
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 33: The Loyal Soldier.

Goku slowly opened his eyes, finding himself surrounded by a large number of strange-looking people. Their curious gazes made him feel a little awkward, but he couldn't help but notice that he felt better than ever. Shouldn't he still be injured from his battle with Frieza? And where even was he right now?

"Hey?" Goku spoke up, stretching his body and feeling the newfound energy coursing through him. "The name's Goku. I'm a Saiyan from Earth. Did you guys heal me? I feel great." As he stood up, he could hear his bones cracking, confirming that his body was indeed in top shape.

One of the pink aliens with a big head stepped forward, "Welcome to Planet Yardrat, Stranger..." "The child over there healed your injuries," the pink alien continued, pointing to a tailed, dark-skinned young girl who was beaming with excitement.

"Hey, why do you look like my daddy? You said you're a saiyan, I'm a saiyan! You feel pretty strong, but you're not as strong as my daddy. Are you like my daddy's identical twin? People say me and Basil are identical twins, but I don't see it. We look nothing alike! Where's your tail? Aren't you a saiyan? Were you lying about being a saiyan? Do saiyans on Earth not have tails? My daddy said that our tails are the source of a Saiyan's true power. Saiyans on earth must be pretty dumb." The little girl's excitement even overwhelmed someone like Goku! Goku did take notice of her familiar armor.

"Bon. Give it a rest," the red-skinned boy with a tail, also clad in the Frieza Force's armor, interjected.

"Lameee! I already healed him. He should be in perfect health by now." Bon stuck her tongue out as she flew off with her brother and two other green aliens around their size. Those two green aliens were wearing Frieza Force armor as well.

"We apologize for the intense awakening, I know you must feel quite overwhelmed right now. Follow me, I can answer any of your questions and help you settle now that you're awake."

"Thanks. You guys aren't being troubled by those people in that armor, are you?" Goku asked.

"Trouble? The only trouble they've done is brighten up the atmosphere a little bit more than we're used to." The alien laughed. "They're a rowdy bunch but the good kind. Oh, where are my manners? My name is Bynara."

"I'm glad to hear they aren't causing any trouble." Goku let out a breath of relief.

Raditz told him that infant saiyans were sent to planets to conquer them. Goku was relieved that that wasn't happening here. But he still didn't know what Frieza's men were doing on this planet, even if they weren't harming innocent people for some reason. Frankly, Goku was surprised to know that Frieza had even more Saiyans in his army. He seemed like he really hated them. Was it possible that they hit their heads and lost their memories, too? But that girl said she had a dad.

Bynara helped Goku get some food in his stomach, answered any questions on his mind, and gave him a private room to rest and such. As Bynara was leaving after introducing Goku to his room, A whole bunch of people suddenly and silently teleported into his room!

"See, I told you! He looks just like Daddy!" Bon happily exclaimed before being chopped on the top of her head.

"Please excuse us. My daughter lost her manners in her excitement." A kind of big red-skinned woman with a Frieza Force scouter escorted the group of people out of his room while they looked at him like a monkey in the zoo!

Sometime later, Goku eventually introduced himself to the Crusher Force, as they called themselves. Their leader was gone at the moment, but everyone was saying the guy looked just like him. Goku was interested in meeting the guy. From what his children were saying, he sounded pretty strong. The name Turles also rang a bell for some reason, but Goku didn't know why.

Once Goku was finally freed from Turles's children, he was formally introduced to Elder Pybara. He explained it was usually his job to welcome travelers, but Goku's entrance was a rather interesting spectacle, along with his uncanny likeness to the leader of the Crusher Force and that he, too, was a Saiyan. It was quite an interesting coincidence. Goku still hasn't managed to settle down yet. Even Gohan wasn't half as energetic as any of those kids. Maybe, except for the oldest, he was somewhat similar to his son.

Goku shared his tale with Elder Pybara when he asked how he ended up here. Dealing with the Ginyu Force, fighting Frieza, saving his friends, and barely managing to escape the exploding Planet Namek. Pybara nodded and listened intently to his interesting tale. "I'm glad a kind-hearted warrior like you made it out alive. Unfortunately, I believe those men you encountered on Planet Namek are well acquainted with the Crusher Force you see here."

Elder Pybara wasn't blind to the evil in the hearts of the Crusher Force. He knew about the darkness within them from the beginning, especially that of Turles. Turles the Saiyan is a man with a pure heart of evil but with enough sense to know when to use that evil and when to withhold it. It was why he befriended him and those on his planet. He was also using it as a teaching experience for his children so that they would know when to express their evil tendencies and when to suppress them.

"I was getting that feeling too, but they don't feel like bad people." Goku met the Ginyu Force and Frieza. None of the Crusher Force seemed like any of them.

