
HXH History of Rising

WARNING.I will not write excuses that this is my first story and that I do it as a hobby.For me it is an opportunity to break into normal life.Many authors so secured themselves before starting to write their stories, I will not do it. Judge me objectively and strictly.Also know that English is not my first language so there will be mistakes. Yes, this is the story of the Hunter x Hunter universe. No, it's not another story about cheater Zoldik, reincarnations, or anything like that. I thought for a long time about whether or not I should try it, but I came to the conclusion that it was worth trying. It's not a story about a super-duper cool guy who's going to destroy everyone and everything, but it's also not a story about a wimp who's going to hide behind his team or his comrades. Yes, there will be romance in this story and I have some ideas. No, there won't be a harem of lots of useless girls who appear for a short period of the story and then disappear for 10 chapters.I'll try to finish this story because I have so many ideas to realize.I don't claim to be a character in the HXH universe.They belong to Yoshihiro Togashi.I claim only my perosages. I hope van likes it, if so could you please support me? Maybe your support will help me write chapters more often. Here's my Patreon. I'm not going to take all your money just prashi, if you like the story support me. Ptreon/Laki Ri https://www.patreon.com/user?u=66785151&fan_landing=true

DaoistBYDWtD · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

I don't.

Super suddenly opened her eyes. The darkness was everywhere. From top left to right. Her body felt like it was made of beaton. Her limbs didn't work properly. Her breathing quickened. Her heart began to beat faster. She panicked. She had never felt so vulnerable in her life because she'd been through rigorous training since childhood.

that had stabbed her body and spirit.

With willpower she forced herself to calm down.

-She looked around again, to her right were the same candles, and she could see that they had shrunk in height.

The first thing that popped into her head when she looked at the guy's back was to try to fight him, but she quickly dismissed the idea as silly.

The third and perhaps most logical idea was to check if this guy had done anything untoward.Super unbuttoned her jacket and checked if the bandages that were wrapped around her rather large breasts were okay so they wouldn't interfere with her fight.The bandages were intact.Super gasped in relief.Next she wanted to check the bottom of her robes.

She took another look at his back. From this angle he looked even less dangerous. For a second she even felt safe.

After a few more minutes of licking and watching the guy's back, she decided to trust her feelings and relaxed completely. Suddenly there was the sound of a door opening from which she herself had just walked out. Abruptly lifting the upper half of her body, she stared at the opening door. In the passage stood a guy. His eyes were staring into the void and his eyes were cold as ice.

Five minutes earlier.

Pov Dario.

*Well, I hope she'll agree to take the exam with me next year, I'll even help her with coaching if she needs it....hehehehe...ahem, I'm way off.

Well the most important thing is I have a plan.

One, I need to get stronger, the hunter who paoimatized me showed our difference in strength and I'm sure he's far from the strongest.

Second, I need information without it I can not achieve their goals.Third, it follows from the second.I need money without money in this world can not achieve

I can't get information without money, etc.

And the fourth, I must become a hunter, it will quickly raise my social status and give me a lot of roads. All the same, a license hunter gives a great advantage.

It might not be the best plan, but it was better than nothing.

Suddenly I felt a look on my back. She woke up. A smile appeared on my lips. I hadn't smiled like that in a long time. Probably not since "those" days.

Still something she pirked me, though I do not know her, perhaps she is not even the most good person, but I somehow want to tease her and see her

cute facial expressions, hmmm hope this doesn't affect me in a negative way, still I need to concentrate on my goal.

The door opened again.My smile came off my lips.Even from afar I could smell the blood.

-Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. It's a test of combat, after all.


A human figure sat on a fenced corpse and struck it with a hammer. The blood was everywhere. 3 other corpses lay a few meters away, but they were in a less bad condition.

The blow, the nose was pressed so deeply into the skull that it was invisible.

The blow, the man's face was unrecognizable.

A blow. The last final blow.

The man sat on the dead man's body for another minute.

The blood dripped from his fists. His eyes were empty. He did not believe, did not believe that his friend had betrayed him, did not believe the reason for the betrayal, did not believe that he wanted to kill him.

Not that he wanted to kill his friend for some title.

Clover stood for a few more minutes looking at the corpse of his friend, then turned around and walked down the hallway to the next room.

<...ver...lever...Clover, hurry up,> the black-haired boy shouted.

<Now. Wait for me, Ral,> shouted back to him the green-haired, heavy-breathing boy, but his legs became entangled and he fell.

<How could you fall like that, Clover?" muttered Rahl.

<I'm sorry, Ral, it was an accident,> Clover apologized.

<Damn, you should be more careful,> said Rahl, beckoning to Clover.

<Yeah,> Clover said with a big smile, taking his friend's help, because Rahl would always help him.

The door opened in front of Clover, and he felt a strong urge to kill, but he didn't care; he was ready to die now.