
hybrid mage repost by @ikari_Cosmos

In a world of Ethereals where the impossible is now possible, almost nothing is a mystery anymore. Nova Laos transferred right into the middle of G.E. High, the best Ethation School for some of the strongest and most promising young Ethereals, in the universe. Nova appeared out of nowhere with absolutley nothing known about him. He claims he's an averagely strong Ethereal but then why is he in the top class of the school? Why does he want to keep a low profile? Why do people get the feeling he's hiding a secret? A secret that could plunge existence into chaos. He claims he's a nobody yet the most powerful figures in Ethereal kind seem connected to him and are slowly bringing his secret into the light. In a world where beings are capable of destroying entire universes and realms beyond comprehension, just who exactly is Nova Laos? (it will be a weekly schedule) this is made by Ikari_Cosmos on voyceMe

Randompattern21 · Book&Literature
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28 Chs

Act 1:ch.23 Dragon Fire

Nova, Lazuli, Kuni and Shion clashed with the Demoreals. The moment their fists collided, the rippling shockwaves completely destroyed the galaxy they were in while the universe shook like an earthquake. They all continued to fight, sometimes switching opponents before splitting off across existence to fight their own personal battles. One on one.


I was too slow to react and the Demoreal with green hair grabbed me by the neck and dragged me across multiple universes, grinding me into them like I was cheese on a grater.

"Fuck this!" I screamed before landing a brutal uppercut on my opponent.

There was a noise like bone being crushed and cannon going off as the Demoreal's head snapped upwards before the force of the attack sent him smashing through different dimensions until he stopped in The Beyond.

I flew after him, flying through the holes in the Multiverse and Reality dimensions he left behind. As I flew into The Beyond, I spotted him and released a massive golden orange beam.

The Demoreal just barely dodged the attack, the beam of solar magic vaporising half of the Reality behind him instead.

"Aren't you a feisty one." He said as he readjusted his neck. Apparently, I had broken his neck. "Not very ladylike don't you think?"

"This my first time interacting with Demoreals meaning I don't know your customs so I'll that slide just once." I responded, keeping my eyes on his every movements.

"Still your quite strong for a recent Omni Rank. What's your name?" He continued with a flirtatious smile.

"It's Shion Marble. What's yours?"

"Marko Tanzanite at your service. I'll be putting you in your grave now."

Marko lunged forward but I managed to activate Spectre before he could land an attack.

Try hitting an intangible person you bastard.

Pain racked through my body as Marko's fist smashed into my gut, my ribs cracked as my internal organs felt like they wanted to explode.

Blood erupted from my mouth before I was flung straight through a Reality and out the other end.

As I managed to stabilise myself, my injuries healed at the same time but not leaving me any time to breath Marko burst through the Reality with a beam of glowing green energy charging between his hands.

Shit! He's too fast!!

He released the energy in a giant beam that crashed into me. I just barely crossed my arms to protect my chest and face, the beam burning into my flesh as carried me across The Beyond.

This pain is unbearable.

The beam sent me smashing into The Null, then The Genesis before finally exiting The Omega and into the first Delta-Realm within the Chaos Void.

The beam eventually dissipated, releasing me from its painful grasp.

My arms just finished healing before Marko came flying towards me like a madman. I flew high and higher, through Delta-Realm after Delta-Realm.

Dodge now!

I backflipped quickly, dodging a burst of green energy which smashed through this Delta-Realm and destroyed the one after. In the air I turned to find Marko reaching out towards me, but I wouldn't let him land another attack. Like a dragon, golden orange flames erupted from my mouth and burned Marko. His arm was reduced to ash as he was sent flying through other Delta-Realms.

That should by me some time to think and breath. Damn it why didn't my Unique Skill Spectre work. I'm sure I activated so why didn't it work?

I think you misunderstand the nature of the Skill. Shion.

Then enlighten me Soleil.

The Skill makes your body abstract which would make you intangible to most. However, remember that the Chaos void is a construct that transcends the idea of abstract existences so those who can affect with the different realms within it will have no problem landing attacks on you in your Spectre state.

I see. That makes sense.

There was a noise like an explosion as the entire realm began to shake.

"Here he comes." I murmured, getting into a fighting stance.

