
Silverwood School

Bullying. Its a plaguing vermin of most school systems around the world, especially at Silverwood School.

Silverwood had never been that quite big as a town, you would be able to get from one side of town in about ten or so minutes. But mainly, our town was small. There was only one school built, which was Silverwood School, it housed around 200 to 300 students from kindergarten to twelveth grade. If you can't imagine how little our town is, think of it as this, there were just thirteen classrooms in total (one for each grade level) with about fifteen to twenty-five students per room.

Despite how tiny the community was, there were still the divisions within social groups. The popular kids, the geeks, the freaks, the goths, the shy people, and many others, yet there were still the bullies.

At Silverwood School, Milly and Alfred Higgins were the prominent bullies. Yet, they weren't like that, but I won't disclose it any further -- not yet. Though, they were everything everyone wanted to be or have. They were spoiled to the bone and lived two-faced lives. They are the top students at in my grade level and are adored by everyone. WIth their parent's huge generosity to fund the school, these siblings had taken control. What they say is done. The students and the teachers never fail to meet their wants and needs. It was just the cruel reality of how money is everything.

Since we were all in the same grade, we were also in the same class each year. We had nothing to do with each other, I was always in the back of the room, while they were in the front.

I guess the day my parents died, things changed for better or worse...

* * * * *


Wil had no other reason to stay at home. Yet, he didn't want to go to school either. He took a step out of the house and covered his eyes from the morning rays. There were a few clouds in the distance, yet the sky was pretty clear.

As Wil walked, he questioned his rugid appearance. He was never quite good-looking, which he didn't mind. His frame was frail and inferior with a height of 4' 2'' when every other boy around his age was nearing 5'.

Wil touched his hair. It was quite a mess, as usual. His brown hair was fairly curly, and whenever it would get too long and cover his forehead, Pa would grab scissors and trim for him.

After pondering and trailing in his mind, Wil reached Silverwood School. He stood at the gate entrance as it felt like the first day of school again, yet it was already mid-September of his third-grade year. Wil really didn't feel like taking another step. He heaved a sigh.

As Wil was about to take another step, the Higgins's ride had arrived.

"Eeee~!!! They're here!" Some female underclassmen waiting at the gates yelled. Wil turned around as masses of students ran to welcome them, mostly were underclassmen and several upper. Milly and Alfred stepped out of the vehicle smiled and waved at everyone as they passed. Wil rolled his eyes and just ignored the commotion as he entered the school and headed toward the classroom.

* * *

Amidst all the students who wanted to welcome him and Milly, Alfred saw a boy in the distance heading into the school. The boy looked like someone from class. Curly, messy brown hair. Alfred thought for a moment and tugged at his sister's arm and pointed in the direction of the boy. "Hey, Milly. Isn't he in our class?"

"Who?" Milly looked away from the crowd and found nothing in the direction Alfred point. "I don't see anyone."

"Nevermind, we'll probably see him sometime around." Alfred made a stern face, saying: The boy was there! He shrugged and continued moving.

Milly looked at her brother and raised her eyebrow. "Why are you asking something so random?"

"I don't know, its just bothering me seeing someone ignore us. Everyone should be thanking us, praising us for our family's funds that maintain the school. Without it, they'd be nothing."

"Oh, Al, you just want the attention don't-cha?" Milly pinched Alfred on the cheek and giggled.

"Ow..." Alfred felt utterly gullible as he rubbed his cheek.