
Chapter 17

As London is still shaken by what transpired that day, Hekate moves forward with her next plan. She closes her eyes and begins whispering in an unknown language. Back at Hybreed's village, Renee begins gasping and choking. She can see Hekate with her in her true, demonic form, sucking the life out of her. Hybreed can sense this but is on the other side of the globe. Even if he were to run at his speed, he still would not make it in time to save her. However, because of her powerful strength, Renee is able to fight back and uses her telepathy powers to fend her off. Eventually, Hekate releases her then disappears. Renee coughs to catch her breath.

Konnor: Hybreed?

Hybreed: We have to go home. Something is wrong.

The group are on the next flight out of London back to Salem. And as soon as they arrive, Hybreed runs to the village and arrives to find that it is still standing. No damage was done until he enters his house to find his mother bedridden.

Hybreed: Mother. Mother.

Renee opens her eyes to find her son there and is happy to see him back.

Renee: Oh, my dear son. You're home.

Hybreed: Yeah, I had to.

Renee: She can't kill me, Hybreed. She may be all powerful, but she is not as strong as me.

Hybreed: I - I saw what she tried to do, and I had to come back immediately. We've lost father, I can't lose you either, mother.

Renee: You're not going to lose me, son. And your father is not gone from you. You know where to find him. Remember everything he told you.

Stepping out of the house as his mother rests, Hybreed heads into town, looking much better after the storm that swept through a few days ago. He can sense every civilian he passes, and they are all free of curses. A woman struggling to get some heavy items out of her car, Hybreed steps in to help her. She thanks him and they carry the items into a shop called "Susan's Flower Shop." Hybreed believes her to be Susan, but she introduces herself as Rebecca Justice. It is her beauty that captures Hybreed's attention. Her long, black hair and green eyes, her skin as smooth as a pebble. Rebecca waves her hand in front of his face as Hybreed snaps back to reality.

Rebecca Justice: Are you okay? You sort of froze up there.

Hybreed: Yeah, yeah, my apologies, miss.

Rebecca Justice: Miss? Please, call me Rebecca or Becca. I never caught your name, by the way.

Hybreed pauses a moment then tells her his name to which she gives him a puzzled look and laughs. Taken aback, she apologizes, but Hybreed doesn't crack a smile.

Rebecca Justice: You're serious?

Hybreed: Yes.

Rebecca Justice: And you are from around here?

Hybreed: I am. My whole life. I was raised and lived within these woods. Nothing against the town, but, I prefer to live far from civilization.

Rebecca Justice: Really? Something happen?

Hybreed has a flashback to that night when Katherine was executed.

Hybreed: I'm sorry, I have to leave.

Hybreed leaves the flower shop, leaving Rebecca confused by the sudden attitude shift. Returning to the village, he stops to visit Lyke regarding Renee's condition and he informs him that she will indeed pull through and be fine.