
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 15: Forgive Me Brother

Jade's POV: Once I got the hell out of that hospital I went home. They couldn't get inside so I was safe here. I went upstairs to my bathroom without talking to anyone. I took off my shirt and saw that I had no wound on my stomach anymore...why? I'm not sure how but I'm not human, I think I'm different in a way. I know all about vampires, and might I add I put on quite the show with Nathan and Daniel, they ate that bullshit story right out of my hand. Charles was to busy hating Daniel, Elizabeth was to busy helping Daniel, and Audrey was just to nice. I only want Nathan dead, that's all the revenge I need. I watched him kill my sister Alexa and for that he's going to pay with his life. My sister was human for sure, there wasn't anything 'special' about her, nor my sister Talia. My mother and father are normal too, I think. I've been having these dreams for almost a year, they started right after Alexa died. There was a woman who had dark brown hair and green eyes, like me. It was the same dream every night, over and over again. That's how I found out about vampires, the lady in my dreams told me. It's like she was magically trying to send me a warning or a message or something. She said that I needed to find Nathan, except I didn't know who that was at the time. This woman, her face, she looked so familiar, like I knew her or met her before. She kept saying different things in each dream, she and I would appear in a field of flowers, it was truly beautiful, she would tell me something that I had to do for awhile, about a week ago she said that I had to gain the trust of Nathan and then kill him. I wasn't aware that I'd have to take a life but she said that he was a vampire and needed to die. Therefore, I left California in hope that she'd stop appearing to me, but she continued, she wanted me to go to Boston because that's where Nathan was. It's like I was psychic. The last dream I had was the car ride right before I was in the hotel with Daniel, she gave me a warning that afternoon and said, "You must be careful child. Your innocence is what will end up hurting you in the end. He'll fall for you and never leave you again, meaning he'll turn you into a vampire. So please Jade, don't do anything you'll regret..." and then I woke up in and found Daniel driving me and him to New York. I haven't heard from her since. Every time I'd close my eyes I'd only get a flash of light and a then darkness. I think it was because I slept with Daniel, she said that I needed to be careful and that he'd fall for me. I thought she was talking about Nathan in that dream but now I think I know, she meant Daniel. Anyway, after I met Nathan and figured out he was the one who killed my sister I realized the woman was right, I had the power to take his life and get my revenge of that horrible man who did a horrible thing...

Daniel's POV: I don't know where Jade lives so I had Elizabeth do a locator spell, but we couldn't find a single trace of her anywhere. Something was blocking Elizabeth...the question is, what? I didn't have time to elaborate on that because Nathaniel barged through the door with Charles. Nathaniel ran up to me and grabbed my by my throat, he screamed in my face, "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE WAITED FOR THIS RITUAL! YOU WERE JUST GOING TO SABOTAGE IT FOR YOUR OWN SELFISH NEEDS. I should probably teach you a lesson now shouldn't I?" I knew what was about to happen. Nathaniel was going to put me to sleep. I couldn't let him do that until we knew what Jade was up to do I said, "You should know, before you put me to sleep, Jade plans on killing your precious Elizabeth if you hurt me. She told me this morning in the hospital." "That was pathetic Daniel. I know you're lying!" He replied. "What if I told you that Charles' vampire blood didn't cure Jade of blood clots as of yesterday, and that she walked out of the hospital wound free. She's not human Nathaniel. So if you do this, who says Jade isn't strong enough to kill Elizabeth, she's not normal and could be dangerous." I was scared. Nathaniel was one of the only people who scared me in this world. I was relieved when he put me down and said, "You mark my words brother. Don't ever threaten me again! Got it?" "Yes. I got it Nathaniel." I quickly replied. I turned to walk away and felt it, Nathaniel put me to sleep...

Nathaniel's POV: Who does Daniel think he is? He doesn't just get to sabotage my ritual, threaten my twin sister, and then plead for his life. I stabbed him with the little sword, he stabbed me in the back, so now I'm doing the same to him. I didn't care much about Jade, the only interest I have in her is when it's time for my ritual, that's how long Daniel will stay down. I told Charles to put him in his coffin down in the basement. He obeyed and I figured it was time for me to leave town again. That was until I was stopped by Elizabeth. She said, "Nathaniel. What if Jade comes for me? What if she's stronger than me?" I replied, "She's not, believe me, I know this. Nobody will hurt my family, especially not Jade. She's a means to an end, that's all!" She gave me a frightened look and said, "Please Nathaniel. Will you make sure she doesn't hurt me?" I looked at her and said, "Fine. I'll go to school tomorrow and that's all. I'll make sure she knows not to touch you! You happy now." She replied, "Thank you Nathaniel!"

Elizabeth's POV: I want Nathaniel gone. If making up a pretty little lie about Jade threatening me gets him to stay, then I'm okay with that. I only needed one more day to analyze how I'm going to plan out my time while Nathaniel is in Virginia! Then I'll be able to kill him...

Jade's POV: I woke up this morning ready to go to school. I was generally happy for the first time in awhile. I didn't have any Nathan drama, I don't have to worry about Daniel since I won't be seeing him for awhile, school and all this death plotting you know. I said bye to my mom and sister and left to get to school...

The first of the day flew by insanely quick, now it was lunch. I joined my friends at their table and when I got up to use the restroom I was stopped... by Nathan. He stood right in front of me, a little close I might add. It made me nervous, the man I'm trying to kill who probably knows about it is standing in front of me. He started going on and on about how he'll kill me if I try to hurt Elizabeth and blah blah blah. I probably rolled my eyes more during that conversation than I ever have in my life. I was just standing there and then suddenly Nathan pulls me in and kisses me! WHAT THE FU- Why the hell did he do that? It was a good kiss I'm not going to lie, but I pulled away after a few seconds, when I finally realized what was happening. I gave him a look, the look that says 'what the hell are you doing and why did you do it?' He whispered in my ear, "I did it because your friend was coming over here, we're having a conversation and I don't like being interrupted." I replied, "You could've walked away. I didn't need to be kissed." "I think you liked it my dear. Didn't you!" I gulped at his comment. Nathan is a very hot guy, I won't deny that, I thought it when I first saw him, then I realized he was a killer and I got turned off immediately. He made me nervous. I replied to his remark, "Actually, I did like it. I just don't like YOU at all! So if you'll excuse me..." and then I went home. I'm sick of school for the day. I need the rest of the day off...

Charles' POV: I haven't heard from any of my siblings today. I've been in town most all day. It was about 9 at night and I had some business to attend to. I drove down the street and knocked on the door. Then she answered...

Jade's POV: I heard a knock on the door and went to see who was there. It's 9 at night, who the hell is here. I opened my front door to see Charles standing there. I asked, "What are you doing here Charles? Did Nathan send you to do his dirty work?" He replied, "Actually darling, I came on my own for some 'dirty work'!" I gave him a confused look. He continued, "Can I come inside?" "Why do you need to be inside?" I asked. He replied, "Just invite me in and I'll show you why I came here." He seemed like he was being really truthful tonight so I asked, "Are you here to hurt me or kill me?" "Darling, I'd never wish of killing you. Or hurting you for that matter. So can I please come inside?" I replied nervously, "Yes. You can come in!" He ran at vampire speed to me and kissed me...