
I´m the strongest Cheat Lord in the whole world!

Kurono Ichiru is a student who died tragically in a traffic accident. A god appeared before him and fulfilled his wish to be reincarnated into his favorite game, the only problem is... "Huhh! That idiot god reincarnated me into a magic stone!" To make his life more sufferable, the tutorial villain finds him, and now the two of them must work together to stop their enemies from destroying the kingdom. A story of misunderstanding with the protagonist and the villain has just begun!

Siegburn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

Chapter 13 ─ The Power of Cheat Lord

At the royal palace, the prime minister was in his office pounding on his desk.

"Damn that son of a bitch!"

"With all that bullshit he's talking, he's hurting me more than I thought he would."

"Worst of all, my own allies feel afraid about the evidence that came in, even those who are not responsible for some crime are afraid that it will incriminate them in some way."

Sweat was pouring down his face, he bit a fingernail because of how irritated he was.

As he was looking for a way out of this problem, footsteps approached his office.

"Daddy, help me!"

"What's wrong my son? What happened to your face!"

Darrell arrived at his father's office with his face completely bruised, his eye was black, his nose was broken and swollen like his cheeks and his front teeth were in his pocket.

"Daddy, that bastard Redblade did this to me! The worst thing is that he killed Neil!"

"Neil? ... You're talking about Count Darlant's son!"

"That's right!"

The sweat was coming down so much, it felt like a bucket of water had fallen on him.

"Count Darlant is one of the most troublesome allies I have under my command. And that his heir is dead... that's it!"

"That's what?"

His father reached over and grabbed his son by the shoulders.

"We'll have him executed at once for killing an innocent man!"

"As expected from my daddy, the prime minister!"

"Hahahaha, my son, that idiot Redblade will regret messing with us."

The prime minister ran to request the king to send a squad of magic knights after Rei.


"What do you mean they can't send the magic knights?"

The prime minister went to the king's chamber to request an order to send the first squadron of magic knights after Rei.

But an official coming out of the room stopped him and said the following.

"I'm sorry. His Majesty is currently engaged in a meeting with a foreign diplomat from an important country."

"Why would the king be speaking to a diplomat?"

"I'm sorry, but you can't interrupt them, they've been in there for hours and may take longer."

"Don't fuck with me, this is urgent, we must stop that snotty little shit right now before he brings chaos to the capital!"

"Prime Minister Harrisburg, didn't you hear the official say His Majesty was busy?"

Anger flashed across the prime minister's face, turning to see who was telling him not to screw around made him angrier.

"This is none of your business Harvey!!!?"

A large man with blond hair which his sideburns and beard came together showing a gorilla-like appearance, with dark brown eyes, stood behind the prime minister.

The cigarette in his mouth was different from the one he had hours ago, he was a latent smoker.

"The diplomat in there is a man of the republic. His Majesty is talking to that man about important matters, you shouldn't bother him with trifles."

"Trifles you say?!"

"Do you even know what that scoundrel has been saying about me? Besides that, today he beat my son for no reason, beheaded palace servants and killed a minister's son!"

"How can you say that it is a trifle this trouble!!!?"

The man─ Dominic was still in the same manner as he arrived.

"If the king hasn't decided to send Hogan after him, it means he's not a threat, you should be more interested in all the sinister information going around about you and your allies."

The prime minister got angry and walked away, while Dominic...

"Step aside."


The official who was actually a normal knight opened the door for Dominic who entered the room.

There inside was the king and his wife, a beautiful woman with blonde hair and purple eyes like her daughter, her name was Olga von Brune.

Both were having tea and cookies at their table.

The king was asking Dominic as he ate cookies.

"Is it really okay to be here doing nothing?"

Without even moving and putting out his cigarette, he answered...

"Your Majesty, according to what my daughter said, something big will happen today between the prime minister and the Redblade boy."

"It's certainly possible that a war will break out, that's why we shouldn't involve the palace."

"I understand, but what I'm really asking is, is it okay to trust that boy to go to war?"

"According to the letter Sig wrote me, that boy is a freak, but he is strong without a doubt. And what he did today, shows he's not afraid to go into battle."

The king's hands dropped to his lap to show his real concern.

"What if this is actually a sign of a rebel far worse than the Calvinists?"

Dominic closing his eyes replied after a brief pause.

"Probably. If it comes to pass what the crown prince said, we would be looking at a far worse threat than we could have imagined."

"But at the same time..."

His eyes opened to show a flame of a strong will which grew with every word he said.

"If he turns out to be the key we need to change this country, it's okay to have the devil himself on our side."

"So, we'll just wait and see what he'll do. Worst case scenario, I would recommend that the nine cavalries of magical knights be mobilized to deal with him."

"No doubt Commander Hogan would be the first to go to the battlefield if an enemy this strong is in the country."

