

Hela698 · TV
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Chapter 14: Formality

Scott wakes up in the animal clinic with his gunshot wound patched up. He sits up and tries to stand up only to get tipsy and grab the table for support.

"Welcome back to the land of the conscious" Dr Deaton says as he grabs Scott's shoulder to stabilize him, "You doing ok? maybe you should sit down"

They hear the front doorbell ring indicating that someone entered the clinic. Deaton tries to go see who it is but Scott stops him and shakes his head since he knew it was Peter by scent, Deaton gives a reassuring smile before he walks to the front.

"I'm sorry but we're closed," he tells Peter

"Hi there, I'm here to pick up," Peter says

"I'm not sure I remember you dropping off"

"This one wandered in on its own" Peter says referring to Scott who's in the back listening in on the conversation.

"Even if you did I'm afraid I can't help you we're closed," Deaton says

"oh, I think you can make an exception this one time, don't you," Peter says walking closer.

"I'm sorry that's not going to be possible, maybe you could come back during regular hours"

"you have something of mine, I'm here to collect it," Peter says seriously

"like I said we're closed" Deaton replies just as serious. Peter tries to walk closer while lifting his left hand but feels some sort of barrier.

"Mountain ash, that's an old one," Peter says before he picks up and throws a chair at the wall next to Deaton to scare him but Deaton doesn't blink.

"let me be as clear as possible, we. are. closed." Deaton tells him. Peter glares at deaton for a bit before straightening his jacket leaving.


"Come on Derek he killed your sister," Kate tells a shirtless Derek who's handcuffed to an iron bar with electrical wires stuck to his abdomen. unlike in the series where he looked physically drained and weak, it looked like the electricity coursing through him wasn't affecting him greatly.

"Now maybe you're not telling me because you wanna kill him yourself or for some reason, you're protecting him" she continues but Derek was having a conversation with Astrid through their mind link.

'Derek what are you doing you could have gotten out of there a long time ago ' Astrid asked since she was confused as to why he's letting himself be tortured.

'I'm just trying to see if kate has anything planned she loves the sound of her own voice when she thinks she has the upper hand. You know she brought Allison here 'trying' to introduce her to the supernatural ' Derek said trying not to laugh at Kate for thinking she had Allison wrapped in her hand.

'Yeah, she told me which is why we're having this conversation '

'Sorry for making you worry ' Derek said a bit guilty for not telling her about his plan.

'sigh just be careful alright, you may be more resistant to electricity than normal werewolves since you got a power boost from being in my pack but you're not immune to it. You know this could have been avoided if you took my deal'

'I don't think immortality is for me but give me a while to think about it and I'll be careful' Derek said before feeling the connection stop.

"look at that sour face," Kate says as she picked up his ID and brought it close to his face. " I bet you always have people coming up to you saying smile Derek why don't you smile more. Don't you just want to kick those people in the face"

"I can think of one" Derek says as he glares at her.

"promise because if I thought you'd be that much fun I'll let you go," she says before taking a phone that was with Derek's belongings and going through it, "let's see nothing, nothing god I hate this detective crap"

"Are you gonna torture me or are you just gonna talk me to death?" Derek asks getting tired of her annoying voice.

"sweety I don't wanna torture you, I just wanna catch up," she says before she brings up the hot, crazy sex they had at some point in the past and then licks his torso because she's creepy.

"sweetheart I really don't want to torture you," she says as the door behind her opens and a guy comes in, "but he does"


At Macy's, Lydia is helping Allison buy a dress for the winter formal and Allison being a good friend convinces Lydia to go to the formal with Stiles since Jackson broke up with her.

Lydia loads Stiles up with dresses for her to try on while Allison goes to another area to look for a dress. she picks up a red and white dress before looking at herself in the mirror but she sees Peter Hale standing a bit to her left. Allison calmly puts her right hand into her bag and grabs a gun with wolfsbane bullets that Astrid gave her for emergencies but doesn't remove it from the bag so she can surprise him if he attacks.

"That's not your colour, sorry for being intrusive but considering your skin tone I'd go lighter," He says as he stands in front of her.

"because I'm pale?" Allison asks a bit creeped out.

"fair, I mean you can't call skin like yours pale not skin that perfect," He says creeping her out even more.


"Trust me, I have a unique perspective when it comes to this sort of thing," He tells her as grabs her a dress, " see much better"

"You're not here alone are you," he asks

"And she never was," says Astrid as she appears behind Allison hugs from behind making Allison relax completely.

"Peter I see you've met my girl Allison," Astrid said angrily as she wanted to rip him apart for trying to use Allison to get to Derek.

"your girl," Peter asked taking a step back since he could feel the blood lust directed at him.

"Yes my girl so I suggest you throw away whatever plan you made and make a new one because if you don't well I think you remember what happened last time we fought but unlike last time you'll be missing a heart," Astrid told him as her eyes glowed red and her fangs grew but unlike the normal four fangs, she had 6, 4 on the upper jaw and 2 on the lower. She was so angry that she let her true upgraded original face slip scaring Peter that he left in a hurry.

When she uses this face her bite will kill anything with the amount of venom her fangs contain unless she feeds them her blood.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," She said to Allison when she calmed down.

"No, it's fine, it was kinda hot seeing you angry actually," Allison said timidly as a blush formed on her cheeks.

"You think I'm hot when I'm angry well aren't you a naughty girl," Astrid said with a smirk making Allison's blush deepen. "Although I have to admit that dress really suits you" she adds saving the poor girl from passing out with how red she was.