"That's because I have value to them. My people's technique is valuable. Capable of making those strong enough to withstand it, far stronger than before. Most of the Crusher Force was capable of doing so, excluding the littlest of ones." Elder Pybara explained.

"But why did you help them if you knew they were evil?" Goku asked, unable to understand it.

"Because I cared for the safety of my people. We may have a powerful technique, but that does not mean that we are powerful. Any one of Turles's crew could crush us. Our planet would most likely be destroyed if I ordered my people to refuse the Crusher Force." Elder Pybara spoke with a somber tone.

"I could help you." Goku offered. He was getting excited already, knowing they were strong from sensing them earlier.

"I appreciate the offer, but there's no need. Right now, I'm in quite good standing with them. I doubt they'll do anything to harm me or my people. However, I can't say the same for the rest of the universe. I'm willing to offer you training in hopes of preventing them from causing untold damage out in space. I can sense the good in your heart, Goku. Despite looking identical to Turles, you are nothing like him or his people." Elder Pybara offered back.

"Well, I wouldn't say no to free training." Goku smiled as he looked up at Elder Pybara. "You can count on me. I'm always looking for a good fight." His Saiyan blood was boiling at the chance of fighting strong opponents. For some reason, even those kids were looking like a good challenge.


"There you are, Lord Frieza." Turles popped up next to Frieza's floating corpse.

A barrier of ki protected him from the side effects of being in deep space. If the original Broly could do it as a baby, why can't he? Sure, the movie may be retconned because of the fourth one, but who knows how this universe is going to develop? He's already met, Cooler. Who else could be here?

"Monkey… Monkey…" Frieza muttered in his delirious state. "Yes, yes, your favorite loyal monkey is here to save the day. Now, where is Father Cold at?" Turles placed his index and middle finger on his forehead while holding Lord Frieza's half-mutilated body.

Using the opportunity, he began reading Frieza's mind to ensure everything went according to the normal timeline. He heard of the dragon balls from Vegeta and Nappa. Set off for Namek. Ran into incident after incident on Namek. And got defeated by Goku. Nothing capable of ruining Turles's plans happened, so everything was going right so far.

Turles and Frieza silently popped up in King Cold's ship. It was only thanks to the astonished shouting of the soldiers that King Cold realized they were there. "Captain Turles of the Crusher Force, reporting for duty. I must excuse myself to bring Lord Frieza to the healing tank, his condition is severe, King Cold. Do I have your permission?" Turles shouted with a perfectly straight spine and Lord Frieza in his arms.

"My dear son! Of course! Go immediately!" King Cold crushed the wine glass in shock because of the condition his son was in.

"Yes, sir!" Turles rushed out of the room with Frieza's upper half in the bridal carry position.

When Turles aided Lord Frieza in the healing tank and stepped outside of the room, he was met with King Cold's glare. Looking up at the man, he was a terrifying giant. A giant that seemed like he wanted to release some stress over his son onto Turles for some reason. After fighting Cooler a year ago, Turles's blood was raring to go. If he was to fight against Cooler again, this time, he wouldn't run away at the sight of him transforming. His training on Planet Yardrat has boosted his already great power to a new level.

"Come with me, Saiyan." King Cold ordered.

As the faithful and loyal soldier he's always been, Turles followed directly behind him. He then received a completely unwarranted tongue-lashing from King Cold himself. King Cold blamed Turles and his squad for allowing this to happen to his son, and as punishment and a reward, he'll serve as his training opponent until his son has fully recovered. Apparently, King Cold heard from Lord Frieza about how he loved training with those stronger than him. Turles wasn't sure he wanted that listed as a note inside his job portfolio, but then again, it would only be helpful to him.

Sadly, King Cold wasn't strong enough for Turles to consider him a worthy training mentor. An opponent, yeah, but he had nothing to learn from the man himself.

"You may be thinking this is a death sentence, and you'd be right normally. However, you did save my son's life. I wouldn't execute you after doing something like that. If you manage to survive this and come out stronger, I expect you to fully dedicate yourself to protecting my son from ever coming to harm again. Do I make myself clear?" King Cold stared down at him inside a large training room.

"Yes, sir." Turles realized he had no reason to hold back against King Cold.

"Let's begin." King Cold offered him the first move.

Turles casually walked up to King Cold. He looked up at him and stared him in the eyes as he slowly cocked back his fist. A powerful thud came from Turles's fist, sinking into King Cold's abdomen. The frost demon spat up blood as he dropped to his knees in complete astonishment. He could feel himself losing consciousness. This monkey was capable of besting him in a single move…? H-How is such a thing possible…? He's just a… filthy… saiyan…

King Cold dropped to the floor face-first, unconscious.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

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