
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 9: The Subjugation of Planet Jam.

It took some very patient waiting on Turles's part before he was finally given an audience with the king. He was shackled, escorted, and held at spear point as he was brought to the king. Turles leisurely let them be comforted in their actions despite them being ultimately pointless. He could easily break these shackles and kill them all before they even blinked. But that wasn't how he wanted to conquer planets as a member of the Frieza Force. It would be more efficient to do it this way to help line up with his late goal plans.

"Speak Traveler from the Great Beyond!" The King's attendant or something shouted in a shrill-feminine voice.

"I give my greetings to the king. I come bearing a deal that I believe would benefit your kingdom and your people." Turles politely greeted. He would've bowed if he didn't have spears pointed at his neck.

"Traveler, speak to me about this deal." The king responded.

This was the man with a power level of 3,000. No one else on the planet came close to him in strength. Turles supposed it'd be pretty strange if the king wasn't the strongest or had the strongest in his army. It was time to see if this king could see reason.

"My boss has graciously seen fit to give your kingdom and its citizens the opportunity to undergo a great shift in lifestyle, culture, and technology! By accepting my boss's offer that only a special few in the universe receive the opportunity to have, you will see your kingdom transformed into something you couldn't believe. Spaceships that will allow you to travel throughout never-ending space, weapons far above whatever you could ever develop on this planet, and armor tougher than anything you've ever seen before. You will become a part of something far greater than you could ever dream." Turles spouted bullshit that wasn't really a lie.

"This sounds suspiciously too good of a deal, Traveler. What's the catch?" The king narrowed his eyes at Turles. "Do not take me for a fool."

"All you have to do is…" Turles purposely paused his words for dramatic effect. "Submit to Lord Frieza." He told them plain and simple.

"Submit to Lord Frieza…" He repeated.

A loud laughter barreled out of his mouth. Dressed in kingly robes, a shiny crown, and a muscular body that dwarfed any other bug-man Turles has seen so far. The sharp spears of the king's guards touched his neck. It seemed like they were waiting for the order to execute him for his words.

"Give up my position as king and become a lowly subject of this Frieza of yours?" He continued to laugh.

"Ah, that's not necessary. You can continue to be a king. All that Lord Frieza asks is that you and your kingdom submit to him." Turles corrected him.

"A faux king is no king at all!" The king shouted.

"Well, it's certainly better than the alternative. I can promise you that." Turles was being honest.

"Oh, and what is that alternative, Traveler?" He suddenly laughed in amusement.

"The complete annihilation and extermination of your entire planet." Turles didn't hold anything back.

Silence filled the throne room as the implication of his words settled in. Just as the king began to laugh even harder than before, one of the soldiers grew so pissed he tried to kill Turles right then and there. Turles aimed his palm at the bug-man as he was pulling back his spear and fired a hole through his chest. The others weren't able to react in time and didn't realize what happened as one of their own dropped to the floor dead.

Once the realization set in, they didn't react with fear or caution. Like brave warriors of the king, they all went to take Turles's life. Turles casually killed them all in response. He kneed the nearest knight in the abdomen before finishing them off with a double elbow strike to the skull that split open his cranium.

Turles could sense multiple bug men coming from behind him. The young Saiyan twirled into the air as he performed a sweeping kick to the three bug men's jaws. Their necks twisted in such a way that they wouldn't be getting up again. The remaining knights hesitantly looked at their slaughtered allies, then at the king, before charging at Turles.

"I would commend you for your bravery if I didn't suspect you just don't know that I'm scarier than your king." Turles suddenly appeared next to the duo, placing his palms on their stomachs.

Two beams exited through their backs, and they fell to the ground without any life left in them. Turles easily ripped off his long shackles and faced the king with a small grin on his face. His power wasn't that much weaker than the king's despite not matching it. He was looking forward to this fight. It's been fun image training on the ship when he was making his way here, but image training couldn't compete with real fighting. Not in the slightest!

"You believe you're scarier than me? I conquered foes bigger, stronger, and older than you, child! You think you can defeat me?!" The king rose from his throne.

"This is your second chance, king of the bug men. Submit to Lord Frieza." Turles purposely taunted him.

Knowing that this proud king wouldn't choose to surrender without a fight. A fight that he eagerly wanted. The king responded to his provocation by grabbing a large spiraling lance and shield from one of his retainers, then rushing toward Turles.

"Thank you," Turles muttered under his breath.

