
The emergence of intimacy.

Sia's eyes widened seeing Anthony but she took a deep breathe in relief.

"Anthony!!We..were..just.."The girl tried to say something but was interrupted by Anthony saying,"What??Can't I get some private space.Why are you all doing this??"

The girl continued,"But.."

Before she could say anything else Anthony took Sia to the car.

"I said you don't come out.Why did you??"Anthony asked raising his eyebrow.

"Sorry.I won't now!!"Sia said.

Anthony said,"I can't trust you now,come with me in the office I must keep you under my survilience.."

Sia nodded.

Soon they reached the office.

"Maria!!Give her some job.."Anthony said going to his room.

Maria asked,"What are you good at?"

"Writing!!Is there anything regarding it!!"Sia said.

"You will be working under advertising department.The person at the last chair in that corner will explain you everything regarding your work."Maria said.

Sia nodded.

"Hello it's Sia."Sia said.

"Oh!!Are you new employee?I'm Katasumi.Nice to meet you."He said holding Sia's hand.

"Same here.Can you explain about the job I will have to perform here?"Sia said releasing her hand.

"Sure.We have to bring new concepts for advertising which would be more preferrable by people and..."He got interrupted by the noises filled in the room.

"Miss.Olivia is coming!!But why is she coming here??"

"Isn't she the rumored girlfriend of Anthony??"Sia asked Katasumi.

"Yes.But why is she coming here we have already stopped working with her..."Katasumi said.

"Wanna have a look there??"Katasumi asked.

"Can we??But how??"Sia asked in surprise.

"Follow me."Saying this he moved to a chamber.

"Which place is this?"Sia asked.

"It's the archieve.We can visit here as a benefit.See..From here we can see what's going on in the office directly."Katasumi said pointing at the direction.

"They are going on other side.What should I do??"Sia said.

"Go forward but be.."Before he could give warning Sia fell down on the floor.

"What are you doing here??"Anthony said lifting her up.

"We.."Sia paused thinking of the excuse.

"We??Who else is there?Oh you??I should have guessed."Anthony said seeing Katasumi approaching them.

"We were here just for..."

"No need of excuse you can leave I have some work with her."Anthony said.

"Ok Sia I will leave."Katasumi said waving at her.

"Don't roam around with him.He is very flirty."Anthony said to Sia.

Sia nodded.

"Anthony let's go out for lunch!!"Olivia said.

"I'm going out with my girlfriend,Sia."Anthony said.

"Huh??Girlfriend??"Sia asked to Anthony.

"Yes!!How can you forget??"Anthony said giving her a sign to help him.

"Not just girlfriend soulmate!!Right?"Sia said.

"Yes yes."Anthony said with a fake smile in his face.

"Ok then enjoy.I will get going!!"Olivia left giving Sia a death glare.

"Don't you think you said too much!!Soulmate huh??"Anthony said laughing.

"Yeah but that's what I could think of."Sia said.

"Ok.Forget it.Let's go for lunch."Anthony said.

"Are we actually going??"Sia asked.

"Obviously.I can't leave you here.You can make a plan to escape with Katasumi."Anthony said and moved forward.

"What!!I don't escape everytime!!Wait for me!!"Sia said moving fast.

They entered the lift and clicked on ground floor.

But reaching the third floor the lift stopped.

"Huh??Why did the lift stop??"Sia said panicking.

"There was a problem I think Maria didn't fix it.Don't worry it will be fine soon."Anthony said.

"No,No I have difficulty in breathing in these condition."Sia said breathing heavily.

"Ok then."

Anthony pulled her to him.

"Relax!!"He said tapping her head.

The lift shook before starting again.

Anthony fell down due to imbalance and Sia fell above him resulting the two lips to touch each other.

Wow!!They had their first kiss!!

Not exactly the first but first in this new beginning!!

Maybe this will give rise to intimacy that is required!!

They even have to go to mermedia!!

But how will they?

Will they even be able to return?

What's going on in mermedia?

Has the villan attacked there or not?

What will happen next?

Many facts to be discovered and many moments to witness.

Stay tuned!!

Hope you are enjoying it!!!

ShristiAdhikaricreators' thoughts