
The Dissonant Enigma.

"Dad!!"Sia said in shock not being able to believe in her eyes.

"Sia!!"Sia's father hugged her tightly with delighted eyes filled with tears.

Sia couldn't utter a word in shock.

She dared to speak out,"Dad!!How..???Didn't...you...all...die..that...time..??"

Her father answered,"Sia!!..."

An arrow hit his chest.Covered with blood he said with a stammering voice,"Sia!!Things...are...not...as...they...seem...to...be..Kids..The truth..The truth..is breathing...That riverside..That riverside.."

He took his last breathe repeating his last words.

Sia shed in tears.She felt knees heavy and dropped herself in the ground.

"I..I hadn't even got a moment to celebrate your presence well and you..left...Why..?I thought...I thought...I got my Dad again"

Uncountable tears started falling from her eyes.Anthony kneeled down to her.

Sia felt a firm hand in her shoulder.Anthony turned her towards him.Sia continued,"Anthony...Dad..Look he..again..left.."

Anthony wipped her tears saying,"Don't cry Sia.Instead we must find the truth he was talking about and for that we must go to that riverside.We must know the reason why these events are taking place before it becomes too late,right?Shall we?"

Anthony gave her his hand expecting for her support.Sia said putting her hand in his,"Yes,we must do it,We can't let the criminal be free!!"

Anthony patted her head smiling and said,"That's like my girl!!!Let's go."

He lifted Sia and they went up to the place from where they fell.

They directly went to the Minister chamber.There was no trace of minister.They searched the place.

"Minister!!!What happened to you??"

They saw minister lying unconcious on the ground.

"Sia,bring water....."Sia nodded and brought water and sprinkled few drops on minister's face.

"Ahh!!Where am I..Your mygesty....You are back ..."Minister said holding his head.

Jack came angrily saying,"Minister,Didn't you say we are going to have a meeting.We are there from an hour.Why d...What happened to you!!!!"

Minister said,"I got an evidence that the person killed the royal family was a mermaid,too.I had got a jewel of that person from the murder spot and thought it could help us a lot but when I was heading there,an arrow hit on my hand and that fell down.Then I felt dizzy and become unconcious."

Sia said,"Why is he doing all these things?"

Minister asked,"Things??Something else also happened?"

Sia said,"Well we wer..."

"Not,She meant the royal king and queen's murder,right?"Sia said,"Yes??Ohh yes yes."

Anthony continued,"Minister we are heading to the riverside we will return soon."

Minister said,"Ok let's go.I'll also be accompaning.It isn't safe there."

Anthony said,"No.No.You're injured.Have medication and rest in the palace.There is probably risk for your life,too.

Minister bowed his head and left following the king's order.

Sia asked,"Why didn't you say him?"

Anthony said,"We must not say every thing to everyone.And remember he is among the suspects."

Sia said,"Umm.Yeah.But at least tell before saying a lie.At least be prepared nah!!"

Anthony smiled at her cuteness and said,"Ok miss!!From next time I will tell you.Now let's go to riverside."

Sia said,"How will we?Or will you do a magic like"Abraka dabra!!Haha.Are you a magician??"

Anthony said raising his eyebrow,"I'm a mermaid baby...I have some capabilities!!! Enough to amaze you!!come here.."

Sia went near him.

"Transpose allivieto!!!"He casted the spell.

The very next moment they reached they reached the riverside.

Sia said tapping his shoulder,"Wow!!The royal king is really something!!"Anthony smiled proudly.

Sia was walking but bumped her foot to a stone and started bleeding.


Anthony took out a piece ok handkerchief and wrapped it around her wound saying,"Why are you being careless.Take care of yourself!!!"Sia said,"You're there right,Why should I?"And laughed.

Anthony said smiling,"Well,that's true.You're being chessy day by day,huh??Rest for a while now."

Sia smiled and nodded.

They sat under the peach tree.Sia wrote the clues and possibilities of one to be the culprit in sand.

She felt an iron under her hand.She removed the sand and saw a surface with few structures made up of iron.

"What is this??"Anthony said.

Sia said starting to solve the puzzle,"I think I can open it!!"

She joined few structures with each other,rounded the few circles few times and made a structure through the pieces which gave a key which she put in the middle of the surface in the lock.Then....

The door opened!!!

Anthony asked in surprise,"How did you know to open it??"

Sia said,"No idea.Let's go look what's inside.Probably it will help us get nearer to the fact!!"

They went in through the stairs and looked inside.


How was Sia's father alive?Didn't they all got murdered in that incident?Or the truth is someting else?

What did Anthony and Sia see that made them so shocked?

Many secrets to be unvieled!!!

Hope you are enjoying it!!!!

ShristiAdhikaricreators' thoughts