
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 40: I'm Turles, and It's All Mine!

Turles stayed his hand as he took a moment to think. There were still four or three years before Cell emerged from his hibernation. As of now, there was no need to unearth him and domesticate him. He still had goodies on Earth to harvest. Cell could be one of the last stops he makes on this planet.

He released the energy growing in his hand and caused it to disperse before looking around for Cell's stolen time machine. Two time machines were better than one, after all. Harnessing the power to utilize time itself… Turles already had plans to visit the other timeline where he didn't exist apparently. 

Considering Trunks didn't recognize him means he died in the other timeline or he never existed. This may be a unique timeline brought about because of his existence, or he just changed things drastically by becoming a better version of Turles. It didn't matter much. The future or the past were simply new routes for him to acquire more power for his safety and future victory.

However, he didn't plan to use Bulma's time machine to do so. Bulma's time machine was flawed. It didn't bring someone to the future or past of their timeline but simply to another timeline at the time they're traveling to. Destabilizing the precious and sacred force in the universe was idiotic when he could utilize a more efficient method of traveling through time. The time rings.

The time machines would be studied and utilized to create further technology to help develop the Planet Trade Organization. Perhaps it would be a great help in developing the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to a more efficient state than the original one. As of now, Turles didn't know. He would have to sit down and properly study both the time machine and put together his knowledge of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from Kami and Popo. Turles teleported the second time machine to headquarters.

Turles arrived at the Forest of Terror next. Illusions of his past enemies started to appear in an effort to unnerve and frighten him. Kid Vegeta, kid Raditz, young Nappa, saibamen, Zarbon, Dodoria's elite soldiers, Cooler, King Cold, Frieza, and the Dragon Team all surrounded him. As excited as Turles was to fight against these physical illusions, he didn't bother. Why mess around with fake copies? It would be fun but ultimately pointless.

He knew the secret of the Forest of Terror. By controlling his ki and suppressing it along with his emotions, he would be able to gain access to the Paradise Herb. The plant gives the eater a thousand years of life after consuming it.

Turles carefully controlled his ki and emptied his mind. His body moved smoothly as the illusions charged him all at once. Despite being ganged up on by more than a dozen people, not a single hit of theirs managed to land on him, even with his eyes closed and ki suppressed. After all, these were nothing more than illusions. They had as much power as he gave them through his fear, which was none.

The Saiyan, with over 80% control of the universe, ensured on his path to power that he would eliminate all of his fears. When it was time to face them, he had no reason to fear them. Although there were some close calls when he was younger with the Saiyan trio, ultimately, things worked out for the best. Turles destroyed all the illusions with a wave of his hand.

He gathered the herbs that finally revealed themselves after passing the island's test. Teleporting back and forth from his personal quarters on headquarters and the island. Dropping the herbs off in his room, which he figured no soldier would dare enter. Just to be safe, he left a clone behind to watch over it. Actually… He left two clones behind. One to watch over the progress of the scientists and engineers. The other to watch over the herbs.

"Hey ya." Turles greeted the scientist in the middle of his work in some hideout.

"Son Goku!?" Android #20 exclaimed in astonishment.

"Good guess, but no, I'm just the man who killed him." Turles suddenly appeared in front of Dr. Gero before ripping his arms off with a violent downward tug.

He screamed in pain before Turles kicked his legs off with a single low kick that swiped through the old man's robotic legs. Turles mounted the android, who was only a torso and head, before forcing his hand through the enhanced glass surrounding his brain. He firmly grasped Dr. Gero's squishy brain as he began reading his memories.

The androids were an amazing technological marvel that was frankly impossible by any normal measure of genius. Some old man created superior versions of humans that could still procreate while also being stronger than the emperor of the universe and the legendary super saiyan form based on Kakarot's data before he left for Namek. He had to have access to that knowledge no matter what. This technological genius would be imperative for maintaining his control over the universe.

"Die!" Dr. Gero shot an eye beam at him while he was sorting through his brain.

The attack did nothing but singe Turles's forehead despite the old man trying to laser through his brain. Turles ignored him as he consolidated the information, squeezing itself into his brain from Dr. Gero's memories. How to create creatures like Cell, develop and build androids, and how to create a supercomputer. There was only one thing that Turles really wanted for himself, though. While he was interested in the infinite energy produced by the androids, he wasn't willing to experiment on himself to do so. He could gain infinite energy through another method.

On the other hand, he was very much interested in these special pads that could absorb ki energy. After gaining what he needed from Gero, he crushed the man's brain with his foot and picked up his detached arms with a fiendish smile on his face. A little more security wouldn't be too bad. Turles began to develop himself a method of absorbing ki directly by slightly modifying his body through Dr. Gero's knowledge.

It took several months of experimenting on his own body with the aid of clones before Turles had his own pair of energy absorption pads embedded in his hands. Piccolo couldn't find heads or tails of him despite searching the entire planet multiple times over. Turles's control over his ki was superior to the Namekian, regardless if he fused with Kami or not. He simply suppressed his ki to the average human level.

Since Turles wasn't going around causing chaos and destruction across the planet, the Namekian was even further clueless about his actions and whereabouts. Turles looked at the pods for Android 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. At the end of his modification, the only one who survived was Android 16. The rest were pilfered, stripped for parts, and/or killed. He hefted the green giant's pod over his shoulder as he flew up from Dr. Gero's hideout. Turles unleashed his Sudden Storm on the hideout, destroying all of the androids, including Gero's secret basement. Multiple purple ki blasts honed in on the mountainside, destroying every inch and proof of Dr. Gero's life's work.

"TURLES!" Piccolo's screaming deep voice greeted him after proof of his destruction.

"Too slow." Turles waved at the Namekian before vanishing right in front of him while the Namekian's arms were stretching toward him.

Well, not every part of his legacy… Turles teleported and arrived in front of a short, pudgy five or six-year-old little boy. Before he could understand what was happening, Turles killed his parents and teleported him away to headquarters for his clones to indoctrinate Hedo properly, Dr. Gero's genius grandson, into working for the Planet Trade Organization. His sense of heroism would be used to further Turles's control over the universe. Along with the big lug, he dropped off with the short stuff.

Turles teleported back to the hibernating Cell. Using telekinesis, he dragged him out from the Earth and teleported to headquarters. As far as he could think, he's gained everything he could from Earth. With Piccolo absorbing Kami, the dragon balls are useless. So, his next stop will be New Namek to enslave the Namekians into working for the Planet Trade Organization. Unlike Frieza's foolish method of invading their planet, Turles would make sure they were properly subjugated. The magical prowess of the Namekians was too valuable to waste by simply exterminating them. Although they were stubborn, Turles had his own ways of solving that. Diplomacy was a good skill for a ruler to have.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24, Xedron, Zaki

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