
Hybrid's Human Mate

Welcome to a world that has a Selection Process for who you will marry. Witches, vampires, etc. live among humans and everyone is required to participate in the Selection Process.

Paula_Parker · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Jealousy is a problem

When I woke up again, Isaac wasn't in the bed. I shook my head before getting out of the bed.

I didn't abandon you baby girl. I had some business to help my dad with but I'll be back soon.

I heard Isaac say that in my head as I walked towards his door. Later on around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I left to go hang out with Zoey and Bradley. I didn't get back to the house until around midnight and I saw a light on the living room when I got there. When I got inside, I saw that it was Isaac who was in the living room and he was doing something on his phone. He looked up to see me right before I turned around to put my keys in the bowl on the small table near the door.

"We need to talk baby girl." He said from behind me and very close to me as I put my keys in the bowl.

"Ok." I said without turning around to face him.

"I talked to Matt and Victor." He said.

"About?" I asked as he moved closer to me and put his left arm around me.

"You moving into our apartment. I don't want you to think I don't want to spend time with you or don't keep my word. I want you to move into the apartment we have near the college campus so at least every afternoon/night we can be together unless some business comes up." He said before kissing the right side of my neck.

"I'm still in high school. The apartment is further away from school." I said.

"True but I think the good outweighs the bad baby girl and I could take you to and from school. I can drive really fast." He said before kissing my neck again.

"Ok." I said and I felt him smile as he continued to kiss my neck.

"Glad you agreed because I already moved your stuff there." He said between kisses.

I quickly moved away from him after that then turned to face him.

"You moved my stuff before you even asked me and without me saying yes." I said in a mad voice.

"Call me optimistic. I was hoping you would say yes and if you did I wanted to go ahead and have your stuff there so we can start living there tonight." He said giving me a look and moving closer to me.

"So shall we?" He asked reaching behind me and taking my keys out of the bowl as he smiled at me.

I nodded my head before following him to the front door.

Oct. 5th (Sunday/same day but later on)

Isaac's bed in his room at the apartment turned out to be very soft and comfortable. I had no problem falling asleep after I got ready for bed. I woke up when I heard a lot of laughter. I opened my eyes to see Isaac wasn't in bed beside me. I got out of the bed then changed into a pair of dark pants and a long grey school spirit t-shirt.

"Oh whatever that didn't happen." Victor said as I quietly walked out of Isaac's room (or our room now I guess).

"That is what happened; you got shot down before you even got a word out of your mouth." Matt said laughing then Isaac laughed.

"You should have got it on video; I would have loved to see this guy who calls himself Romeo get shot down." A guy I didn't know said laughing as I quietly walked towards the kitchen/living room (it's an open floor plan).

"Morning baby girl. We got Waffle House delivered." Isaac said before I made it to where they could see me.

I got to where they could see me and I saw two new guys sitting at the kitchen table with them.

"This is Connor and Kevin; we play football together." Isaac said reading my mind and I nodded my head.

"And you must be Joy; nice to meet you and sorry if we woke you up. Not use to these guys having a girl living here." Connor (the guy that talked earlier) said smiling at me and I saw his fangs so I knew he was a vampire.

I just nodded my head as I walked towards the table. When I got within reach, Isaac pulled me down into his lap then pulled a plate with eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns closer to us.

"I got you orange juice to drink." He said as he put a cup down beside the plate then kissing the back of my neck.

"At least I'm not the only human anymore." Kevin said before drinking some coffee.

"You okay?" Isaac whispered in my right ear after I just ate a little bit of food without saying anything and everyone was just looking at us.

I nodded my head before drinking my orange juice.

"Don't lie to me; don't make me use our connection." He whispered in a mad voice.

He was about to whisper something else when I went back to eating when I heard my phone ringing from the room. I went to get up and he tightened his grip on me.

"Let it ring. You can call them back later." He said then all his friends looked at us.

I nodded my head before eating some more food and he kissed the back of my neck. The guys went back to talking about something but I tuned them out which I think Isaac knew I was doing because he started making small circles on my left hip. Someone knocked on the door kind of loudly and everyone stopped talking.

