
Husband Upgrade: Heiress's First Love

She gave up everything to marry the man she loved. She turned her back on her family for him. She left the world she knew and threw away her inheritance for him. After three years of marriage, Lilith Durfort accepted the truth. Her husband was only using her as his step-sister's personal blood bank! She divorced him and returned to the life she had left behind. Returned to her family. But she was only allowed back into the Durfort family under two conditions: 1. She becomes heir (easy!) 2. She marries a man of her Grandfather’s choosing But who did her Grandfather chose? Alexander Harris, the most eligible bachelor in the country and her first love! The man who broke her heart and pushed her into the arms of her worthless ex-husband. Can Lilith survive being married to someone who crushed her heart and soul? Or is there a way for her to get out of this arranged marriage before Alexander ruins her again? WARNING: First POV Will have SMUT Lots of Back Story Lots of Side Couples and Ships

wounded_warrior · Urban
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204 Chs

Walking Out

The ring was gorgeous, but it was heavy and it was a constant reminder that I was tied to a man I wish I had nothing to do with, Alexander Harris.

As much as I wanted to deny how moved I was, I couldn't help but be in awe that he knew exactly what engagement ring I'd dreamed of. Nor could I deny how fast he made my heart race by his mere proximity and our near kiss, I couldn't lie to myself about those things. 

Alexander Harris was dangerous.

I hadn't gotten far when a familiar voice called my name.

"Lili!" I turned to find both Jade and Riley running after me with Jade calling my name. "Lili, wait up."

"Go home guys," I grumbled.

I knew I didn't have the right to be mad at them, I abandoned them first. But I was fairly certain that this run-in in the jewelry shop was planned. There was no way in hell that Alexander was out shopping.

"Look, we know you're pissed," Riley said, as she placed a firm grip on my shoulder, stopping me from walking away. "I know you didn't want to see him, but you can't keep avoiding your fiancée!"

"Lower your voice," I scolded as I glared at her.

Things were already bad that I had not only run into Alexander in the mall but we were caught in a compromising position at the shop. If anyone had walked in at that moment I was certain that rumors of a cheating Alexander Harris would spread.

"He needed to see you," Riley whispered.

"His controlling ass can visit me at home anytime, Grandpa said as much," I scoffed as I turned and marched away.

Both my family and friends were traitors when it came to Alexander Harris.

"Lilith," Jade groaned, making me stop and turn around again.

"Don't do this," she told me. "You know we only wanted to help, we would never have done anything that would have harmed you."

I frowned. 

I hated that I couldn't say no to Jade, not after everything she'd been through. Of course, I knew that they wouldn't do anything to harm me. 

They were my best friends, even after I had abandoned them they were here for me. 

I sighed in surrender as I looked between Jade and Riley, their faces lighting up when they realized I wasn't as mad anymore.

"Fine," I grumbled.

Both of them quickly ran up to me and gave me a tight hug.

Riley slipped a box into my hand and smiled, "An apology present."

Raising a questioning eyebrow at her, I opened the box and was surprised to find a dainty gold chain inside.

"It's not really from me or Jade," Riley confessed, frowning. "Alexi had it made, he knows that you won't want to wear that ring all the time. You know how possessive he gets, he said he wanted it on you every moment of the day. So this was the compromise I came up with."

I could feel the tears that threatened to spill out of my eyes. I hugged Riley again and thanked her.

"Your cousin is probably the most stubborn, insufferable man ever, the fact that you negotiated and stood up to him about this means a lot to me." It was the truth. Alexander hated it when people disagreed with him. The fact that Riley went against him on this was a big deal.

"He values your approval more than you think," she told me with a smile.

I did not know how to respond to her words, so instead, I simply nodded as I looked at the ring.

"It can stay on for the rest of the day," I said as I kept my eyes glued to the sparkling diamond. 

"That'll make his day," Jade giggled. "Now where to?"

I looked around and spotted one of my favorite luxury clothing shops. I needed to update my wardrobe, not just for work, but the casual clothes too.

"I still need to do some shopping, for non-party stuff," I said, pointing toward the shop.

Riley grinned at me and quickly hooked my arm in hers, "Let's go!" 

The moment the sales attendants spotted Riley and Jade, I could see the dollar signs flashing in their eyes, making me giggle.

"What?" Riley asked, glancing at me.

"Do you guys still go here often?" I asked her as one of the attendants led us to the VIP area. 

"Of course!" Jade said excitedly as she ran off to one of the racks. 

"We used to go here all the time," Riley reminded me. "It's still our favorite."

"Miss Harris, welcome!" A woman who was probably the manager said as she approached. She looked very welcoming as she gave us a warm smile, who wouldn't especially knowing how much money those two spent on clothes and how deep their families' pockets ran.

It didn't slip by me that the manager kept sneaking glances at me.

It was only natural that she would be curious as to who I was, after all, Riley and Jade were some of the richest young women in the country. It didn't help that both were affiliated with Alexander and Lexington.

"You know how much Jade and I love this shop," Riley said, a distant smile on her face, watching as the manager glanced at me again. "This is Lili, a friend."

I gave Riley a thankful smile. 

I didn't want people to know I was Lilith Durfort, heiress to the Durfort fortune and fiancée to Alexander Harris. 

We still had a mission to complete in the company and I still had a revenge to execute.

"In that case, can I offer you a tour Miss Lili?" the manager asked.

I politely shook my head but allowed an attendant to follow me and help me with my purchases.

Shirts, pants, dresses, belts, shoes, I needed to purchase all of them and after a while, I could see that Riley and Jade were done and ready to pay.

"Go ahead," I told them with a nod. "I know Jade is probably hungry."

Jade pouted in response while Riley laughed. I was right, Jade was hungry. 

"Our usual place, I booked a table at the back," Riley said as she pulled Jade with her. "You're using his card for this, right?"

I gave her a mischievous smile and nodded. Why should I be the only one to benefit from Alexander's limitless card?

"The bodyguards will take things back, be safe," Jade said as they rushed out, leaving me alone in the shop.

I picked a few more tops and pants out since I wore those more often and they were a simpler design that didn't attract too much attention to the brand.

The attendant and I were wrapping up when I picked out a bag that I knew cost quite a lot. 

'This should send Alexander's blood pressure up,' I thought to myself as I handed it to the attendant.

"Don't sell that to her, she won't be able to pay." A deep voice that once made me swoon, but now sent a disgusting feeling to the pit of my stomach said from behind.

I turned to see the two people I didn't want to see, Jason Young and his sister, Janet.