The king rested his head on his seat and then sighed a little.

"I really didn't mean this by Sig managing to get strong allies in the academy."

"To top it all off that thing he said about Elicia left me very worried."

"No doubt..."

At that moment, the king didn't realize what he said, his hand covering his face was slowly removed to look at his wife, who had a sinister expression with a smile on it.

"Eli is a child still, she doesn't need a fiancé, besides, that boy said things like making her his woman, ufufu. I must admit he has guts to declare my little girl as his woman without even asking permission from her parents."

The shadow on her face showed that she didn't like Rei at all, while the expression of the men in the room was one of pity for him.


The prime minister arrived at his office, there was his son waiting for him as he fiddled with an unimportant document that tried to help an area damaged by the rains.

"Those idiots!"

"What happened daddy?"

"Those idiots, King and Harvey are busy fooling around!"

"I can't mobilize the magic knights until further notice."

"That's bad, by the way, you got this letter a little while ago."

"To me? From whom?"

"No idea, it has no return sender."

He took the letter and after grabbing a letter knife, opened it and pulled out a single folded sheet of paper.

He set about reading the contents of the letter and then released it.

The sweat on his forehead was getting heavier and heavier.


"Let's go home immediately!"

He grabbed his son's hand and they quickly left there.

The letter fell to the ground and if someone had picked it up, they would have seen a message written with human blood.

"I will come for you tonight. You can hide in the palace or wherever you want, but I will kill you today."

The time limit for the prime minister's life to end began to be counted down.

It was beginning to get dark, Rei was sitting on a piece of furniture in a room waiting.

Hours ago he sent a very explicit letter to the prime minister.

With his son's incident, we can finally start moving to get rid of the corrupt and Calvinists in the Kingdom.

The prime minister is the main threat of that.

In the room were also the other acquaintances.

Oliver and Isaac in a corner, Sigurd and Alfred at a table and Elicia with her maids at the same table.

We were all waiting for someone.

*knock knock*

Someone was knocking at the door.

Elicia's maid went to open the door and there was Rose.

"I'm tired~."

"Welcome Rose, how did it go?"

"Perfect. Here's all the information."

Rose placed a suitcase on the table, which contained some information that would serve to ruin the prime minister.

She accomplished this thanks to the "stealth" skill that Rei allowed her to use.

Hearing what Rose had to tell him, Rei stood up and walked to the door, but was stopped by Sigurd.

"Is it really necessary to go that far? I mean, we have the evidence here, is it necessary to go on with the rest?"

Rei didn't turn to answer him but still did so without looking back.

"It's always necessary to show the bitches who the owner is. Besides, there is no certainty that he has allies abroad who can interfere with his judgment. That's why the best option is to kill him today."

"The information in there is just so you guys don't bother with me being someone dangerous."

"Rose, I'll be gone for a few hours, have my food ready for when I get back."

"Just for today I'll give you a feast."

Rei smiled and proceeded to leave the place not before saying.

"The feast is about to begin."


"Really... I don't know what to say about this."

Sigurd was too thoughtful about what he was going to do, on one hand, he knew what was going to happen was very horrible, worse on the other hand he couldn't say anything since Rei was doing it for the palace.

The others in the room had their opinions guarded, but Rose broke that silence with a comment as she brewed tea.

"Master is a strange person, but he's not evil. It's just that he's not honest, if you knew him as I do, you would laugh at what he does as it's really not a barbaric act at all."

Despite wanting to lighten the mood, Rose only made it clear that she was wrong in the head as well.


The night had arrived in its entirety.

Artificial lights lit up the streets of the city, but in one of the capital's private villas, a mansion that was the same size as a small street turned on all the lights.

"Get ready everyone!"

"Don't leave a single gap or vulnerable place!"

"Soon he will come!"

The prime minister had ordered all the knights who served his house, the great knights he had aided and backed for years as well as the court mages who with his influence he managed to give them great positions.

"Soon he will come, hurry everyone!"

He had lost his mind and now only madness was the only thing inside him.

"I will not allow him to kill me... I am the prime minister... I am the man with the most influence in this country after the king... I cannot die... I will not die... my enemies are the ones who will die..."

From his office, he clutched his head with both hands.

His mansion had been turned into a fortress, no one would be able to enter.

... Or so they thought.

"There's someone at the door!"

A Royal Guard was warning that a guest was at the gate railing.

"He jumped the gate! He's an intruder!"

The prime minister sweating said.

"Kill him quickly!"

"Where is it... where is it..."

In his drawer he was looking for something, it was something very important... but then.


A loud popping sound was heard.

"Where is it! Where is it!"


A loud sound of someone being burned was heard throughout the mansion.

"Here it is!"

At the bottom of the drawer, a small black box was there.