Turles was prepared for his attack. He watched the king's movements from the beginning to its potential end. Just as the king was about to impale him with that lance of his, Turles leaped over his weapon and drop kicked him in the face. The king smashed into his throne head-first as he looked at Turles in shock.

"Don't get scared now. I'm actually weaker than you in battle power." Turles mocked him.

"Who is afraid of a child!?" The king cautiously rushed back in, this time not putting everything into offense.

He gave multiple thrusts that would've done some dangerous damage to Turles if he didn't dodge them. Turles laughed as he fired multiple ki blasts at the king while he was dodging his attacks. Although, he did suffer some damage from doing that, receiving some cuts on his body. The king made some clicking noise that Turles guessed was a sound of anger before running toward him.

The king hid his upper torso behind his shield as he continuously stabbed forward.





Turles hopped backward as he fired a ki blast at the ceiling. In doing this, the king nearly managed to pierce him through the gut with his lance. Turles just barely managed to block his stomach, but his hands got shredded to shit from grabbing the lance's tip.

"You missed brat. What kind of aim was that?!" The king grinned.

"Did I, Your Majesty?" Turles smirked back as he leaped backward.

A large portion of the roof crashed down on top of the king. Turles didn't even bother checking to see if the king was still alive or not as he began charging his energy. He brought his bleeding palms toward each other but didn't make them touch as he gathered his energy. A small ring formed in between his palms, sparkling with electricity. As Turles poured more energy into the energy ring, it expanded in size, forcing his palms to split apart further.

The king threw the rubble off of himself as he looked for Turles. He looked at him with shock as he saw the giant energy-shaped ring formed in front of the tailed child. Realizing that he had little time to react, the king dropped his lance as he placed both hands on his shield and brought it in front of him. "Kill Driver!" It was headed the king's way; all he could do now was defend himself.

Turles laughed in amusement as he saw the king turtle up. With Turles's ki control training over the years, it was possible for him to concentrate a larger amount of ki in his attacks. Just like the earthlings could on Earth. Apparently, it was a very rare ability for most of the universe. It was why Turles kept his ability to do so hidden. He kept many things hidden from the Frieza Force as it would potentially ruin his future plans if Frieza or any others from the Frieza Force learned about ki control, ki sensing, and other stuff. In fact, messing with Vegeta might give him more of a reason to train, which might destroy the Z-Fighter's chance of defeating them when they head to Earth. Turles supposed he should avoid the trio of Saiyans going forth. He didn't particularly care about the Z-Fighters, but it would kind of suck if they died before he could meet them in person.

Turles's Kill Driver exploded with a magnificent explosion. The force of the attack caused a great gust of heated wind to blow. Turles covered his eyes as he looked at the rising smoke. He could sense the king's dwindling ki but didn't know if the bug king was about to kick the bucket or was severely injured.

Once the smoke cleared up, Turles could see the kneeling, bleeding figure of the king glaring at him. Turles walked over to him. He looked down on him purposely. For him to realize his position. So that he would understand that his life was in Turles's hands.

"This is your final chance, King. Submit to Lord Frieza or perish along with everything you've built so far." Turles charged a purple ki blast in front of his palm aimed at the king. "No one will remember you. Your race will die without anyone in the universe knowing you ever existed."

The king looked into his eyes. He lost the will to resist and fight as he understood his body's condition. There was no way he could win against this child. His men would be slaughtered by the Traveler without the slightest chance of resisting if he died. It gouged a deep hole in his pride, but this wasn't a difficult choice. Extermination or servitude.

"My kingdom submits to Lord Frieza…" He dropped his shield.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you." Turles grinned as he clicked his scouter. "Mission Complete. Planet…" Turles looked at the king. "What is the name of this place?"

"Kingdom Jam. I am King Jam." He answered.

"Planet Jam has been conquered and is ready for subjugation. The King has sworn servitude to Lord Frieza, but it isn't known if all those in his kingdom are willing to listen to him. King Jam has a power level of three thousand and is the strongest on the planet. As long as you call in soldiers around that power level, there is nothing to worry about." Turles called in.

"You didn't exterminate all of them on the planet, huh? Alright, Saiyan. Well done, Lord Frieza will hear of your mission's success. You may return and await your next mission." Mission Control responded.

"Just as words of advice for the future." Turles turned off his scouter. "I'm the most merciful soldier in the Frieza Force. Ensure your subjects don't get your race exterminated when the Frieza Force arrives." He turned it back on and made his way to his ship.

"T-Thank you for your advice…" The king bit his lips.

"Welcome to the Frieza Force." Turles laughed.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

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