
The beginning

This story begins with the dream of a small boy. A dream that will take him far beyond your imagination. He will get knocked down and rise, again and again, for it does not matter that he is not talented, it does not matter, He will find his path and overcome adversity. He will experience pain, suffering, shallowness and despair. But he will also experience happiness, love, affection and satisfaction. He will stand tall and overcome it all, for his name is Alexander Veil.

My mother was an elegant woman and the best mom in the world . Standing at 175cm tall, blonde hair coupled with her blue eyes she looked as happy as she always does. My mom always stayed at home and took care of the house as well as me whilst dad was at work and it never seemed to bore her. My dad worked at the bookstore he owns in our family name, the bookstore has been around for centuries and has been passed down for generations in our family. The bookstore is located in Yona city, a village known for it's satisfied and wholesome residents. My dad was a lean man with glasses standing at 190 cm tall, brown silky hair and green eyes like emeralds.

Our life in Yona village is a slow one, and I quite like that feature about my village. It's slow and nice. There is almost always nice weather and always beautiful. Our village is filled with beautiful mountains and beaches where tourists come to visit.

My house is small but elegant, housing only two bedrooms and a single bath with the kitchen and dining room in the same place. But I love it, I really do. Being here with my family makes me the happiest son in the entire universe, sitting at the dining table with strawberries and cream on a hot summer day, or drinking kokoa on a cold winter night, I love my life and I won't ever let anything disrupt this blissful life.

'I will grow up and marry someone from the same village, take over our family inheritance and business and make my mama and papa proud. Proud to have a son with conviction and heartfelt love for his family. I will not worry my parents nor will I in any way hurt them or anyone I care about. I will be the best son this world has seen, I do not have any other dreams besides being with my family for the rest of their lives and building my own family one day. That was how good and kind my parents were. I do not wish of anything but the family I had.'


Sitting near the kitchen window, leaning against the window cill whilst balancing the chair on its hind legs, I couldn't help but think back on the dreams I had for my family.



Morning birds sang their song and the crickets cricket to the morning sun

"Ahhh, what a beautiful morning it is today"

"The warmth of the sun makes me feel like i'm in my mother's arms again"

"This is bliss...truly a blissful experience"

"Oh how I wish my parents were here right now"

Mum, dad….can you see me? Can you see that I am doing well? I've been eating enough and sleeping at least 8 hours a day. I've also been exercising lightly everyday to stay in shape. I hope that you can find some piece of mind where you are right now. I've buried you on top of the grassy hills behind our house, I know it was where you guys first met and where you got married...and I wanted it to be the place where you would rest. So rest now...you will always have a special place in my heart...I love you.

On top of the very grass hills mentioned, a young man was standing shirtless with a sweat covered body. Having carried his parents' caskets up a steep mountain. Wearing only white sweatpants and white shoes, 187cm tall, blonde wavy hair that reached to his shoulders with green eyes and a muscular build. Looking out over the lake, he could see children swimming and elders watching over the children. Realising that nothing would change even if he disappeared made him decide that he will be disappearing from this village.

"There is nothing here in the village for me anymore. My family was everything to me and now they are gone. As there is nothing I really want in life, I will be going out in the world to search for my purpose. I am really thankful for all the people that supported me and my family. I wish everyone the best and thank you all once again."

Sincerely yours truly:

Alexander Veil

Placing the note down on the welcome mat in front of the door, I started walking away without thinking twice.

'My first stop is Zaban city, a city where I know nothing and no one. I'll have to get a job and an apartment, a steady lifestyle is always reassuring'

Receiving an airline ticket from the lady behind the desk at the blimp station, I later found the blimp I was supposed to board. The blimp could transport over 750 people at once and a ticket was relatively expensive, around 850 jenny (around a dinners worth for a family of four). I currently have around 40 000 jenny that my parents had left for me. I don't know what I'll use it for but I will spend it cautiously.

A couple of hours into my travels with the blimp I watched the setting sun outside the windows at my table near the windows onboard. I quite liked the view, people traveled back and forth behind me, but I just sat and stayed for a couple more hours admiring the view.