A neon green explosion erupted in the distance and shook the Delta-Realm so violently it cracked and split, tearing holes into it making the other Delta-Realms visible.

The explosion and shaking died down and that's when I saw Marko.

His eyes were pure white circles, and his face was black as soot. The roots of his hair were orange, but the rest became a glowing neon green as it floated as if it was underwater. His entire body was a darker, but still glowing, green with his hands and half of his forearms the same soot black as his face.

That looks like his Capere Form

And it seems powerful. I may have made a mistake choosing him as my opponent.

As soon as I finished the thought Marko had already pummelled two holes into my body and I was sent flying across the Delta-Realm.

"Shit!" I screamed as I narrowly dodged Marko trying to spear my face with his hand. Although his missed he still sliced a deep gash into my cheek.

I whipped my head around trying to find the Demoreal but every time I thought I spotted him, he disappeared in an instant. Just when my injuries began healing, he grabbed my throat and lifted me up above his face, so he had to look up at me. It felt like my throat was being crushed while the strength suddenly started to drain from my body.

"What… a... are… you doing… to me." I choked before Marko speared my body with his free hand three more times in the blink of an eye. There was a small whistling sound that was then covered by blood frothing out of my mouth.

Shit! He's punctured a lung. I'm going to die drowning in my own blood! Why isn't Ultra Regeneration working!?

Marko seems to be blocking off the supply of Ethos to your regenerative Skills, preventing you from using them by grabbing your neck while also draining the strength of your body at the same time. It must be a new ability only accessible in his Capere Form.

"You're going to die here girl." Marko said pulling closer to his face. "I took a little peek into your memories using one of my Ethos abilities and found out how that neat little heat manipulation ability works. Most of my long-range attacks are heat based so I'm sure after a bit of struggling you'd be able to change the course of this fight. So, I decided to take advantage of the speed that my Capere Form gives me and have some fun before killing you."

Marko cackled like a maniac.

So, he looked into my memories huh? Clearly, he didn't look far enough as he's vastly mistaken. I will not die here!

I suddenly grabbed the arm Marko was using to choke me, with vice like grip, I refused to let go.

"What the hell!?" He yelped, letting me go and leaping away from me. "It suddenly felt like a large portion of my power disappeared."

I heaved heavy breaths while clutching my throat as Marko regained composure. He stood up straight and smiled at me.

"Well, no matter," he growled. "I drained too much of your strength for you to break through the blockades that cut off your regeneration Skills' supply of Ethos. You will die of blood loss soon enough."

"And you call yourself a warrior!" I mocked, blood still flowing freely from my injuries.

"You shouldn't have the strength to speak!"

"To hell with that! If you call yourself a warrior then kill me right now or are you too much of a coward?"

"Fine then," Marko snapped. "I'll silence you right now."

As I hoped, Marko launched a large Lunar blast at me that would more than likely end my life. He was smarter than I expected since Lunar was the opposite of Solar meaning attacks of the element gave off no heat.

But that won't make any difference.

I quickly activated Gluttony and instantly absorbed the attack, converting it into power and Ethos which smashed through whatever Marko put in place. My injuries healed almost immediately after as I felt my strength also return to my body.

Taking advantage of Marko's confusion, I raised a hand in the direction of where I the Omegas were and immediately after what seemed to be stream of energy steadily flowed from the constructs before flying into my direction.

I still need a little more power before I can finally end this.

As the energy got closer to my hand it turned into a whiteish orange colour while growing hotter and hotter until the heat coming of it was so intense Marko had to back away even further than he already was.

The boiling energy disappeared into my hand and flowed into my body, filling it with a soothing heat like a hot bath while my veins glowed a golden orange.

More Shion! You need more to access the form!

Come on Relic! Give me more of your energies!

The river of energy suddenly exploded in size, now bursting from the different Omegasinstead of steadily streaming out of it like it had previously.

There was so much energy that it circled around me in a glowing whitish orange sphere before being completely absorbed into my body.

That's more than enough.

"Listen here girl," Marko spat while preparing more attacks. "I don't know what you just did but it's not going to change your fate. Do you understand!?"

"Crystal!" I snarled.

I threw my arms back and golden orange energy of my aura erupted from my body like a volcano. The explosion of power threw Marko back like a ragdoll before it spiralled around me like a tornado.

