
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 36: A Multiverse-Altering Event is Unfolding.

Turles hovered above Earth in his new spaceship. A nearly uncontrollable feeling of excitement surged through his body as he looked at that beautiful blue planet. 'Ah, this was going to be so fun.' Turles was going to meet the main cast for the first time. He's already met some of them, but these were the main guys! Although Cooler, Frieza, King Cold, Kid Vegeta, Kid Raditz, and Nappa were cool to meet. These were the guys that he probably grew up with. At least, that was how he felt. He didn't know for sure. His memory regarding his past life was mostly empty except for dragon ball knowledge.

"Lord Turles, we have arrived at Earth. We will begin landing procedures soon." An engineer informed him.

"Understood." Turles didn't contain his ki with ki control like he usually did.

He let his ki flow freely, just like Frieza did. Well, he lowered his ki to around Frieza's level and not his actual strength. No need to show more than he needed to. The earthlings would be able to sense his energy and gather accordingly. Turles outwardly kept a calm facade while anxiously tapping on the side of Frieza's hover pod. He had it refitted to fit a person of his size. A grown man and Frieza had a difference in height and body size. It was a fun way to get around.

"L-L-Lord Turles, are we heading to Earth for the late Lord Frieza's sake?" A particularly brave soldier asked.

"Earth is valuable. There's profit to be made here." Turles answered him without answering him.

"I-I see…" He shut up.


Gohan shot up from his desk as he felt an incredible amount of ki heading toward Earth! Sweat dripped down his face as he felt a stronger power than his father on Namek! That means it could only be one person, but there's no way! His dad killed Frieza! And this power doesn't feel anything like Frieza's! But it feels just as evil as Frieza's. There's no doubt about that. The phone rang, and his mom wasn't nearby, so he went to pick it up. 

"Hello?" Gohan picked it up.

"Gohan! Do you feel that crazy ki?!" Krillin's anxious voice came over the phone.

"Y-Yeah…!" Gohan didn't feel confident in fighting another strong bad guy. "It feels just as evil as Frieza's or even worse!" He added.

"There's no doubt about that." Krillin sighed. "It's getting closer and faster, too." He added.

"It doesn't feel like Frieza, though. Who do you think it is?" Gohan asked Krillin.

"I don't know, Gohan. I just wish Goku was here already," Krillin muttered in frustration.

"This isn't Frieza…" King Kai shook in terror. "This is someone just as bad as Frieza. Turles of the infamous Crusher Force! A man who caused suffering across the universe with no regard for the freedom of billions and trillions of species. He is nothing more than a cruel, heartless profiter of the suffering of living creatures!" King Kai exclaimed. "Goku, where are you?" He looked out into space.

"W-Who the hell is this?!" Piccolo turned to look at the sky in shock at the power he felt entering Earth's atmosphere.

N-No… This is impossible… It can't be…" Vegeta gritted his teeth and clenched his fist hard enough to draw blood.

"W-Who is that Vegeta?" Yamcha was worried, looking at Vegeta's reaction.

"Huh, what's going on, guys?" Bulma asked, confused at the situation.

"What is this ridiculous ki presence?!" Sweat dripped from Tien's head.

"Oh no…" Chiaotzu shivered, but not from the snowy mountains they were traveling through.


"Sir! There's something on our radar flying toward Earth as well!" A soldier shouted.

"Take no mind of that. Heroes are always late." Turles waved the concerned soldier off.

"H-Hero?" The Planet Trade Organization workers stammered in confusion.

"The Galactic Patrol, maybe?" Another soldier guessed.


"This is awful!" Gohan quickly put on his Frieza Force armor he got on Namek as he rushed out of the house, and flew away.

"G-Gohan!? Where are you going!? Is everything okay?!" Chi-Chi shouted, startled at this sudden behavior.

"Gohan?!" Ox-King called out to him as well, worried.

"W-Why is this happening to us?" Gohan gritted his teeth. "DAD, WHERE ARE YOU?! WE'RE IN TROUBLE!" Gohan shouted, letting out his inner frustration and fear.

"Yo, Gohan." Krillin sensed Gohan's ki and met up with him.

"What do you think this means, Krillin?" Gohan anxiously asked.

"I think it means we're in big trouble, kiddo." Krillin nervously laughed as they flew together.

"That bastard will probably land here…" Vegeta couldn't help but be frustrated at this situation.

Considering that irritating low-class bastard didn't show up on Namek, Vegeta assumed he met his end somewhere out in space. The Ginyu Force was terrifying enough, but Turles was a Saiyan. A Saiyan that reached Ginyu's power nearly a decade ago! How has he reached such power now?! What is his secret!? He refused to believe it was simply training alone.

"Hey, guys!" Bulma greeted Vegeta and Yamcha, flying in on an aircraft.

"It's Bulma! What is this idiot doing here?!" Yamcha yelled in concern.

"Yamcha!!!" Puar happily waved at him.

"What are you guys doing here!?" Yamcha shouted, even more worried now that Puar was here too.

"We came to get a good look at this guy. Did you know I didn't even get to see that Freezer guy on Namek even once!? I was on the planet while it was exploding! I deserve to see this guy that has even Vegeta worried looks like." Bulma explained herself.

