

Hela698 · TV
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Chapter 6: Game Night Pt:2

After separating from Allison I entered the class which was math which I hated with a passion in my last life, but now thanks to the enhanced mind of a thousand years old original vampire and werewolf it's easy to remember and comprehend everything.

Once we got seated the teacher wrote two equations on the board.

"Alright, I want two people to come up and answer these two questions, how about Mr MacCall and Mrs Martin," he said while pointing to Lydia and Scott.

They both stood up and went to the board. Lydia started answering immediately while Scott looked clueless. I hear Lydia ask Scott something so I listened in.

"why is there a rumour going around that you're not playing tomorrow night?"

"Because am sort of not"

"I think you sort of are, especially when you brutally injured my boyfriend by ramming into him"

"He brutally injured himself by ramming into me" he defended himself.

" Jackson's gonna play tomorrow but he's not gonna be at his peak and I prefer my boyfriend at peak performance"

"Okay," he says with a confused look

"I date the captain of the lacrosse team and if they start the season losing I date the captain of the losing lacrosse team, I don't date losers," she told him

"losing one game isn't going to kill anyone, in fact, it might save someone"

"fine don't play we'll probably win anyway...." I stopped listening after that.


{Time skip}

The next day which was the day of the game I was supposed to spar with Derek, all day until the game starts since he wanted me to teach him a few fighting tactics.

But once I got to the Hale House I see police all over the place and Derek in handcuffs being taken to the sheriff's car.

'I can't believe I forgot about this ' I thought sighing in frustration.

"Derek what happened here," I asked knowing that he can hear me. I was standing on one of the trees in front of the house so no one can see me.

"Scott and his idiot of a friend dug up Laura's grave and told the police I killed her," he replied with anger in his voice.

"I'd assume this is about you telling him not to play the game tonight,"

"yes, I won't be able to stop him from playing but you can..." I cut him off

"'am gonna have to stop you there because the only way to stop him from playing is to lock him otherwise he's going to find another way to play," I told him and he sighs knowing that I was right.

"fine just make sure he doesn't kill anyone"

"I can try," I say when I see stiles enter the sheriff's car to talk to Derek.

"Okay, just so you know am not scared of you" I snorted when he said that and chuckled when he added after Derek stared at him, "okay maybe I am, it doesn't matter I just wanna know something the girl you killed she was a werewolf, she was a different kind wasn't she. I mean she can turn into an actual wolf and I know Scott can't do that, is that why you killed her"

"Why are you worried about me it's your friend is the problem huh, when he shifts on the field what do you think they're gonna do just cheer him on. I can't stop him from playing you can and trust me you'd want to" Derek tells him when stiles is taken out of the car by his father.

"Hey, Derek you gonna be alright? I can compel them to forget and let you out" I offered and yes Derek figured out that am a hybrid. At first, he was confused since he knew that vampires were extinct but he was shocked when I told him about my story more so my actual age.

"Nah I'll be out when they ID the body anyway"

"Sigh, alright," I said as I jumped off the tree and vamp speed back home since I had nothing to do I played a few video games to pass the time until the lacrosse game starts.

Once I reached the school I parked my car and headed for the field where the game was about to begin.

I reach the stands where I meet Allison and her father.

"Astrid over here I saved you a seat," Allison said when she saw me. I smiled and headed to her.


"you're welcome, oh Astrid this is my dad Chris Argent. Dad this Astrid my girlfriend" she introduced us to each other while blushing as she said the last part.

"it's nice to finally meet you, Allison talks about you a lot," Chris said as we shake hands.

"it's nice to meet you as well and all good things I hope" I replied with a smile. But before he could say anything the game began as the referee blew the whistle.

The when on just like the show with the team shunning Scott on Jackson's orders until he hears telling Danny not to pass to him. Scott gets angry and uses his supernatural speed and reflexes to score two goals evening the scores but he shifts completely in the last second.

I let out my wolf slightly as I whisper/command " focus Scott" He snapped out of it when my voice reached his ears and scores the winning shot ending the game at 6-5.

Allison looks at me as she heard my voice since she's sitting next to me. she was confused why I used my alphas voice but then the realisation hit her. ' Scott's a werewolf' she thought surprised.

I see Scott removing his glove and throwing it on the ground to see his claws retracting as he ran to the locker room forgetting the glove. I shake my head and stay behind as the people leave the field.

(3rd pov)

After everyone left Jackson got to the field and picked up the glove Scott left. he checks the fingers and sees them with holes at the tips.

He frowns with suspicion but looks behind him as he hears something. He sees two people a man and a woman standing a bit away from him looking at him intently. once his eyes adjust to the light he sees their faces the girl's face being familiar as he saw her at school but he doesn't recognise the man.

Without saying or doing anything they both turn around and leave, he thought he saw the girl's eyes glow for a second ' maybe the lights messing with my eyes' he thought rubbing his eyes before he also left taking the glove with him.