

Hela698 · TV
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33 Chs


"So, you never told us who's in Paris?" Allison asked Maya as they got off the plane at Charles De Gaulle airport.

"Akari she's a Kasai, a fire kitsune, and an annoying little shit," Maya tells her making Astrid chuckle.

"So she's a trickster?" Allison says.

"Yes and ever since she learned how to use illusions she's been out of hand," Astrid tells her. They made their way to the car rental desk, eager to get on the road.

After a few minutes of paperwork and small talk with the rental agent, Maya was handed the keys to a sleek black sedan.

"Remember when she made it look like it was raining blood," Maya says as she gets in the driver's seat.

"Wait what?" Allison exclaims.

"Yep, we thought a witch was cursing us, so we went to the Bennetts for help only for them to not know what was happening. Good times," Astrid reminisced.

"You've been asleep for some of her greatest work. In 1923 she turned the house we were staying at into a hunted house just because Kathrine stole her kill and you know how terrified she is of ghosts," Maya tells her.

Astrid chuckles, "Yeah, that might have been my fault. I used to tell her ghost stories as bedtime stories when she was little," she sees Allison giving her a judging look.

"What? Back then I didn't know a thing about being a mother and besides, I didn't think they were that scary," She defends.

"To you maybe but she was a child," Allison argues slapping her shoulder.

"Alright, you made your point no need to get physical," Astrid says only to receive another one.

Maya chuckles, "You two get along so well," Astrid and Allison smile at each other, "as I was saying we all had a good laugh until she burned the house down and then it was not funny anymore and a few years later she put an illusion of a giant spider in Athena's room, "

"And last year she made us think that the blood tested like broccoli not forgetting the time she turned my hair into snakes that only I can see," She groans in disgust making Allison and Astrid laugh.

"So where are we going to start the search?" Allison asked after calming down.

"We are not doing that just yet," Astrid tells her.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we're in the city of love why don't we make the most of it," Astrid says with a smile.

"And don't worry about Akari I'll be looking for her. You enjoy Paris, " Maya tells.

"But where are we gonna stay?" Allison asks.

"I already booked us a Hotel," Astrid says.



As they stepped into the lobby, they were greeted by a team of friendly staff who whisked them away to their room. And what a room it was! It was spacious and elegant, with a king-sized bed, a marble bathroom, and a balcony with a stunning view of the city.

"So what do you think," Astrid asked as she hugged Allison who was standing on the balcony from behind.

"It's beautiful. How did you even afford this place?"

"Actually this hotel is owned by Abigail one of my pack members and since we share everything that means it's ours," She tells her, "come on let's go to bed,"

"We don't need sleep," Allison says.

"Yeah, but I'd like to cuddle my girlfriend," Astrid admits before picking up Allison making her laugh.


The next day, the first thing they did was visit the Eiffel Tower. They stood at the base of the tower, looking up at its magnificent structure. They took a selfie, and it was the first of many they would take on their trip. They then climbed to the top of the tower, and as they looked out over the city, they knew that this was going to be the best time of their lives.

They then went to a nearby café and ordered some coffee and pastries. As they sat there, they talked about their plans for the rest of their month-long date.

Over the next few days, Astrid and Allison explored the city, visiting museums, and eating croissants. They walked along the Seine River, admiring the beautiful bridges and the boats that sailed by. They visited the Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa, and they even went to the top of the Arc de Triomphe.

One day, they decided to take a cooking class. They learned how to make French macarons and croissants, and they even got to eat their creations. They laughed and joked with the other students, and they felt like they were living in a movie.

On their last night, Astrid surprised Allison with a candlelit dinner on a rooftop terrace overlooking the city. They enjoyed a delicious meal and danced under the stars, feeling like they were the only two people in the world.



Inside the Beacon Hills first national bank. Erica, Boyd , and Cora are being manhandled into the vault with them struggling to no avail.

"No need to make this harder for yourselves," Deucalion tells them, "It'll be over very soon,"

He turns his head to the side, "It appears we have some guests,"

Outside the bank, a car pulls up. Stepping out of the car are two beautiful and attractive women. One of them is 5'10 inches tall with dark brown hair, light brown eyes, and light skin. She's wearing a black long-sleeve shirt with buttons on top, a leather jacket, and combat boots.

The other woman is 5'1 inches tall with black hair, dark brown eyes, and fair skin. She's wearing a navy blue shirt, cargo pants, and black combat boots.

"Are you sure this is the place, Kathrine?" The tall woman asks.

"Of course, it is, Athena. Bonnie is never wrong when it comes to location spells," Kathrine answers.

"Yeah I don't doubt it but I'm not sure about your direction skills," Athena whispers. They walk over to the chained gate which Kathrine rips off allowing them to go forward.

As soon they enter the bank Kali goes to drop-kick Kathrine who simply catches her leg surprising her. She tries to pull back her leg but Kathrine has a tight grip on her.

"That was not very nice," Kathrine tells her before tightening her grip until an audible crack is heard causing Kali to scream.

"You should really get that checked out," She tells her before throwing her to the nearby wall. Kali starts coughing up blood. Katharine walks up to her and starts dragging her by her broke foot. Athena follows shaking her head.

"I believe this belongs to you," She throws Kali in front of them. Ennis and the twins growl getting ready to fight but Deucalion stops them.

"A tiger and a Hellhound, you're an unusual duo," He says. Ennis goes to help Kali.

"Very perceptive for a blind guy," Athena says.

"Haven't you heard Athena Deucalion isn't always blind," Kathrine mocks smirking when the twins growl.

"What do you want?" Deucalion asks not bothered by her comment.

"You appear to have something of ours two to be exact but seeing as I hear 3 heartbeats we'll take all of them," Athena tells him.

Deucalion looks in the direction of the vault, "I'm afraid I can't do that," the twins and Ennis growl, their eyes glowing red.

Kathrine and Athena don't look phased.

"Use your eyes Deucalion, do you really think you stand a chance," Kathrine says her eyes glowing orange with a black ring around her iris, Athena doing the same her's glowing fiery red with some green flickering around like flames.

Deucalion does as she suggested and sees the aura coming off of them in waves. He hasn't seen something like this since Talia Hale and theirs was even bigger.

"Open the vault," He says shocking his pack.

"You can't be serious," Ethan says.

"Theirs only two of them, we can take them," Ennis adds glaring at the two. He charges forward and slashes at Athena who dodges easily before blocking the next slash. She twists his arm until he dislocates it before slashing his chest leaving behind a sizzling wound. She drops him to the floor where he squirms in agony.

"Sigh, Aiden go open the vault," Deucalion tells him. Aiden does as he's told and opens it.

Boyd, Erica, and Cora look at the open door in anticipation ready to fight even if they're going to lose only to be met with two people they haven't seen before.

"Come on your free to go," Kathrine tells them. They look at each other confused.

"Is this some kind of joke," Erica says glaring at them.

"No, it's not a joke. We're here to take you home," Athena tells them with a soft smile.

"Why should we trust you?" Cora asks.

"We are in the same pack as Derek Hale," Kathrine says shocking them. They get up and walk out of the vault cautiously their eyes looking around for any danger but they instead find two of the alpha pack badly injured and the other 3 standing to the side not interfering.

They turn to the two girls, who smile at them, shocked before following them.

"Wait," Deucalion calls out stopping them, "What are your names,"

"You'll find out soon enough," Kathrine tells him with a smirk before they leave.

"Are we gonna give up that easy?" Aiden asks.

"No, we're not giving up. The plan stays the same only altering it slightly. We have new players on the field," Deucalion tells them.