
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 13: Future Mrs. Suliman Has A Secret

Jade's POV: I made sure Daniel knew all the details of the plan before discussing it with Elizabeth, he made it very clear on the way over that he doesn't want his other siblings to know of our plans. Once I knew Daniel was gone to talk to Elizabeth I asked Audrey, "Audrey...why did you call me the 'future Mrs. Suliman'?" She giggled and said, "Did he really not tell you?" "Tell me what?" I replied suspiciously. She gave me a look and finally said, "Okay fine. You are the first girl Daniel has brought home in over 2,000 years! Would you like me to show you what his past relationships looked like?" I was confused until I realized what she meant, she wanted to show me his relationships meaning putting their memories in my head. Just like Daniel did. I replied, "Well, I uhm- I've actually only ever done that with Daniel, he's the only one who's ever put things into my head..." "Don't worry. I know what he did to you in order to put thoughts into your head, I can assure you we aren't doing that. You only have to open your mind up to me and then I can show you the not-so-perfect, perfect picture! Only if you want to?" I immediately answered, "Yeah. Uh yes, totally. I'd love that." Audrey then put her hands up against my face, her hands were so cold, like icicles. I tried my best to open my mind up, but I don't exactly know how to do that. Audrey said it was working and then I saw motion pictures flying into my head. I saw everything perfectly. Daniel was on a horse with a woman, she was beautiful, they were both human. That must've been my ancestor Amelia. They looked so happy, then the ritual came, the part I've heard a million times, it showed her dying, she literally got stabbed in the back by a witch. Audrey spoke, "Fast forward 300 years and Daniel found another woman, her name was Gabriella. The most gorgeous woman anyone had ever seen. Every man desired to be her lover, but she only had eyes for one man...Daniel! A year passed and they were madly in love, Daniel and Gabriella were even engaged to one another. They were happy, and Daniel was going to turn her after they were married. But on their wedding day a man showed up threatening to expose us all if Daniel and Gabriella got married. He wanted Gabriella all to himself. We all didn't care because we were all planning to that leave town, after the wedding. Daniel and his wife would find happiness out of the reach of Nathaniel, and the rest of my siblings wanted separate lives from each other. However, Nathaniel is stubborn, he wanted all of us to stay and if that man exposed us we wouldn't be able to find a home there. So out of what Nathaniel calls 'the love for his family' he killed Gabriella. On her and Daniel's wedding day I might add. He ripped out her heart while Daniel stood there, unable to do anything because Nathaniel had his 'sleeping sword' as I call it. We ended up leaving the town anyway, and ever since then Daniel has never loved another woman because he knew his brother would kill whomever he found happiness with!" Then the pictures stopped...

Audrey's POV: Jade and I opened our eyes and I saw tears draining down her face. She asked me, "Audrey. Is that going to happen to me if Daniel and I are together? Will I end up dead?" I had no idea how to answer that. My whole family knew of the ritual Nathaniel was planning, and Jade's part in it. I couldn't let her think it would be Daniel's fault if they loved each other so I said, "I don't believe it'll be your affection that will send your death sentence. I don't believe it will be Nathaniels determination to kill you in order for his curse to break either. What I believe is that no matter what you do or where you go, Daniel will be drawn to you. He will protect you wherever you go. I think his need to protect you will get both of you killed. That's why I worry so much about him, he loves to passionately that his lovers end up in the crossfires of our family feuding! I apologize for anything that happens in advance. But my advise would be, don't get to attached to him. Our family will be leaving this place once Nathaniel breaks the curse. Or he'll move on to a new home if he fails, no matter what, you'll get hurt. Emotionally or physically!" More tears were running down her face. I put my hand on her forehead to try and cool her down, vampires have freezing hands because every time we kill someone, the coldness of their death remains on our bodies, making us cold creatures. Jade was burning up entirely, I asked if she was okay, she wiped away her tears, stopped crying and said, "I'm fine. Really. Don't worry about me." She sounded so shaken up and her temperature is unusually hot for a human. She looked at me and I noticed her breathing and heartbeat was off. Something was wrong. I called Daniel back in immediately, Elizabeth followed. I quickly asked what happened. They said they have no idea. I turned back to Jade and she started choking and gasping for air, she couldn't breathe! I ran her outside to see if fresh air would help. The gasping continued so I set her back in my room and she fell on the floor. Elizabeth, Daniel, and I were all laying next to her trying to figure out what was happening to her. Jade started coughing up blood and after about 5 minutes of that she passed out. Daniel grabbed Jade's body, ran her into his room and layed her on his bed. She had a pulse which was good, so she wasn't dead. I brought in a cold towel and a glass of water. Elizabeth was looking through spell books to figure out what happened. She couldn't find anything about what could have caused this. We decided to take her to the hospital to see if it was just a medical thing. When we got there and Jade got settled in to a hospital bed the nurses scanned her body. They said that she had blood clots in her chest cavity. The nurses said she would have to undergo surgery in order for her to live. I figured a little vampire blood would cure her but Daniel said that Charles fed her his blood when they arrived today. Why would she have blood clots if there is vampire blood in her system? That's impossible? Vampire blood cures everything, well, except a werewolf bite, but that's not the problem here! Why isn't Charles' blood working? Who the hell is this girl...