He opened it and inside were many small red pills.

As the sounds of explosions and tremors caused by something, echoed from something.

The prime minister grabbed his sword and came out of his safe place to show his absolute confidence.


-A few moments earlier-

"So this is that fatso's mansion, huh?"

Rei came walking from the academy to the prime minister's mansion.

He thought he was going to run away, but it seems he decided to stay.

He watched the place as if he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

He spoke to Kurono in a nostalgic tone.

"I've waited ten years for this, Kurono."

"Ten years to see that thing you told me was one night."

"A world where a Cheat Lord like me, proves his superiority."

"I think you misunderstood what I said back then, but it doesn't matter."

"Rei, turn this place into a prison so no one runs away."

"I was going to do that anyway, you didn't have to tell me."

He placed his hands on the ground and a light shone throughout the mansion area.

"Type A Force Shield."

At each end of the mansion a pillar of light shot up from the ground into the sky, forming a dome which locked everyone inside, no one could get in and out.

Rei stretched his limbs before jumping over the gate.

After doing so, she heard a bell alarm indicating that an intruder made it inside.

In different upper areas, archers and court mages were positioned to attack and he could hear what they were saying thanks to the "Super Hearing" skill.

"He's just an intruder? He must be insane."

"Who cares, this idiot defied the prime minister and deserves to die."

"Hahahaha, you big idiot, he will die without me being able to take a step."

Flashing his smile that was shaped like a crescent moon, Rei took a step, then from the sky a rain of arrow bewitched with fire, darkness and wind magic were heading towards him.

Normally an ordinary person would die from the first attack, but Rei was no ordinary person.

He was a Cheat Lord, someone who was blessed with cheats to overtake humans.

The moment the arrows were about to touch him, they stopped after a snap.

Since Rei said.



The magic power was erased at the same time as the arrows stopped in midair.

After walking calmly, he went from the range, snapped his fingers again and the arrows reached their destination, impacting with the earth.

The archers and court mages were confused.

But the infantry didn't care about that.

"Take his head!"

"The prime minister will be pleased with us!"

"Die scum of the countryside!"

The horsemen were approaching with long spears, they were determined to kill Rei, but he was calm.

"You don't seem to understand. You cannot win, from the moment I rode in here. Victory belongs to me."

"You' re locked up like a mouse with me, and I'm the cat! Even if you beg you won't be saved!"


After letting out that wicked laugh, Rei lifted his leg and then he stomped very hard on the ground.

A magic circle of dark magic formed and shadows in the shape of stakes came out of it, piercing without any chance of escape the riders.

The horses were also pierced.

There was hardly a single place on their bodies that was not pierced.

Hands, feet, thighs, hips, waist, torso, arms, face, eyes, mouth, nose, neck, the black stakes did not immediately kill the soldiers. They were still alive.

The real torture was to be alive while suffering.

Rei ignored the crying of the horsemen and proceeded to continue walking.

The archers were frightened, but the prime minister was scarier, so they proceeded to attack.

They launched arrows imbued with magical power.

The court mages sent fireballs, storms, large rocks and water scythes.

All attacks were destroyed by the ability "Moving Dispel". Which consisted of turning Rei into a strong rejection of magical power.

He was not affected as the spell only worked when Rei was in the center of something.

Once the attacks were over, Rei said.

"You're a nuisance, get lost."

He pointed his hand in the direction of the towers and a black ball formed in his hand, he threw it as if it was a baseball.

The black ball upon impacting the tower crushed the place to a great magnitude. The moment it touched anything, it began to melt.

"Gyahhh I'm melting!"

"My hand is melting!"

"My face, my nose is falling off!"

The cries of horror from the archers were of no interest to Rei who kept throwing black balls.

As he finished destroying the towers. He watched the mages and the court entering the mansion and another trying to escape.

As their bodies touched the outside of the mansion, they were hit hard by an invisible force that prevented them from continuing.

"What the hell is this?"

"I can't get out."

"I want to go home!"

Rei watched the men desperately wanting to leave, he had no interest in it, so he activated teleportation.

And from a faraway place, he brought some gray wolves which were hungry, the wolves were concentrating for the food in front, they ignored Rei who was behind.

Quietly Rei walked while behind him, screams of pain from the men being torn apart alive could be heard.

Reaching the door, he used activity. "Trace On", with which he was able to detect a large number of enemies waiting for him behind the door.

Since he had no interest in them...

"Supreme Fireball."

A small fireball manifested in his hand, which opened a hole in the door and as it entered the interior, it gradually darkened until it was completely black and then exploded in a shockwave of fire that ended up burning the entire lobby.

Screams of agony and pain could be heard everywhere and Rei entered after using a force shield.

The flames touched him, but did not hurt him.

He continued walking until he reached a staircase to the second floor.

