
The new unveiled identity.

The guy said,"Come here."Sia went near him no knowing what will happen next.As she approached him she felt a pair of lips on her's.It was overwhelming kiss for her."This is the beginning of our formal relationship.Now you can enter and survive in water easily."Sia cursed herself for thinking it as a relationship token but it was a mission's token.She gave a little smile and the guy jumped in by taking her.

They went deeper and deerper unless a beautiful civilization was seen.All were happy chatting with each other.The children were playing happily.It was so beautiful.Sia was delighted for a moment but became shocked seeing that they couldn't resist a person.They said,"What is a human doing here.She also must be like her.She also must be killed."The guy said,"She is my to be wife so you all aren't allowed to say her anything.Got it?"All of them became silent.He added,"And she is the one we were searching so you stop looking for her also."Everyone were shocked to hear this.But became silent infrontof him.He held Sia's hand and took her to a place.It was like the main temple of them.In front everyone they tied with eachother with an official relationship. The priest said,"Now you are connected for forever and your migesty has been immortal and your bond has been unbreaakable."

He took Sia to the palace.They went to the bedroom.He said,"You sleep here .I will sleep on the guest room.Sia held his hand and said,"Sleep here.Others can suspect if you go."He hesistatingly said,"O..k.."Sia slept on one side and heon the other.Sia thought of something and turned .Their breathe hit each other's.She said,"I wa..nted to a..sk w.h.at I can cal..l you?'He said,"Anthony."Shri said,"oh."But their gaze didn't leave one another.Anthony got pretty close but then came to the senses.He said,"I..will sleep in the couch."And went.Sia also tried sleeping after the awkward moment.They finally slept.

When the light of sun hit the eyes,Sia woke up.She saw Anthony sleeping peacefully. The maid came and said,"Your migesty is called by the minister."Sia said,"ok.I'll wake him up."The maid bowed and left.Sia went near him.She took a time to look at the beautiful peace of creation.The soulful eyes that always melt her and the lips that lookslike a connection between them.She touched him softly and stared at him closely.Anthony could also get the reflected light and woke up.He saw her staring at him.He said,"What happened?"Sia got back to her senses and said,"Minister is calling you."Anthony smiled softly and went.

Minister asked him,"Did you marry the girl!!And that girl is the one we were searching!I don't believe it.I have got a strong evidence to identify the girl.She will have this sign in her neck."He showed the sign.He continued "once call her if yoy aren't lying."Anthony called her hesitantly.Sia not knowing what was going on came.She turned back.Anthony removed her golden hair from her neck.His eyes widened to see the sigh.But hid it and showed it to the minister.

He held her wrist and took her to the bedroom and said,"Who are you exactly??"