

Hela698 · TV
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33 Chs

First day of school

(3rd POV)

When Astrid arrived at Beacon hills the first thing she did was compel herself a house that was close to the school.

She then went out to familiarise herself with the place as the show never explored it that much.

'it's a lot bigger than I thought the show never did it justice 'she thought as she continues exploring.

A few hours later the sunset she went to the hospital and 'borrowed' a couple of blood bags to last her a week with a cooler.

She went home after finishing with her sightseeing and went to bed "a few days until canon starts." she said with a smirk 'this is going to be fun '

[ Allison's pov ]

My name is Allison Argent am 17 and a sophomore ugh. I know I should be a senior but my family travels a lot so I was held back which sucks.

Anyways we'll be moving again to a town called beacon hills which am excited about which is weird because am never excited about moving.

It feels like something good is going to happen there. 'I hope it's that girl from my dreams' I thought with a little blush.

you see a few years back I started to have these dreams about a gorgeous girl with short blonde hair, mesmerising blue eyes, soft kissable lips. God just thinking about her makes my heart pound and I don't even know if she's real or not only saw her in my dreams.

There were some dreams about her that confused me because sometimes her eyes glow red with fangs growing in her mouth and claws on her fingers while at times she transforms into a 6ft tall pitch black wolf.

I know I should be scared and think of it as a nightmare but it kinda increases my attraction to her.

"Allison " I heard my dad's voice from the door.

"Yes dad"

"did you pack your things because the moving company will be here in a while," he asked.

"yep, everything's packed and ready on my part," I said.

"Alright get some sleep, good night."

"good night dad".


Time skip

[Astrid's pov]

I woke up to my alarm clock running stopping it I got up from my bed and went to take a shower.

A few minutes later I went to the kitchen to make myself a small breakfast of bacon, eggs and a cup of coffee.

finishing up my breakfast I wore my black jacket picked up my helmet, bag and keys. I got on my motorcycle and headed my way to school.

A few minutes later and I reached beacon hills high. I parked my motorcycle and walked into the school.

A few students stared at me while whispering among themselves which I ignored. I went to the administration office and got my schedule and locker number.

Getting to my locker I opened it and put away my helmet and other stuff I walked to class.

Walking into the classroom I scanned it with my eyes and recognised two people Scott McCall and his best friend stiles stalinske.

There were two empty seats behind Scott, with a smirk I sat behind Scott meaning Allison will sit behind me.

The teacher walked in and started writing on the board." As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night and I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. "he said "But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining the semester." does this guy ever shut up.

I smiled as I heard a phone ringing. I looked out of the window to see her answering the phone and talking to her mother. I froze although I don't see her whole face I can see she's breathtaking I can feel my heart rate increasing which from how Scott turned to me he could hear it too.

'God I want to run to her and embrace her and never let go is this what the shifters from twilight felt when they imprinted ' I see flashes of us together. Me and her sitting on a rock, with her sitting between my legs and leaning on me, overseeing the whole town at night and the full moon shining on us my eyes flash red.

Us raiding on my motorcycle, me and her kiss in the hallway. Scott taping on my desk brought me back to reality which my wolf growled at angrily in my head. I took a deep breath and looked at him. " Yes "

"Are you alright you've been spacing out a bit "

"am fine thank you" I said with a visible tick mark on my head 'is that all he wanted ' I thought a bit irritated. I look back at Allison and see her talking to the vice principal. 'this is going to be fun.'