
HXH : Arcane Archer

Strange beasts and monsters... secret treasure hoards, undiscovered wealth, mystical places, unexplored frontiers. "The mysterious unknowns" ... there's magic in such words for those captivated by its spell. They are called "Hunters." ··· When archer Nakamura Akira died saving a child, he woke up in a new body. While confused about where and when he is, Akira retains all of his memories. Thrust into the world of Hunter x Hunter, Akira recognizes characters and settings from the manga. He noticed he becomes Pokkle, An underrated character who died having his brain played by an ant. At the Hunter Exam site, Akira befriends Gon and the other main character wishing to make some trusted friends in this life. He keeps his bizarre rebirth a secret while relying on Pokkle's physical abilities from his training. As the trials intensify, Akira uses his wits and archery skills but he notices that he possesses incredible talent. Plagued by the mystery of why he's been placed here, he searches for clues about Pokkle while determined to pass the exam. But will relying on his past life give him an advantage in this strange new world? And can he uncover why fate brought him to this reality? ··· I do not own HunterXHunter or any other characters that will be added to this fanfiction. The HunterXHunter was created and owned by Yoshihiro Togashi. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only.

_SooYoung · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 17 : Banner X Genner

– January 11, 1999, 11:30 am.

The ride proceeded smoothly, the hum of the airship's engines providing a comforting backdrop.

On the ship, a brown-haired boy is gazing out of the window, looking at the breathtaking scenery below. It is a scenery you want to see once in a while in your life.

This particular brown-haired boy is Akira, His friends, Gon and Killua are exploring the ship after getting permission from the pilot Kurapika took a nap sitting by his side and Leorio was in the restroom just after the airship started to fly.

Akira on the other hand is thinking about his previous life. ' I've been focusing adjusting that I almost forgot about it. Well, there's not much my past life so maybe that's why it slipped on my mind.'

" If there was maybe, I hope that my sister is taking well my death ." Looking at the vast sea with a small serenity, He said softly reminiscing about all the time with his sister, who was the only one who treated him as normal.

Because of his father's influence in business, plus his successful and Famous Actress Mother and his talent in Archery, Nobody treated him as just an ordinary kid. All of the people he knew approached him with intention in mind. He was so fed up with it that he purposely avoided contacting other people except for people he couldn't help but interact with. The Archery Club he formerly went to is nothing but a prison to him. Surveillance from the manager of the club, Favor left and right. He couldn't spend the time playing with the members and get a good memory like he always wanted.

' However here, nobody knows who I am. My father and mother weren't here, even though it's a shame that my sister is not here. I can still manage myself and even make some friends. I bet she would be proud of me if she ever saw me right now.' Akira said with a smile, in his eyes small tears were forming.

As in deep thought, while looking at the scenery below, Akira gazed out and the crystalline sea before changed into a lot of shipwrecks that looked like a graveyard for ships.. But the thing that caught his eye was a white yacht with a hotel near the shoreline. 

The airship's speed slowed down and landed with a gentle thud. Seeing that they already have landed, Akira nudges Kurapika to wake him up.

" We're here!." Akira said as he kept on nudging till he saw Kurapika slowly opening his eyes.

" What's time now?." Kurapika asked, He looked around before groggily sat up.

" Don't know, maybe almost noon," Akira replied as he also stood up.

Two kids approached them, It was Gon and Killua, and on their hands was a fried chicken leg.

" Do you want Akira, Kurapika? We took a lot, Hehe." Gon said as he showed a bento in his hand.

Akira took one before taking a bite on it. Kurapika also took one as he was hungry after all, they barely passed the exam before the time ran out. 

And they got dragged into this ship just after the third phase exam.

" Where's Leorio?." Killua asked while biting his fried chicken.

" Restroom, He seemed like having a hard time. Maybe motion sickness." Akira replied.

" You three go first, I'll go check Leorio," Kurapika said as he waved and walked in the restroom direction.

The three look at each other before following the other participants. As they exit the airship, They meet with Ponzu and Anita.

Akira greeted both of them before introducing Gon and Killua to them. He is pretty nervous seeing how Anita's eyes lingered a bit longer on Killua.

' Did she find out Killua was Zoldyck?.' Akira thought anxiously.

Then Anita looks away and Akira takes that chance to drag away Anita back to Ponzu's side. Which is not far away from their position. 

" Sigh, I can't even take a rest," Akira mumbled to himself as he dragged away Anita who still staring dagger at Killua.

Meanwhile, Killua also tensed up seeing how Anita looked at him. ' She smells like the same kind.'

Killua ignored her since Akira looked like knew about her but if it threatened his friends he wouldn't stay still.


Shortly After, All the remaining 37 Applicants exited the airship. The airship engines started and it suddenly rose up to lift off.

All the applicants weren't surprised at it, thinking this was the site of the fourth phase of the hunter exam.

" I guess this must be the test site for the fourth phase," Kurapika said as he looked at the huge ship in front of him.

" I wonder what it will be," Gon said full of excitement, waiting for the next challenge in the exam.

" Finally, I get out from that hellship! But I don't feel so good." Leorio said, his face is pale as white and he is leaning in the pole bar nearby.

" If you're gonna puke, don't do it here," Killua said looking at Leorio at his side.