"Hmph. You've already seen him before." Vegeta scoffed at the idiotic reasoning.

"You're here to take a look!? Do you know how dangerous this guy is?!" Yamcha raised his voice at her.

"Of course I do. This guy has to be just as dangerous as Freeza. That means he could blow up the planet if he wanted to, right? So, it wouldn't matter where I am if it came to that anyway, right?" Bulma reasoned. "I want to see what kind of guy he is with my own eyes if I'm going to die anyway." She explained.

"Tien! Chiaotzu!" Yamcha sensed their ki as they came landing down.

"Vegeta… I didn't know you were still on Earth." Tien greeted Vegeta with a fierce look.

"Sounds like you got something you want to say to me," Vegeta smirked.

"You're damn right. I got something I want to say. To the man who killed all of us." He glared at him with all three of his eyes. "I can't fathom how Yamcha can even live with you." He balled his fist tightly.

"C-Come on, guys! Now isn't the time for this!" Yamcha tried to play peacemaker.

"This is quite the mess. So, do we know who this guy is?" Tien temporarily buried his beef with Vegeta.

"Vegeta knows, but he hasn't exactly told the rest of us yet." Yamcha shared.

"I'll explain when the rest of the idiots arrive." Vegeta could sense them on their way. "And for god sake, mask your battle power! They have scouters!" He shouted at them. "At least the Namekian knows." Vegeta felt somewhat comforted that someone had some sense as he felt Piccolo's reduced ki.

"Namekian?" Yamcha was confused.

"It's Piccolo!" Chiaotzu shouted while pointing at Piccolo standing on a tall rock.

"When did he get here?!" Yamcha wondered.

"Hey, you guys!" Krillin greeted the group as he flew down with Gohan.

"Yoohoo!" Bulma greeted while waving.

"So that means Goku still hasn't come back…" Yamcha realized, seeing Gohan coming alone.

"HERE THEY COME!" Piccolo shouted.

The spaceship was in view right above them, coming down for a landing. It flew over to an opening clearing in the rocky area and began slowly floating down.

"T-They landed over there!" 

"Vegeta! Mind telling us who this is now!?" Yamcha anxiously shouted.

"Listen up, you fools! Mask your ki, and do not fly! We'll approach on foot so their scouters won't be able to detect us. And for god's sake, before anyone asks, that is not Kakarot!" Vegeta ordered them.

"What?" Was the question on everyone's mind from Vegeta's words.

"This situation is hopeless, regardless of who it is," Piccolo spoke up.

"The Namekian knows what he's talking about. This entire planet is done for." As much as Vegeta hated to admit it. He stood no chance against Turles, who's reached Frieza's level of strength.

"What are you two talking about?!" Yamcha didn't understand.

"This guy is called Turles. A low-class Saiyan that looks exactly like Kakarot. However, unlike Kakarot, he's a Saiyan, true and true. He wouldn't hesitate to take over this planet and enslave everyone on it." Vegeta started his explanation. "I'd say we're lucky the rest of his crew isn't here, but if he's this strong alone. It wouldn't matter if he was alone or if the rest of his crew was here."

"Crew?" Yamcha was glad there wasn't more to deal with.

"Looks like Goku?!" Krillin shouted.

"Enslave us?!" Bulma exclaimed.

"At least that's better than killing us all, unlike a certain someone…" Tien threw a jab at Vegeta.

"You fools remember the Ginyu Force? His squad, The Crusher Force, was considered their equal. I don't need to remind you how they dealt with us on Namek, do I?" Vegeta sneered. Gohan nervously rubbed his neck while Krillin shivered at the memories.


"Ah, this planet looks great, right?" Turles took a deep breath of air.

"Yes!" The soldiers were too frightened to say anything else.

"It doesn't seem like much to me, Lord Turles," Berryblue commented her thoughts.

"Ah, that's because we're in the wrong area." Turles didn't mind her words.

"You told us to land here." She reminded him.

"That's right," Turles responded back, much to the soldiers' confused reaction.

"We have three hours until that spaceship arrives, Lord Turles." An engineer reminded him. 

"Thank you for the reminder. For the time being, let's wait for the spaceship. I have a strange feeling about it." Turles ordered the men.

It didn't take long until a familiar but unfamiliar purple-haired Earthling showed up in front of Turles and his men. Inwardly grinning, Turles showed no emotion as he greeted the teen. "Can I help you, Earthling?"

"I thought there were supposed to be two of you, but why is…? This isn't right…" The young man muttered to himself in confusion.

"It appears you have gotten lost. I'd advise you to find help elsewhere, kid." Turles advised.

"Just to be sure, you aren't Frieza, right?" He wanted to make sure.

"I'm afraid not. You can refer to me as Lord Turles. I have officially taken over Lord Frieza's position within the Planet Trade Organization. Considering you know the name of the previous leader of the Frieza Force, am I to assume you are one of the Earthlings from Namek?" Turles acted clueless.

"This is all wrong. What is going on?! The timeline isn't right... This isn't what Mom said was going to happen!" The young man seemed to be losing it.

"It appears he's lost his sanity for some reason. Well, not much an insane person with a battle power of five can do." Turles started to get out of his hover pod. "I'll put him out of his misery." A sadistic grin appeared on Turles's face.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

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