
HxH: Infinity

After coming home from a mission, Satoru goes to sleep before waking up in a new world. What will he do? Who knows? ___________________________________________ Go support me on patreon to get extra chapters. patreon.com/Asceanime

Asce · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 16

I'm back gentlemen and gentlewahman!!


" Alright our next match of the day folks. Our first contestant is new to the 200th floor. Please welcome Satoru Gojo. "

Satoru walked into the arena as the crowd cheered. He was well known on the lower floors as he easily beat his opponents in one hit.

Satoru smiled as he walked. He didn't listen to his opponent being introduced as he waited for the match to start.

' Alright, the bets are in. All I need to do is still him for about a minute before I can destroy him. ' Satoru thought.

He observed his opponent. He had black hair and a cocky expression on his face. He looked at Satoru.

' Yes, a newbie. This will be an easy win for me. Then I'm one win closer to becoming a floor master. ' He thought.

" Begin. "

Satoru watched as his opponent created a barrier around him. Satoru just watched on with a smile as his opponent laughed.

" My barriers are unbreakable. No one has ever been able to break them. " He said as he looked at Satoru.

' These barriers can reflect the same amount of damage on the attack from the force they exerted onto the barrier itself. Keeping people in like this and then squeezing them to death is the best way to use this ability considering I can repair any damage the barriers sustain. ' He thought.

' Why isn't he worried? He hasn't even moved an inch. He also has that grin on his face the entire time. ' He thought.

In the crowd, a certain clown was watching.

' So what's your next move? You haven't moved at all. That grin on your face shows you aren't scared or even worried. Oh, I see. You want more money.

Well, whatever let's see your ability in action~.' Hisoka thought as he kept watching.

Satoru stared at his opponent. He wasn't worried as he thought about the sweets he wants to buy afterward.

' 58...59...60. Minutes up. ' Satoru thought as he grinned.

His opponent widens his eyes as he stared at the empty barrier. There was no one inside.

' Where did he go? 'He thought.

" Look behind you. " Satoru whispered.

His opponent's eyes widened as his fear increased. He looked over his head to see Satoru standing there with a grin on his face.

" It's been fun but I have a schedule to keep. Thanks for the money. " Satoru said with a smile.

Immediately after his opponent's head caved in and got crushed. His body fell to the floor with Satoru standing above it.

Hisoka looked from the crowd with an excited smile.

'What more can your ability do? I need to see more. You are becoming the person I want to fight the most. But first I need to understand your technique better. ' Hisoka thought as he looked at Satoru.

Satoru walked off the arena and collected his money.

' 1.7 billion jennies. Nice. ' Satoru thought with a thumbs up and a big smile on his face.

' Time to buy that house and the furniture. '


" Finally finished. " Satoru said as he smiled at his new house.

The new house has 3 bedrooms each with one bed. He had a fully stocked kitchen filled with multiple sweets and treats, along with food that can be used to cook with. The living room has a couch, a recliner, and a seventy-inch plasma screen TV. He has air conditioning as well because to wouldn't have it.

Satoru sat in his recliner as he ate some sweets and turned on the TV to watch whatever comes on.

' So far their training is going great. Killua will soon be out of punishment and then we can start their training.

Can't believe Netero told me that I have to teach them. Well, whatever it will be fun.

That and the fact I can unlock there Nen. ' Satoru thought as he remembered when he tried that.

During Satoru's first bounty hunt as an assassin, he was tasked to get rid of a gang that was causing some problems.

They didn't have any Nen abilities so he knocked a few out while killing the rest.

Using his six eyes he added cursed energy to them to see if he can open their aura nodes. Focusing on one of them, long story short, he finally managed to open one of them.

Grinning he spread his cursed energy throughout the body and opened the rest of the nodes. The man's aura flowed out.

Satoru grinned as he killed him and the extra he thought he needed. , walking away from the corpses of the gang.

' Well so far, everything has been going according to the plot. I'll break away from the gang once the greed island arc starts. That will give me time to explore on my own.

But before that, what's the best way to cuck the Zoldyck family? ' Satoru thought.


" Okay, guys. You survived the training. Time to take off the weighted clothes. " Satoru said.

" Finally!! " Leorio said as he took off the weights.

Kurapika sighed in relief as he also took off the weighted clothes. Gon did the same as well.

They then stretched as they felt lighter than normal.

" Damn that thing hurt my shoulders," Leorio said as he massaged them.

* clap * * clap *

" Alright, you guys. It's time for you to open the testing gate. We will start with Gon, then Kurapika, and then Leorio. " Satoru said.

" Okay, then I'm up first. " Gon said as he walked up to the gate.

" Alright, folks our first contestant is Gon Freecs. He's 12 years old and managed to survive the torture. Give him a round of applause. " Satoru said.

" Satoru why are you acting as an announcer?" Gon asked.

" Because it's fun. " Satoru said with a smile on his face.

Kurapika and Leorio just sighed as they were used to Satoru's stupidity. Gon walked up to the gate and placed his palms on it. Grunting he pushed on the gate as it opened.

The first gate opened as everyone smiled.

" Yes, I did it! " Gon yelled as he walked inside.

" Hurry up guys. " Gon said as the gate closed.

" Our next contestant is Kurapika. " Satoru said as Kurapika walked forward.

Kurapika pushed against the gate. The first gate opened as Kurapika walked through.

" You can do it Leorio. " Gon said.

" Don't fail. " Kurapika said.

" I won't. Have more faith. " Leorio yelled.

The gate closed as Leorio walked up to the gate.

" And our last contestant of the day folks is the future doctor Leorio. " Satoru said.

Leorio pushed against the gates as Kurapika and Gon stared in shock.

The 2nd gate opened!

" Told you I could do it!! " Leorio said as he pointed at Gon and Kurapika.

" The results of the competition. Tied for second place are Gon and Kurapika who both managed to open the first gate.

In 1st place is Leorio who managed to open the second gate. " Satoru said.

" Wait really?! " Leorio said shocked.

" Yep. Now let's go. " Satoru said as he started walking towards the Zoldyck manner.


Sup guys.

Exams are over and I'm back with more chapters. Hell yeah let's go.

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Also when this fanfic gets up to 200 power stones, you get an EXTRA CHAPTER. So drop those stones.

Hope you enjoyed.

Have a nice day.