"unfortunately Derek if you're not gonna give me what I want I'm gonna have to kill you," Kate says after listening to the message Chris left her but before that she starts to do her evil villain monologue about how she set the fire.

"It's not all your fault. You got tricked by a pretty face. It happens. A handsome young werewolf mistakenly falls in love with a super-hot girl who comes from a family that kills werewolves. Is that ironic? Is it ironic that you are inadvertently helping me take down the rest of the pack again? Or just a little bit of history repeating?" she says before she stops as a realisation hits her.

"History repeating. It's not Jackson, is it? Oh, no, no, no. He's got a little scratch on the back of his neck but he's not in love with Allison. Not like Astrid" she says surprising Derek with how much she's going to fuck up if she goes after Astrid but Kate takes his surprise as her being right about her assumption.


Astrid and Allison pull up to the school for the formal dance with Astrid rocking a beautiful women's suit. she gets out of the car before taking Allison's hand and helping her out of the car.

Astrid looks around and sees Jackson getting out of his car with Maya she also sees Stiles helping Lydia out of his Jeep so she and Allison walk over to them.

"Jackson you look handsome," Lydia tells him as he walks by them.

"Obviously. It's Hugo Boss." He replies rudely.

"Is that stick up you're a** Hugo Boss too?" Astrid asks as Allison and her stand beside Lydia and Stiles. "Don't mind him he's a jackass you look beautiful Lydia"

"Thank you, you look gorgeous yourself," Lydia says smiling Astrid nods as Allison and her head to the gym where the dance is taking place.

when they get inside they're greeted with upbeat music and teenagers dancing with their dates. Astrid looks around and sees Scott hiding near the bleachers making her chuckle.

"what," Allison asks.

"Nothing I just saw a lost puppy," she says as she nods her head towards Scott's position. Allison looks in his direction and also giggles, "You're right he does look like a lost puppy"

Coach sees Scott in the bleachers and runs after him. Scott runs to Danny and begs him to dance. Coach finally gets there and starts yelling. The whole gym stops to stare, thinking that Coach is getting mad at two boys for dancing with each other. the coach eventually back away after seeing that whatever he says will only dig him a bigger hole he can't get out of making Astrid shake her head while Allison covers her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud.

"would you like to dance," Astrid asks as the music turns into a slow one, Allison nods before they move to the dance floor and start slow dancing.

"Your staring" Allison says with a small blush.

"You make it kind of hard not to stare," Astrid says before she says, "I love you" out of nowhere surprising Allison.

"I fell in love with you the first day that I met, and then I fell in love with the person who you are on the inside. I got to fall in love with you twice and that's magical. You are the first I've believed in since - since I don't even remember. I've always been scared of turning into what my father became but meeting you on that first day of school gave me hope that maybe my immortal life is worth living. my life's biggest security is not just in loving you, but in knowing that you will always be there to love me back no matter what. I love you, Allison Argent, Always and Forever," Astrid tells her with the most sincerity she can master, bringing tears of joy and happiness to Allison.

"Thank god I found you, you have always been in my dreams all through my life and I fell in love with you the very first day I set my eyes on you, I would forever cherish you. I love you too Astrid Mikealson, Always and Forever" Allison replies before Astrid brought her in for a kiss, a kiss that was full of love and happiness. The music turned upbeat again running the moment.

Allison grabs Astrid's hand before dragging her out of the gym and towards two buses. Allison enters one of the buses and urges Astrid to join her but before she could two cars corner her on either side being driven by Chris and another hunter, ' So Jackson spiled the beans' Astrid thought before the two cars drove towards her but unlike Scott who jumped she took a knee and stopped both cars with her outstretched hands and her eyes glowing red.

she first looked towards Chris who looks surprised at her feat of strength and her red eyes before she looks at the second hunter who has the same look as Chris but added tear. He gets out of the car and points his gun at her but before he can shoot he's shot with a teaser knocking him out.

Chris looks at his daughter who doesn't look surprised by Astrid's transformation but she has a frown on her face as she glared at the downed hunter. 'she knew' he thought.

He gets out of the car and points his gun at Astrid before Allison stepped in front of her.

"Allison get away from her she's the one who has killed all those people," Chris says still pointing his gun.

"no, she's not Peter Hale is the one that killed them"

"What," he said surprised.

"he's the alpha you're looking for not her and yes, I know about the supernatural and our family Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent," she tells him surprising him even more.

"since when," He asks

"since the first day of school" Astrid answered as Chris looks at her. "I told her everything"


"Well Chris let me ask you this how much do you know about werewolves and their mates," Astrid asked him.

"As much as I need to know, when a wolf finds its mate it's like a connection, a bond that imprints itself and both can not deny the other," He says before his eyes widened, "No"

"Yes Chris Allison is my mate and if you need more proof, she's had a wolf shaped birthmark on her shoulder right," she asks to which he hesitantly nods, "that is my packs symbol"

Chris drops his hand as he starts to pace around digesting everything we just told him.

"you're sure that's she's your mate," he asks after a while of silence

"Why would I lie about something like this and keep in mind me telling you is a sign of trust since taking away the mate of a wolf is worse than death itself and the other way round is also true," Astrid tells him.

"Alright I'll allow it but Allison, not a word of this to your mother or any other members of our family because they'll not be as understanding," Chris tells her as she runs and hugs him.

"Thank you dad"

"Allison you go with your dad I'm gonna go save Derek, " Astrid says before she shifted to her full 6,5ft wolf form and bolted to the woods. Chris looked after the massive wolf disappearing into the woods with surprise and awe.

"Yeah, she does that too," Allison said after chuckling at her fathers face.

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