"Haven't you already taken a pill for motion sickness?." Akira said as he walked towards Leorio rubbing his back, trying to make it easier for him to puke out.

" I thought, I could manage without taking one," Leorio said while wobbling around.

In the midst of all this, two elderly people came down from the large old yacht. The yacht's white color seemed lightly browned because of the old age but the size is much larger than the average medium-sized yacht. On the top of the deck, it looks similar to A Three-star Hotel.

One of the elders is an old woman while the other one is an Old guy. They looked at the remaining applicants before speaking. " Hello, Applicants! We are your hosts. Welcome!."

" Do you think they're the next Examiners?." Leorio who is clutching down his stomach looks at the seemingly new examiners.

" I don't think so, They'd said they are hosts. Probably, a host in the hotel." Akira said before yawning. He had been yawning a lot after coming to this world. He didn't know if it was because he was tired because of the change of pace in this world or if it was just a habit he inherited from Pokkle.

" How did you know?". Gon asked as he looked at Akira with curiosity.

" Simple, Menchi said that every hunter needs to learn martial arts whether they like it or not. But they don't look much a fighter to me." Akira said as he patted Gon's head. Another thing that puzzles him. He seemed to pat the head of a smaller person than him.

" My name is Banner, and I'm the manager of this hotel." The old woman speaks and then presents the one on his side. " This is my husband, Genner." 

" Nice to meet you all," Genner, The old guy.

 Banner is an elderly woman of around 60 years old, has brown hair pulled into a short twin's tail, and wears old-fashioned clothes. While Genner, her husband, around 70 years old appeared slightly taller with graying hair and wearing an old brown vest with a gray sleeve.

After a second, A tall baldy stepped forward looking at the two elders. He is wearing all black both top and pants, He was Hanzo, applicant #294. 

" Did I hear you say this was a Hotel?." Hanzo said informally.

" That's right. Part of this ship has been partly converted into a hotel with all the amenities. In the past, we've had the honor of hosting His Majesty, the King of Nebra. Also, this hotel is a favorite among celebrities of the continent who refer to it as the White Palace on the Ocean." Genner said in a salesman-talked manner.

Hanzo looked pissed off, maybe still frustrated at the fact he wasn't the first one to clear the Trick Tower. Walked to the front of those two elders. " I didn't ask for a sales pitch, so you two are not the examiners, right?." 

" Are we?." Genner turned to Banner asking her.

" Yes, that's a very good question. But the Hunter Committee has given me a message to deliver to all of you applicants. " To all who passed the Third Phase, congratulations on a job well done! The Fourth Phase will begin three days from now. Until then, please enjoy your short break on this island." Banner said in a calm tone.

" Wow, a break!." Gon excitedly shouted holding his backpack.

" Oh, that's disappointing. Here I was all ready to take the next Exam!." Leorio bragged as he straightened himself before puking out.

" Said by someone, who look sickly pale and clutching his stomach since earlier," Akira said sarcastically while shrugging.

Ponzu couldn't help but chuckle and earned a stern look from Leorio. Others also chuckle at Leorio making him more frustrated.

Then all the applicants walked towards the entrance of the old yacht, wanting to rest up and restore their strength for the next exam. While some wanted to take a shower and get all clean and refreshed themselves.

" Just wait a minute, Here you have to pay in advance. Ten million jenny per person." Banner said as she stopped all the applicants from going in the yacht.

" HUHH??." All the applicants blurted out a surprise at the price and were shocked that they needed to pay. With the exception of a few applicants.

" Ten million Jenny?!," Leorio yelled at the two elders.

" You are gonna charge us?!." Gon cried out not having any penny on him.

" For that price, I could stay at the most deluxe hotel in Yorknew City for six months!." Tonpa said perplexed at how expensive it is.

While others are complaining to the two elders about the price and that they don't have that much Jenny on them. Akira is in deep thoughts thinking about this familiar scene in the series.

' Although I remember it as it's the bonus stage of the 1999 anime series, I couldn't remember this scene well. From what I can remember the time limit is three days but apart from that I didn't know anything. It's also been a while since I watched that version.' Akira thought as he looked at the sky with a smile.

His mind is racing between excitement and nervousness since he doesn't know what will happen at this bonus stage.

' but I believe that everything will go well since the main cast is here. I just need to be careful.' Akira thought as he looked at the huge Hotel on the top of the Ship Deck. 

But those thoughts will quickly change just after a day.


Hi! Sooyoung Here!

I'm sorry for the late update there were a lot of quizzes and reporting last week so I didn't have time to write a chapter.

On the topic, As the poll ended last Sunday, Specialization is the mc Nen Type will going to be. I already have something for him but it wasn't aligned with this fanfic title so I'm gonna change it but I can't think of a good title for now. ( Originally, I planned to make his Nen ability similar to how Pokkle used in the series. So I titled it Arcane, having lots of abnormal states of arrow effects.)

His ability is quite OP (not too OP) and sinister compared to how I initially thought of it. But since there are a lot of monsters in the series it wasn't that bad considering I said that his talent will bloom after death.

I'm gonna post another poll for the members of the group. I also have a group name for them with their purpose aligned with it. There are five official members in the group, and in the poll, I'm going to pick five depending on the most voted one.

Thank you for understanding and Please enjoy reading.