"It was a big mistake not killing me when you had the chance!" I roared.

My body began to change. My hair turned into a glowing strawberry blonde colour while the whites in my eyes glowed red, my irises now yellow like a sunflower. I began to grow in height until I was at least 7ft tall while the energy consumed my body, changing it completely. The outside of my hands, arms and chest started to be covered with armour like scales that were dark red. The same happened to my legs and back while my belly and the underside of my arms glowed a similar colour to my hair. The skin in those areas transformed into smooth scales like a snake compared to the large jagged red scales on the other areas on my body. Those same red scales covered the back and side of my neck before spreading to my cheeks while my teeth grew sharp like a crocodile. Black horns sprouted my head like a crown.

Eventually the swirling vortex of my aura decreased in size so that it lightly surrounded my body like a flaming outline.

"Just what the hell kind of form is that?!" Marko shouted; eyes wide with confusion.

"The Capere Form that comes from having Soleil The Dragon Queen as your Ethos." I replied before flames flew from mouth in a blaze of heat that could burn away trillions of Delta-Realms. Marko barely dodged the fire as it flew past him before burning through the Delta-Realm and the other realms before it.

"You mistook my heat manipulation power Marko." I said as I raised my hand into the air. "Nova taught me something and that was to keep your best cards close to your chest. I partially lied to him and the others about my power. My true power is to convert energy of all kinds into heat which I can manipulate anyway I want."

I clenched my hand into a fist and the whole Realm shook while parts of it seemed to shatter like glass which then transformed into a glowing whitish orange energy like force that flowed towards me from all directions.

"All the realms within The Chaos Void either have or produce their own kinds of energies. Abstract or not it is still energy I can convert into heat that I can mould however I want." I said as the whitish orange heat circled around my body while changing into spear like blasts.

I snapped my fingers and the now hundreds of blasts fired at once, raining down on Marko who shrieked in terror and darted from side to side to avoid being impaled.

"Enough!" He roared before firing off his own attack that annihilated some of my blasts, clearing a path directly towards me.

He flew up the path, but I had foreseen this and fired off the golden orange beam I had been charging. Marko twisted to the side but the blast his arms while the force of the impact carried him along with the blast.

He roared in pain but broke free of the blast and flew towards me again, this time managing to reach me. Marko had lost all control due to pain and anger which made his attacks panicky and sloppy, his arm still ablaze with golden orange fire.

I blocked a punch before grabbing him by the throat and then throwing him as hard as I could downwards. Marko smashed the Delta-Realm after Delta-Realm, with me flying down with him, before he smashed into an Omega. He continued to fly through The Genesis, The Null and until all the other constructs before finally coming to a stop when crashing into a planet at least ten times the size of Jupiter. The impact nearly blew half the planet away, the ground left behind red hot.

I gently landed next to him before stamping on his chest to keep him in place.

He looked like he was in some sort of in between state between his base and Capere Form.

"Why won't it stop burning!?" He shrieked in agony as he flapped his still flaming arm around in a frenzy.

I grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up so that we were eye to eye.

"My flames will burn for eternity or until I make it stop." I said while Marko continued to swing his arm around.

"Please make it stop!"

"Regeneration won't be able to save your arm, even if I remove the flames. Luckily I have a solution." I said before swinging my free hand down like a blade, severing the flaming arm from the shoulder down.

It disintegrated upon making contact with the ground like ash.

"Thank you… Thank you, thank you." Marko said practically weeping.

Almost feel bad for the guy but then again… he did try to kill you as well as severely underestimate you. I take back what I said. Make him suffer.

You know, you're genuinely terrifying.

I looked into Marko's eyes.

"Your gratitude is appreciated. Now turn to ash." I said, practically whispering in a soothing voice.

As I opened my mouth smoke trickled out like a stream, the taste of charcoal attacked my taste buds.

Like blowing a kiss, my fiery breath flew quickly but gently from my mouth, swallowing up Marko. Within seconds his body had turned into ash that continued up by the flames until there was nothing left.

I powered down to my base, took a deep breath before collapsing onto one knee in exhaustion.

Wow. That Form takes a lot out of you.

It'll get easier the more you use it. I'm very proud Shion.

"Thanks," I replied aloud before stabilising myself as what felt like the whole universe shake. "I wonder how Nova is doing?"