
Arriving at the School

They finally arrived at school Jordan was still dumbfounded by what just happened and decided to figure out later. When he got off the bus he was immediately sent to a location to start the test with the group number he was told after leaving the bus his bag were taken and told he would get them back after he went to the dorm rooms. Jordan was patiently waiting for the test to start then suddenly the instructure walk to the front and says,

"This will be where you will receive your power level"

One after another after another everyone walked away with a really high number or a somewhat high number. Then it was Jordan's turn and he started to walk forward with everyone staring at him. He took the first test which was punching a drum looking thing then the number 20 displayed on the screen. Then was the agility test he received the score of 20 after surviving for 80 seconds. Then the teacher asked.

"Boy do you not have an ability," Jordan replied


The teacher stared at him and offered him a earth ability book and said

"Here son you are the only one i've seen without an ability."

"No thank you i dont want to feel indebted to the military and be stuck like my parents were." Jordan said

Jordan walked off and left the teacher and the students in shock. Now the tests are over and he was being led to the dorms where they were issued a watch that displayed there power levels and where their dorms were and how they paid for stuff they needed or wanted.

Jordan walked over to his dorm and saw that he was the only one in his dorm and there was only one bed so he assumed he was the only one staying here. He sat on the bed and said "Ummmm system can you hear me?"

"Yes I can host" said the system in a british males voice.

"Ummm do you have a name by any chance" said Jordan.

"Yes host my name is Niklaus Mikaelson"

"Can you tell me what your functions are sir" said Jordan.







Jordan says "STATUS".

"Certainly host" said Niklaus




Name: Jordan V. Hellsing

Race: Human

Level: 1

XP to next level 0/100

Power level: 836

HP: 100/100

Strength: 20

Intelligence: 30

Agility: 20

Endurance: 40