
Husband doting wife: Emperor Gu's shameless perfect bride

After getting betrayed by her own family. Zhao Ai decides there's no more reason to live. If happiness will come to them with her death, then she was fine with it. So she knowingly took the poison apple but she was reborn. Life has given her a second chance. Ah. You there..the step sister I cared for but betrayed me. It's time pay to back what you owe. This missus IQ is very high. And the fiancé I loved all my youth, you dare to cheat. I will show you all some good face slap. This psychologist will make you all a psycho. "Em..handsome why are we both naked in bed?" she asked tightly holding the duvet. The young handsome man sat upright, his well defined upper body was something she couldn't take her eyes off. Shamelessly forgetting what she was asking she started to flirt. "Handsome we must have met before. You look too handsome for my eyes to forget." "You married me last night." he stated no emotion on his perfectly sculpted cold face. "Eh..so you are saying I took advantage of you last night and married you?" "Yes." "And you agreed?" "Yes" She tilted her head to look properly at him. Her face swollen due to lack of proper sleep. She seemed to be weighing his words before concluding. "Hmm..that sounds shameless. But I believe you. Only I have the guts to be shamelessly shameless." "..." And so Zhao Ai starts her life over again. Refusing to be betrayed again. Married to Emperor Gu, the president of Emperor group of industries. The wealthiest and most feared man in the country. Zhao Ai learns that her life is more than what it seems and she starts to find out things she didn't know. Perhaps this husband of hers was not a coincidence. Perhaps they had really met before. And like that, this young shameless missus begins her journey of face slapping. Please this book is yet to be edited. I am still working on it....be patient with me. Leave your review and vote for little old me. The image used is not mine. Copyright belongs to the artist. Instagram @Loneliest_Empress Send me a kofi and check out my inner thoughts on https://ko-fi.com/loneliest_empress

Loneliest_Empress · Urban
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343 Chs

I am Zhao Ai, a law abiding and easy going citizen...

Once Xiao Ai got to the office she shared with three other doctors including Baozhai, she did not get the chance to sit before someone came telling her they were being called by the disciplinary committee.

Walking side by side, Baozhai suddenly felt pressured by Xiao Ais intimidating figure.

Xiao Ai was about 5'8 while Baozhai was 5'5.

In the past she never had to worry about things like this since Xiao Ai was wrapped around her fingers.

But now, Baozhai realized this girl was different. She didn't look as considerate as she used to and she acted like Baozhai was non existent.

As if she were the only one walking along the silent corridor .

Xiao Ai knew Baozhai had been checking her out so she decided to start her psycho lessons on her.

"I had no idea you liked me that way." Xiao Ai said suddenly breaking the silence. She looked like she was a bit surprised.

"Forget it you can't be blamed. After all am the prettiest lady you will ever lay your eyes on. Don't you think?" She asked suddenly moving closer to Baozhai such that they could feel each others breath.

Baozhai was shocked and suddenly gasped. Her ears turned pink and her face was red.

Staring into Xiao Ais deep black eyes, she couldn't help but be carried away.

Her heart was thumping and her mouth was suddenly dry.

"No sister...I ...I..towards you I don't have that kind of thing." she managed to speak while stepping backwards a bit.

"Really..." Xiao Ai asked looking at her as if wanting to swallow her whole. "Does that mean towards others you have that kind of feeling?"

"Hun. ...?"

Baozhai was still dazed when she heard Xiao Ai chuckle.

It was so low. So soft. So enticing, she felt dazed for sometime .

"Little sister, you are still very adorable."

Seeing that Xiao Ai was already walking away, Baozhai thought she must be imagining things.

This Xiao Ai was not like the one in the past. She started the game herself so she wouldn't lose at the beginning.

Gathering her emotions, Baozhai kept up with Xiao Ai and then sneered.

"Zhao Ai, you think your little tricks can work on me?"

Xiao Ai who was about to press the elevator turned around to stare at her younger sister a little surprised.

"What are you saying now? Have you finally lost it?"

