
Chapter 17

Bishop and I head out to the street to see what we can see in the beautiful town of New Orleans.

“You know there is a vampire boutique,” I say to him.

“Yes, I know the owner. She really is a vampire. You know that right,” he says.

“Oh no,” I respond.

I never would have thought she really was a vampire.

“Is she okay with us?”I ask.

“Yes most of the vampires like us. Plus we are royalty and untouchable,” he says.

We walk down canal and past the casino. I feel like we have walked all over the place already with Bishop holding my hand as we walk. He is such a sweet man and a devilish lover.

“Do you want to go to Bourbon Street,” I ask?

“I was thinking Frenchmen.” He responds.

“Okay. Well can we walk down Bourbon as we travel to Frenchmen please?” I ask.

“Anything for you my slutty little wolf,” he says.

We walk down canal until we see the pharmacy. That is where Bourbon street is. We make the right to Bourbon. We see some guys selling beads and cokes.