
HxH: Infinity

After coming home from a mission, Satoru goes to sleep before waking up in a new world. What will he do? Who knows? ___________________________________________ Go support me on patreon to get extra chapters. patreon.com/Asceanime

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Chapter 19

" Alright kids, class is in session. Please shut up so I can explain. " Satoru said as Gon and Killua sat down.

" Nen is a technique allows us to use and manipulate our own life force or aura. This leads up to people developing special abilities like powers. " Satoru said as Gon and Killua nodded so far.

" Alright so in order to unlock ones aura you must be able to open your aura nodes. Think of them as small gates that let water flow through and can augment how much flows through.

I will unlock your aura nodes after the lesson." Satoru said as Gon kept his hand down.

" Now look at the board. " Satoru said as he kept a white board with 4 Major Nen principles written on it behind him.

" To fully understand we have to start with these principles first.

The first is Ten. Once you unlock Nen, your aura will start to slip away from your body. In order to keep it from slipping away you take it and make a shroud of Nen around yourself. This acts as a defense against emotional Nen attacks but offers little protection from physical attacks that are boosted by Nen. Also, your aging has slowed down. You'll live a lot longer than non-Nen users.

The second is Zetsu. Zetsu stops the flow of aura by closing all the aura nodes. This in turn makes the user while in Zetsu harder to track sense their presence is erased. However, this also makes it so that you can't see aura but you become sensitive to the aura of others.

The third is Ren. It focuses on outputting a larger amount of aura than Ten, projecting it outwards explosively. This increases the physical strength and durability while providing a larger pool of aura for advanced techniques and individual skills in exchange for aura. While using Ren, you can use bloodlust. It's were you use malicious Ren on your target. It can induce uncontrollable dread in the target, paralysis and if they can't use Ten, even death. Neutral Ren can be used to intimidate others.

Last is Hatsu. This is the one where superpowers come into play. It's an expression of one's personality. Look at the board. " Satoru said as he drew a Nen Catagory chart.

Gon and Killua looked at the chart to see 6 categories. Enhancement, Transmutation, Emission, Conjuration, Manipulation, and Specialisation.

" These are the Nen categories. Based on a person's individuality you can be either one of these.

Enhancers can strengthen themselves or objects. Straight forward.

Transmutation allows you to change your aura to match something else. For example fire.

Emissions is detaching aura from the body. Example: Someone who can mimic a gin and shoot something at the target.

Conjuration allows you to create objects out of aura. Like a sword.

Manipulation allows someone to control animate and inanimate things. Like controlling a human.

Specialists can create unique effects that can't be done with the other categories.

Any questions? "

" How does one know which Catagory their in?" Killua asked.

" Through water divination but you'll be doing that later. For now I'm going yo be telling of Nen users you've already met.

Me, Hisoka, The examiners, Netero, and the entire Zoldyck family including the butlers. " Satoru said.

Gon and Killua widened their eyes.

" My entire family has Nen. " Killua muttered before he realized something.

" Satoru can someone control a human using objects? " Killua asked.

" Yep. " Satoru said grinning.

Killua raised his hand and pierced his head. Blood poured out as Killua laughed. In his hand was a small needle.

" He was controlling me the entire time. " Killua muttered.

" Yep. " Satoru said.

" Thanks but why didn't you do it sooner? " Killua asked.

" I ain't going to be able to be there to save you so you need to be able to spot techniques. A person's Nen technique can change the tide of a battle.

Very few people know about it and can use it. Why do you think your family can be in the open with their base of operations known to the public? They are skilled at Nen. Plus people hire them to kill.

There are advanced techniques of Nen but a gin we will have to focus on the first 4 for now.

With that said let's unlock your Nen. " Satoru said.

" Come face me with your backs turned. " Satoru said.

Gon and Killua stood up. Satoru placed this hands on their backs and used his cursed energy to open their aura nodes.

Gon and Killua felt their aura poor out.

" Quickly use Ten and contain your aura. " Satoru said.

Concentrating they closed their eyes and focused on their aura. They managed to get Ten down pretty quickly as Satoru ate some sweets.

" This is cool! " Gon exclaimed.

" Yep. Once I master this I am so going to kill Illumi. " Killua said smiling.

* clap * * clap *

" Well done. Both of your Ten are really good right now. For now, I want you to practice Ten. Tomorrow you're going to go to heavens arena and go all the to the 200th floor. " Satoru said.

" Other men users are on that floor aren't they?" Killua asked.

" Yep. However, don't challenge them right away. You're still new to Nen. You can battle them after you had more training. " Satoru said.

" Okay. " Killua and Gon said.

" What should we do now? " Gon asked.

" Concentrate on Ten for another hour before switching to Zetsu. Take a break for 30 minutes and then learn to switch from Ten to Zetsu and back. " Satoru said.

" You know what each means right? " Satoru said.

" Yep. "

" Totally. "

" Good, now get to work. Tomorrow is a big day for both of you. "


" Oi Dad. " Killua called as he sat on the couch after moving Alluka from the coach to the bed while she was still asleep.

" What's up son? " Satoru asked while grinning.

" Need to talk to about Aluka. "

" Makes sense. After all I stole her from a cage. " Satoru said.


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