"Stop pretending. You don't need to seduce me. I don't like girls you know . I know you know everything already. Since you already know I don't like you, watch how I make you the most hated person. Watch how I snatch everything from you." Baozhai said determination in her voice. She was looking at Xiao Ai as though she was the most disgusting thing on earth.

"Baozhai? Do you need to see a psychiatrist now? Should I call Lifen? Since you know that I already know everything why will I seduce you? My taste isn't that low you know." Xiao Ai stated matter of factly and then pushed the elevator button.

Baozhai got in thinking Xiao Ai is really good at acting.

But she wasn't going to be fooled again.

"Xiao Ai, don't pretend anymore. It doesn't suit your face."

"Yes since you know that it doesn't suit my pretty face, why would I pretend? Stop being delusional its creepy."

Xiao Ai looked like she was serious which made Baozhai a bit confused.

She was sure this bitch was seducing her just now.

Seeing Baozhais complex expressions, Xiao Ai inwardly smiled.

Baozhai, i will show you how competent of a psychologist I am.

Soon they got to the disciplinary committee.

Every single member was strict looking and unfriendly.

"First miss Zhao and second Miss Zhao, do you agree to the video clip of you two switching patients. And first miss Zhao, do you agree to teaching miss Zhao how to handle the cases you passed to her?" a stern looking woman asked.

She should be in her fifties, though she looked young she was too stern looking to be called beautiful.

She stared at Baozhai who seemed to be fretting a bit and then at Zhao Ai who seemed too calm.

The two sisters were clearly the opposite sides of a coin.

After staring at Xiao Ai for a while, she finally looked away.

This woman was too tough to read.

She couldn't get a single out of place emotion on her poker face.

The other members too noticed this and suddenly realized how Xiao Ai had solved the multiple personality disorder of a violent crime lord during her university days .

She was simply fearless and courageous.

Baozhai on the other hand tried to hide her emotions but facing this stern looking people, she couldn't hide for too long.

She looked over at Xiao Ai who had one leg propped on the other and was having a staring contest with the members. She was as calm as surface water .

How the hell is that bitch calm?

She dared to expose our dealings.

Ah...Xiao Ai you didn't think it through. If I go down, you go down with me.

"First Miss Zhao does live up to her reputation." a member commented. Impressed by how calm she was and also trying to get emotions from her.

Xiao Ai smiled subtly, so faint that it almost seemed like an illusion.

She then sat upright and looked at the member who had asked her the question in the eye.

"I have quite a number of reputation. The two most prominent ones being Most shameless woman and most capable psychologist. I wonder which you are poking at."

"Am saying Miss Zhao sure is very capable at her work.You wont even give way for any mistaken emotions. Impressive! "

"Am most honored to be your most shameless capable doctor. Thank you."

"So Miss Zhaos, do you agree to the above?"

Baozhai nodded agreeing with what the board had said.

If she couldn't keep being a psychologist, then Xiao too couldn't. She still was Chunhuas fiancée and could easily get a position at their pharmaceutical company.

Since Zhao Ai wants to destroy herself, she would let her.

Zhao Ai looked up at the ceiling a bit confused.

"I don't see anything above. What should I agree to?"

The woman who spoke earlier wanted to lash out in her but was stopped by the other members.

They all knew Zhao Ai was good at provoking people and making them say things.

"Miss Zhao, this isn't the time to be sarcastic. I meant the statement I made earlier."

"Oh. I see. I agree to it."

Baozhai sneered seeing that Xiao Ai had agreed.

What's the need of pretending to be so brave if you are going to be destroyed.

"Since you both have agreed to this crime, you will agree to whatever puni..."before the man could finish speaking, a man in white doctors coat barged into the room and gave a white paper to a member .

The man who got the paper was shocked and quickly passed it to the rest.

Every member looked shocked and them stared at Xiao Ai, there eyes a little soft.