"You expecting someone?" Matt asked looking at Isaac as he stood up from the table.

"No." Isaac said as Matt walked towards the door.

"It's not for any of us guys; it's for your girl." Matt said as soon as he opened the door.

I quickly turned to see Bradley and he waved at me.

"How did you know she was here?" Isaac asked in a mad voice after Matt let Bradley inside and they made it to the table.

"We share each other's locations on our phones. I called." Bradley said looking at Isaac then saying the last sentence looking at me.

"You can wait in Isaac's bedroom for her; she'll be there soon." Matt said then he sat down at the table.

Bradley nodded his head before turning and walking away. I quickly stood up before Isaac could tighten his grip again but before I could walk away, he grabbed my left arm then turned me to face him.

"I don't want you sharing your location with your friends. Turn it off." He said in a mad voice and looking me straight in the eyes.

"It's a safety thing; we have done it for years Isaac." I said.

"I don't care; it's my job to protect you not theirs so turn it off because I don't want them showing up unannounced again." He said still in a mad voice and Victor shook his head.

"Again I called and you aren't being that quiet." Bradley said in kind of a loud voice from Isaac's room then Isaac's eyes turned almost completely black.

"Do not hurt my friend; I'll talk to him." I whispered and turning Isaac back to look at me since he had looked towards the hall.

He let go of my arm after that then I walked away. I shut and locked the door after I walked into Isaac's bedroom.

"What's up?" I asked sitting on the bed and looking at Bradley.

"Is it safe to talk to you here? Is he using the mind connection on you?" Bradley asked.

"What if I am? It shouldn't matter if you two are just friends!" Isaac yelled from the dining room and I shook my head.

Bradley gave me a look before signing is he always this controlling?

I signed kind of and Bradley shook his head before starting to sign.

My parents don't want to wait for the Selection Process to pick who I marry; they want to go ahead and set me up with someone.

I shook my head before signing back who do they want you to marry and they know if they bypass the Selection Process they could get in trouble.

He nodded his head before signing yeah they know we could get in trouble but they want to keep a pure bloodline so they don't want to risk the chance that the Selection Process doesn't pick a witch for me.

I signed who do they want you to marry?

He gave me a look before signing Zoey.

I was about to sign something back when Isaac appeared in the room.

"Just talking." Bradley said looking at him.

"You mean using sign language. Keep it up and I will learn it. You can leave now." Isaac said giving Bradley a look.

"Isaac, we are just talking nothing else." I said looking at him.

"Using sign language because you know I can hear everything you two are saying and you two don't want me to know what is being said. No secrets baby girl so your friend here can leave until he can respect that there will be no secrets between us." Isaac said looking at me then at Bradley.

"And she will be turning off that location service. I can protect her so she doesn't need you." Isaac said and Bradley shook his head.

"I'll see you at school." Bradley said looking at me then he walked towards the door and left.

"I can't believe you did that. He is my friend and he needed someone to talk to." I said almost yelling in a mad voice then Isaac looked at me.

"No secrets whatever you two talk about I want to know because believe me when I say he doesn't act like just a friend and like I said before I don't share." Isaac said quickly closing the distance between us and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I don't care what you think he acts like Isaac. You need to believe and trust me when I tell you something otherwise this relationship is doomed." I said shaking my head.

"I do trust you baby girl but I do not trust him. Now, if you are done trying to argue your case which you will lose then let's go back to the table where you can get finished eating." He said giving me a look and I saw his eyes were almost completely black.

I shook my head before breaking free of his grasp to walk away.

"Hey, eat as much as you can." He said when he caught him to me.

"Seriously, you think I'm going to let you feed/ drink from me right now?" I whispered in a mad voice since we were almost to the table.

"Whatever; that's your choice but still you need to eat." He whispered in a mad voice before we sat down at the table.

We got through the rest of breakfast without talking and when we were all done eating, all of them left leaving me alone in the apartment. After that day all the days started to blend together and even though Isaac and me live in the same place now, we barely talked to each other or saw each other outside of the quick breakfast I would eat before having to leave for school which he always took me to but we didn't talk on the ride there.