
The connubial inception.

Anthony put on the ring in Sia's finger with a smile.

Everyone in the hall clapped cheering them.

James and Sia's bestfriend also clapped lightly with a fake smile stick in their face.

After few hours,Anthony and Sia went out leaving James and his mistress dumbfolded.

"Thanks a lot!!His face was worth seeing!!"Sia said.

Anthony said,"No problem!!But I want your cooperation for little more time!!My mother was planning my marriage!!She has probably seen her!!We must go see her first!!"

Sia said,"Oh!!Ok!!Where is she??"

Anthony said,"She was in Canada for business purpose.But she will be her soon if she has heard the news.We must make her believe that we love each other so that she will cancel the marriage!!"

Sia said,"Ok!!"

Anthony said,"Let's go."

Sia nodded and they went to Anthony's house.

They entered the house.

"Oh my god!!Isn't she...."Sia's eyes widened.

"Yes!!The owner of Thomson Empire."Anthony said.

"The owner of the biggest business empire in the country!!She is your mom??"Sia asked raising her eyebrow.

Anthony nodded.

Sia said,"Do you think she will believe what I say??"

"Will you two stay there!!Come and have a seat."Anthony's mother said in an angry tone.

Sia and Anthony went to the dinning table and sat on the consecutive chairs.

"You could have said me!!Kids now a days!!Don't think necessary to say anything to their parents.I had arranged your marriage Anthony!!"She continued.

"But it's fine if you two love each other!!How long have you been in relationship??"She asked.

"2 years."

"5 years."

Both of them said different answer.

Anthony's mother asked,"Huh??"

Sia said,"Oh!!!5 years have gone so fast.It felt it even less than two years."

Anthony's mother said,"Ok fine!!"

Both Anthony and Sia sighed in relief.

"Well where you two went for your first date?"She asked again.



Again both of them gave two different answer confusing her.

"Park or garden?"She asked.

Anthony said,"Every date feels like the first one!!"

Anthony's mother laughed at their answer and said,"Did you have registered marriage??"


"I knew it.Sign here."She said showing them papers.


"You haven't right?Then!!Do it!!You are getting married to your loved ones!!"She said.

They hesistantly signed.

"Mom,I have something to talk with lawyer .I will go out,ok??"Anthony said.

She nodded.

Anthony went out and asked the lawyer,"When can we have divorce?"

Lawyer became amazed and asked,"Why do you want to divorce with her??"

"Personal problem!!"

"If you want also you can't for a year.You can after 1 year if you want to."Saying this lawyer left.

Anthony came inside and saw Sia and his mother talking.

"Ok then you two can go in your room."She said.

Anthony and Sia went to their room.

"Sia,I talked with lawyer he said divorce is possible only after 1 year."Anthony said.

"What can we do!!I am just worried how my parents are gonna react if they know it.They are very strict."Sia said.

"Where are they??"Anthony asked.

"In the country side."Sia said.

"I assure you that I will convince them.Don't worry.Let's go there tomorrow."

They had the registered marriage for solving their respective problems!!

For divorce they have to wait for 1 year!!

How will Anthony convince Sia's parents??

Will he be even able to??

What conditions and situations the will have to face there?

Will they end up in an year??

Or will something magical happen??

Will they able to be together??

Will they be able to remember everything??

Many question nore than this arising in mind!!

All are to be answered!!

The destined intimacy to be observed!!

Keep reading to know what will happen next!!

Hope you are enjoying!!!

ShristiAdhikaricreators' thoughts