious breakfast being made, Jade's mother, Vanessa I believe is her name, was making pancakes, homemade from the looks of it. I noticed a woman placed at the table so I whispered to Jade and asked who she was, she whispered, "It's my older sister, Talia!" They didn't even look like sisters. Talia has a fake blue hair color, which was clearly dyed, brown eyes, and she was much taller than Jade. She looked about 5'7 where Jade is only 5'4, that makes it fun when we kissed because I'm 6'4, an entire foot taller than Jade. Anyway, I kept giving Jade a smile every once in awhile which made her smile and then her mother would smile at the both of us. Talia kept asking me weird questions like, 'Are you being a gentleman?' 'How long have you two known each other?' and 'Are you two even dating?' I decided to let Jade answer those. She answered every question with a, "Yes, he's a gentleman. We've known each other for a short amount of time. And it's complicated..." she trailed off at the last answer which made me laugh. Vanessa was being so welcoming, she talked all about how much of a sweet little kid Jade was and is. Then she started talking about Jade's family history, I figured this would be boring because family history usually is, but then I heard Vanessa mention something really interesting. She said that her family had a very special heritage of people. I asked her to tell me more about it, since Jade had went to the restroom. Vanessa said how her ancestors migrated from Salem to what is now known as North Carolina, later Jade's grandparents moved to New York and 20 years ago Vanessa and Jade's father moved to Boston. I asked, "Salem? As in witches?" I wasn't secretive about it at all but she didn't seem to mind and then Vanessa said, "Actually yes! Most people don't think about witches, fairytales and all. But our ancestors were believed to be witches, they got burned inside a church, however, a group of them made it out alive and continued our family line. My side of the family's ancestors are the told-to-be witches. I always make jokes to Jade about how she and Talia are witches. We get a good laugh about it!" Hm... Looks like Jade was hiding something, she is a witch and I'm going to prove it...