Where upon ascending, he found a group of great knights waiting for him.

The great knights unlike normal knights, were elite knights chosen by the palace or nobles to serve as captains or lieutenants.

They were all trained men who fought in many battles, but they never met someone like Rei.

Who without feeling any interest from them, kept walking, the great knights felt angry and rushed to attack. Rei took a broom that had been left by the servants who had been evicted hours before.

Taking the broom, he activated "Fortressing", the broom was now stronger than steel.

The great knight's sword got stuck in the broom, Rei pulled him back and then hit him with it so hard, his head was crushed.

The other knights were coming, Rei decided to have fun with them.

They all attacked him, but Rei blocked each blow using the broom or one of the knights.

With elegance and majesty, he repelled the attacks, not a single one hit him.

Although he could activate a trap, he preferred to do it normally.

The knights were pierced by the broom or cut by the swords of their allies.

The place was wide, they could attack with a chance, but Rei prevented them with the trail of corpses he left behind.

Then after a while, only three knights were left.

One was terrified, the other shocked and the third very angry.

The last one went towards Rei, who used the broom and pierced his brain.

The second one tried to run away, but Rei took his head and then with a board that had been split by an attack, he stuck it there, specifically his eye was pierced.

Only one remained, Rei was covered in blood, but it was not his, it was his enemies.

He expected his enemy to do something to amuse him, but what he did surprised him more.

He used his own sword and slit his own throat.

That surprised Rei very much, but he ignored it.

He approached the knight and used instant healing on him.

Closing the wound and with that saving his life, but he did it to have fun with him.

He grabbed the knight and then dragged him into a room where knights were preparing to leave, one of them had a crossbow.

Rei used the knight in his hands as a human shield.

He threw him away when he saw him dead, entered the room and with his hands proceeded to "edit" everyone's heads while arduously dodging their attacks.

After a brief moment, Rei stood near a door and... snapped his fingers.

The knights' heads exploded in unison, in a beautiful musical rhythm.

He entered another room, but stopped.

He crept up to a door... and with his hand pierced through the side.

A mage was hiding there, Rei's hand grabbed him and smashed the wall to pull him out and then threw him against a window, which pierced his belly.

Rei proceeded to destroy the whole place, not even five minutes passed since he arrived.

As he walked to the top floor, there he found an acquaintance.

"There you are you fucking peasant!"

Darrell along with a group of high level court mages were standing, they were pointing their staffs at Rei.

Darrell laughed as he cast a spell.

"You mocked me, broke into my house and started destroying everything!"

"For a mere peasant, you're a real pain in the ass!"

"Let a true noble show you how to do high-level magic!"

"Everyone, noooooooooooooooooooooooow!"

The mages manifested an oversized circle pointing at Rei, Darrell was laughing like crazy.

"Hahahahahaha, once I'm done with you, nothing will stand in the way of my daddy taking over the palace and allowing the Calvinists to take over the Kingdom!"

"Shut your mouth, you bark a lot for a bitch without an owner!"

Rei's hand reached out towards them, all but two of his fingers closed.

Rei's hand looked like a gun, Darrell and the others didn't understand that, but Rei didn't care if they did either.

With a bored tone he said.

"Infernal Flare."

A small red flame appeared on Rei's finger, the flame was growing, but it was still contained as small.

Gradually the red color changed to orange, then to reddish, and finally to pink.

Then... Darrell's life ended before he could launch an attack, as the flame engulfed all the mages.

None knew what happened and how they died as their joints, tendons and senses were burned out before their brains knew what happened.

Darrell and the others turned to ash as the place began to burn.

Rei heard a sound of an object falling behind him.

The prime minister was holding a sword, while on the ground a strange box fell.

"My son... my heir... Darreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell!"

The prime minister ran to the place where once there was a human body and now there was only ashes.

He picked up the remains of his son, which flew away.

The prime minister lost his heir. That left him so mortified that he pulled out the remaining pills in his pocket and swallowed them all instantly.


A great amount of magical power emanated from his body.

His skin and eyes were red.

Even his body was growing.

"I won't spare you! I'll kill you here and now!"

The prime minister turned to pounce at Rei.

But he was waiting for that.

"A big fish like you must be caught using the best bait!"

His sword began to glow and he pointed it in the direction of the prime minister.


Rei flashed a crescent-shaped grin...

"Infinity Cheats!"

And it was all over in the blink of an eye.

A pillar of light shattered the top of the mansion and after a while it disappeared.

The Kingdom was just rid of one of the worst threats in the game.

The climax and closing of this event, my dear readers!

It's time to show the palace and the evil nobles, the true power of a Cheat Lord!!!

The epilogue and final interlude will be out tomorrow or Saturday, look forward to it!!!

Siegburncreators' thoughts