
Hypnosis: Whispers of Power and Deceit

In 'Whispers of Power and Deceit,' Dr. Alex Mercer, a struggling therapist, discovers a mysterious ability in a vivid dream. As he tests the limits of his newfound power on an unsuspecting acquaintance, the story delves into a complex exploration of morality, manipulation, and the consequences of unchecked desires. As raw emotions collide with ethically challenging choices, Alex's journey unfolds in a gripping narrative that blurs the lines between fantasy and the darker corners of the human psyche. Hello author here, this is my 1st time writing, I am writing this just for fun and English is not my 1st or my 2nd language so don't expect a masterpiece.

Author_1188 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


Nearly two hours later Lisa walked into the office.

Lisa slowly opened the door to Dr. Alex's therapy office, feeling a wave of nervousness wash over her.

She had been struggling with insomnia for months now, and her friend Sarah had highly recommended Dr. Alex as someone who could help.

As Lisa stepped inside, she was greeted by the sight of Sarah sitting at the front reception desk, typing away on a computer.

"Hey Lisa! Glad you made it," Sarah said, looking up from her screen with a friendly smile.

"Hey Sarah," Lisa replied. "Yeah, I'm here to see Dr. Alex, you couldn't stop talking about him hopefully he is as good as you say he is."

"He is better!" Sarah said. "Dr. Alex is the man when it comes to these kind of issues. I really think he'll be able to get you sorted out."

Lisa sighed. "I hope so. I'm barely sleeping two hours a night lately. It's really messing me up during the day."

Sarah gave a sympathetic nod. "I feel you. But Dr. Alex has totally turned things around for a bunch of my other friends. He'll get you back on track."

"That's what I'm counting on," Lisa said. "I'm willing to try anything at this point to get some decent sleep again."

"You're in good hands with Dr. Alex," Sarah assured. She glanced at her screen. "Looks like he's ready for you. Head down the hall, first door on the left."

"Thanks, girl," Lisa said. She felt a flutter of anticipation as she walked to Dr. Alex's office and knocked.

"Come on in," a friendly male voice responded.

The office door opened and Alex looked up from his work. Lisa walked in, wearing a pencil skirt and looking slightly nervous.

Even though she was nearly 40, Lisa had a youthful energy about her. Her long blonde hair framed her face nicely.

She was wearing just enough makeup to highlight her blue eyes and full lips.

There was something charming about how she carried herself. Alex found Lisa very attractive.

Lisa entered the cozy office. Behind a tidy desk sat Alex, who stood and reached to shake her hand.

"Lisa! Great to meet you," he said warmly.

"You too, Dr. Alex," Lisa replied.

"Have a seat, we'll get started on solving all your problems" he said, gesturing to a plush chair.

Lisa sat down, a hint of nervousness in her eyes. "Sarah spoke highly of you, Alex. She said you're an expert in dealing with sleep disorders."

Alex leaned forward, his voice taking on a soothing tone. "You can trust me completely, Lisa. I've helped many people overcome similar issues."

Before delving into the hypnotic session, Alex decided to ease Lisa's nerves.

"Lisa, before we begin, let me explain what we're going to do today.

I practice a unique form of therapy that involves relaxation techniques and focused attention.

It's designed to help you achieve a state of deep relaxation, which can be profoundly beneficial for sleep disorders."

Lisa nodded, a mix of curiosity and apprehension in her eyes.

"This process is entirely safe and has helped many people overcome various challenges.

Today, our goal is to create a calm and serene mental space, promoting a better understanding of the factors contributing to your sleep troubles.

We'll work together to explore your mind in a way that allows us to address and alleviate those concerns."

Alex's words were chosen carefully, meant to reassure Lisa while preparing her for the upcoming hypnotic experience.

"Sure, you are the expert here." Lisa was desperate to try anything and didn't mind what techniques Alex used.

With a calming smile, he continued, "Now, let's start by finding a comfortable position. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and allow yourself to be present in this moment. We'll take it step by step, and you're always in control."

Lisa followed his instructions, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly.

As Lisa closed her eyes and took slow, deliberate breaths, Alex continued his soothing guidance.

"Relax, Lisa. Imagine yourself in a peaceful place. Picture a serene landscape – it could be a tranquil beach, a quiet forest, or any location where you feel at ease. Visualize the details, the colors, the gentle sounds around you."

Lisa's features softened, and a faint smile played on her lips as she mentally embraced the calming imagery.

"Now, as you immerse yourself in this tranquil space, let go of any tension or stress. Feel the warmth of relaxation spreading from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes. Allow every breath to deepen this sense of calm."

Alex's voice maintained its steady rhythm, each word carefully chosen to guide Lisa into a state of heightened receptivity.

"As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine a staircase before you – a staircase with ten steps. With each step you descend, you move further into a state of profound relaxation. With every number I count, feel yourself becoming more serene, more at peace."

He began counting, and with each number, Lisa descended the metaphorical staircase in her mind. Alex's words served as a gentle lullaby, creating an atmosphere of tranquility.

"Ten... descending... nine... deeper... eight... completely at ease... seven... your mind opening to positive suggestions... six... calm and receptive... five... halfway there, feeling wonderfully relaxed..."

The counting continued, and as Lisa moved further down the imaginary staircase.

Alex watched carefully as Lisa's breathing slowed and her body relaxed into the chair.

He had been guiding her through a hypnotic induction for the past several minutes, using his soothing voice to walk her down a mental staircase into a deep state of trance.

"Four... your subconscious mind open to positive change..." he said softly. Lisa's eyelids fluttered as she focused on the sound of his voice.

"Three... Listen and trust my voice..." Her shoulders slumped further as the tension left her body.

"Two... relax..." Her head tilted to the side as she slipped deeper into trance.

"One... fully relaxed, fully open to the suggestions." Alex paused, observing Lisa for signs that she had reached the optimal level of hypnotic trance.

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