
HxH: The Applications Of Nen

Artwork: https://twitter.com/dodaydust/status/777141615328567296 _____________________________________________________ During Gon's and Killua's stay in the NGL, they get to meet a rather unusual character. A two-star hunter by the name of Ashton. Btw, the stars are not decided by strength, but by contribution to society. Romance will be later in the series btw. This is a HxH fanfic starting at the beginning of the Chimera Arc.

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
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228 Chs

'Sweet' Reunion

__________ POV Narration__________

Netero kept pestering Ashton the entire way. Morel and Knov could only follow along awkwardly, not really engaging much with either the Chairman or the Scientist.

During their journey, they visited and cleared quite a few places of ants.

While that was happening the King started staying at the Royal Palace of the Republic of East Gorteau. It was quite a violent takeover. But it gave away his position.

Netero, Ashton and the other two were currently heading to meet up with the rest of the group, preparing to hunt down the remaining ants.

Gon and Killua were also in that group. Having proven themselves against Knuckle and Shoot, Morel's disciples. Gon and Killua were currently waiting together with the rest.

Upon seeing Ashton, Killua's eyes widened a bit. Probably wondering what had happened in that forest. He was also worried about Gon doing something stupid.

He could guess that Ashton left Kite to die. He wasn't stupid enough to believe otherwise. Neither was Gon.

As his eyes flared with anger when seeing Ashton. The scientist looked around their group for a bit, until his eyes settled on Gon, his face gained a cold smile.

That smile seemed to tip the young hunter over the edge. As he charged Ashton screaming.

"You BASTARD!" The one being attacked just smiled, this time it was filled with actual happiness. As if he was having fun watching the child breakdown in front of him.

"GON STOP!" Screamed Killua, trying desperately to save his friend. Thankfully for him, Knuckle tackled Gon to the ground before he got too close.

"What are you doing idiot!?" From his perspective, Gon was just attacking the people they were meeting up with. His master was also in that group. Of course, he was going to interfere.

Gon stretched his hand forward towards Ashton. As if he was trying to strangle him. "HE KILLED KITE!"

The Smile of the man in question only widened when seeing the formerly naive child squirm around trying to kill him.

"Who killed what kid?" Asked Ashton, trying to further enrage the child.

"Kite... WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP HIM?!" Gon was screaming his lungs out while Ashton was on the verge of laughing on the ground.

"What? Kid, I don't know who stole your Kite, but I have nothing to do with any of that." At this point, the calm and collected Killua also started clenching his fist.

Knuckle also got off from Gon. Who remained on the ground as his eyes started tearing up.

Gon started beating his fist into the ground. Neither he nor Killua could realize this at all, but Ashton was giving Gon a good life lesson.

Don't trust strangers, it doesn't matter if they know the people around you.

That he should always pay attention to foxes as they cannot hide their tail.

Quite a few things can be learned from an experience such as this. But to the old scientist, it just helped to build character. He didn't need to antagonize himself to this point.

He did it to prove his point. 'The innocent ones fall the furthest' was a casual observation of his. He wanted to see if he could apply it to someone other than himself.

Gon's trusting nature made this much more hurtful in the end. But the young hunter also blamed his best friend Killua for running away.

So it could be said that his view of the world was quite skewed from the beginning. But Ashton had no way of knowing this. In his mind, Gon was just an innocent child.

Killua was angry. But he knew that he couldn't fight Ashton, still, he decided to respond to him.

"Kite was the name of the two-star hunter that was part of our group..." That was all he could get out through his clenched teeth.

Ashton suddenly gained a look of understanding. "Oh, I see. But I didn't kill him. That strong ant did it."

Gon immediately perked up at Ashton's words. "You could've helped him!"

"I could've but I didn't. I wasn't obligated to keep him safe. He was a hunter, he knew what he was getting into when signing up for this mission." A technically correct response. But it wasn't pleasing to hear. Especially to the grieving Gon and Killua.

Both had different ways of showing their displeasure. Gon beating his fist into the ground harder and Killua digging his nails into his own palms.

At this point, everyone was rather saddened by the way things went. Almost everyone was giving Ashton the stink eye. Netero being the only one trying to mediate the situation.

"Let's calm down a bit... There is nothing we can do about that now. We need to deal with the ants before they become a bigger problem." His strategy was to change the subject.

And it didn't really calm down Gon and Killua, but it did bring Gon back to reality.

__________ POV Ashton__________

Netero looked at me a bit. Probably waiting for me to take charge of the operation. He's always been like this, throwing his work onto me whenever possible.

But I am the only person that knows the abilities of the Royal Guards. So I guess I can't really help it in this situation.

"Well... Right now the only thing we know is their location... They didn't really bother keeping it secret." Smokey said whilst pondering what to do.

"I know enough about the 'Royal Guards', the stronger ants that hung around the 'King'." I felt the need to add this. The only thing that I need to make preparations for is the King. I don't care about the three idiots escaping.

I already studied them enough. I also don't care about fighting them.

I slowly explained the abilities of each Royal Guard. They were quite appreciated.

Although I didn't have as much on Youpi and Little Pouf. They didn't get to develop as many abilities as Pitou while I was with them.

Me giving away vital information didn't seem to raise anyone's opinion of me in any way. It seems I didn't make the best first impression on them. Oh, what am I to do...

Glasses was the one to take notes about the information I just gave them. He seems to want to be the one that plans the actual attack.

Which I don't mind. I think his Hatsu will be vital for any operation. So it's better for him to come up with something.

I also don't really care about this group. I'd probably end up using all of them as disposable pawns. With the exception of Gon, Killua and Netero.

I won't kill Killua because I had a decent relationship with Zigg. And Gon is still interesting to me.

As for Netero... Well, he's strong enough to defeat the guards quite easily. And I really don't feel like killing him. He is still my only acquaintance. Maybe friend if I stretch the definition of it.

Just as I was about to leave, Smokey said something that caught my interest.

"Gon... I still have some doubts about you joining this mission..."

Hmmm, I feel like I want to see this.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Here's my Patr.eon, it's around 8 chapters ahead now.