
HXH- experimenting with Nen

Guy gets reincarnation in hxh with perfect body for nen

MadOtter · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

-6 days later

Currently, I am on a tour bus with Gon, Leorio, and, kurapika on our way to get to Killua. "So go long before we get to the mounting," I ask Kurapika.

" it shouldn't be long" he replied, I was excited to get my training started but the Cheman told me to test out the testing gate which turned out the best since everyone was going to get back Killua and I would look like a creepy friend if I didn't go as well.

About five minutes later we arrived at the mounting and just like in the anime the two guys got eaten by Mike and we spoke to the clearer about being let in and he explained about the gate and that you can't go through if you don't open the gate.

"Hay do you mind if I give it a try" I ask the cleaner

"Be my guest" he said. I nodded and removed my jacket I put my hands on the door and started to push first it was the first door then the second, third, fourth, and finally it stopped on the fifth I slowly let go of the door closing it in the process.

"Wow I can't believe it even young master Killua couldn't do that," the cleaner said

"Hay you three I suggest you ask Mr. Zebro if he could train you to open the gate because if you go in now you will probably die I would do it myself but I have to go train we should meet up in six months in Yorknew," I said to the three before starting to leave down the mountain road I would stay but the chairman didn't have a lot of time to tech me so I had to get back as soon as possible.

- A day later

"So chairman shot is the first the first thing," I ask

"You are all read strong physically so we can get on to your final test to become an official hunter you know about the special skill that you were talking about that can make a Hunter 100 times stronger that skill is called Nen and 100 times isn't it limit it can make you infinitely stronger if you have the right potential and drive because even if you had the most potential in the world without training you become useless,"

"So how do I get this Nen," I ask

" the are four major principles of Nen and you must grasp them to properly use but before that, you must awaken your Nen the in two ways I am going to show you the less dangerous way as there is less risk and I can gage your potential better" he replied "ok let's begin" I said

-30 minutes later

-POV Netero

'How can this be it hasn't even been an hour and he awakened I'm pretty sure that the record was 10 hours and he turned into the feist chairman but I can't tell him this or he will get too full of himself " hm good but I have seen better so we should continue with the next stage"

-POV Zen

After I awakened my Nen Netero tort me the four major principles. I first learned ten to control my Nen second I learned Ren so I couldn't amplify my strength and finally, I learned what my men category is as I didn't have to learn zetsu since I already know how to hide my present and doing this is the same as Zetsu.

"Put your hand on the cup and do REN" Netero command.

As I let my Nen Into the cup I thought that nothing happened but then I felt it "splat, crash" A cup of water fell and broke on top of my head.

"It seems you are a specialist," Netero said "is that good?" I ask "it can be good or not so good as everyone's abilities are useful in different situations but some in more than others, we can't really tell till you manifest your ability. And that's my taste for you to do while am way for five mouths trine you Hatsu along with doing Ren to the full extent until you burn out" Netero said before disappearing in a flash.

"I guess I should get started, I should train my Nen for three months then my Hatsu," I said aloud and started reading my Ren.

After 30 minutes I reached my limit "So that is the extent of my Ren it's very good" I said aloud

-3 mouths later

My Ren has gotten to a bottleneck and I can hold it for 11 hours but I feel that I won't improve in less I find out what my Hatsu ability is. "How do I discover my ability?" I wondered do a second before it hit me "The cup was copied." I quickly picked up a piece of wood form the floor as I am a forest so I had a lot of mental and things to copy.

I started to carve a copy of the tree in front of me and after a supply of hours I was done it didn't look as good as the original but it was still good. I quickly started on the second one.

-1 week later

I have done 1000 cravings and I now can say that it is just as good as the original but I know that this is not my ability. The only thing that can be done is to do more carvings but this time with my Nen.

-3 weeks later

I think I have a clue what my ability is now after making carvings that are better than the original, about 20% better than but my ability isn't to copy objects but something else. I started to think before starting to use my Nen.

-1 month later

"So child what did you learn in these five months," Netero asked me we are currently at a cafe after the months I didn't want to spend one more second in that copied forest.

"I learned that if you have to make sure that your head is clear when training and you only have a singular goal that would have saved me a lot of time if I did REN training for one month then my HATSU for two months then my REN for the last two but you can't change the past"

"That's a good lesson you've learned so what is your special ability?"

"I will tell you but you must never tell everyone"

"That is a must"

"My ability is called THE END it allows me to copy any ability that I have seen at 120% of the original but I can only have five abilities at one time and if I swap it for a different ability I can't use it for 1 year but there no time limit on how long I can have this ability for" I saw no reason to lie and he probably already had an idea of what the ability is as I felt something watching me for time to time I still didn't explain that I can't copy the body power so if the ability is too taxing on the body I shouldn't copy it.

"Hahaha, in my time I have seen a lot of ridiculous ability but you tops it. Anuf wit that what do you plan to do now?"

"I'm going to meet my friends at Yorknew"

"Ring, Ring" Just as Netero was about to speak his phone rang and he picked it up and listened for a couple of seconds before putting it down

"Sorry can't speak anymore an issue has and I need to leave but here is a book on the advance Nen principles master it by the time we next see each other okay."

"OK we will see each other later then," I said

" we shall" he replied