An old woman suddenly cleared her voice and said to Xiao Ai." Miss Zhao if this were the case, you should have said it. Now that we have this report, we will lessen your punishment. You will only get a decrease in salary while Second Miss Zhao will be suspended from the hospital indefinitely."

Xiao Ai looked like she was a bit relieved and then looked a bit embarrassed.

"Thank you. I didn't mean to not tell. It just as I am a psychologist myself, I felt a bit embarrassed." Then she smiled in a shy manner looking down at her nails.

The previously stern looking members laughed a little. It was obvious there were going easy on her

Baozhai froze in her seat, she was definitely suspended.

Why was Xiao Ai not punished

A decrease in salary, where they kidding her?

That was no punishment at all.

"Excuse me, why am I the only one getting punished and not her! Have you all received bribes? Did this slut seduce you all?" Baozhai was furious and couldn't help yelling at the disciplinary committee. She got up and pointed at Zhao Ai...

"Bitch just what have you done to make them change their mind." she then grabbed Xiao Ai by the collar and was aggressively shaking her.

Zhao Ai smiled inwardly.

She didn't even do anything and Baozhai had already lost her temper.

Normally Baozhai was someone who was temperamental but she wouldn't be rash in situations like this.

It seems that Zhao Ais psycho training was being effective.

Zhao Ai pretended to fall and her eyes were clouded by unshed tears.

Some of the members had already called for security.

This sort of commotion quickly spread throughout the hospital.

Baozhai was fighting Zhao Ai again.

Of course the ones that spread this words were none other than Lifen and Yusheng.

Yusheng glared at Lifen. What could he not do for this ungrateful girl who seemed unaware of his feelings.

Lifen pretended to not see him glaring at her and quickly rushed up to the meeting room where the committee members are.

She took out her phone and began recording.

Yusheng couldn't help but shake his head.

Were this still his two best friends?

He doubted it. They were too cunning.

How shameless.

Zhao AI saw that Lifen and some other doctors were already present.

Naturally she knew Lifen was recording so she started her acting.

She looked at Baozhai and then said in a grieved voice.

"Baozhai Although you don't like me, I used to care for you. When we were young I wasn't very healthy but when you asked me to get you dried fruits in the cold, I didn't hesitate and quickly went out. Later I had a very high fever because I was standing outside for too long. I had to stay in the hospital for days but you never came to visit me. Then I thought you just felt guilty about seeing me. I thought you were blaming yourself so I didn't pursue the matter. But now....it seems you never did care. I was just being delusional. I was a fool to have thought you cared for me as your sister."

Xiao Ai then stood up and took the paper that had caused the commotion, placing it in Baozhais hands.

"Read it. Read it for yourself and see. You are my sister but you never cared for me. Then you used my illness as a tool and made me do things for you." Xiao Ai looked like she was suppressing her anger and went on." You knew my condition so you intentionally asked me to do those outrageous things. You knew I would answer to everyone of your damned request. Isn't that why you took advantage of me back then? Isn't that why?" Xiao Ai screamed. As though she couldn't hold back her anger anymore she looked up acting like she was suppressing her tears.

Lifen snorted. This Xiao Ai.

Even she dared not compete for her shamelessness.

She was even more talented than most actress.

Her emotions were on point and there was no single flaw on her.

Baozhai stared at the paper and started shaking.


Where did this come from suddenly.

"Liar..this thing is fake! Zhao Ai stop lying and come clean. You are trying to frame me here."

"Oh...really? So you are saying a report form the military Care Medical Centre is fake. You clearly knew back then that I was depressed. You knew I was affected by the case of that Young teenager back then. I was so immersed in her emotions. You are saying the military is lying?" Xiao questioned loudly. Unable to hold back her fake anger.

"Oh my God! Even Doctor Zhao has times when she isnt good."

"I had no idea she was depressed. I was in the same department with her back then. Now that I think about it, she did take a lot of sick leave back then. "

"Things like this is normal for most psychologist. Sometimes they get too immersed in their patients emotions such that they absorb the emotions and think it's their original feelings. That case of that teenager back then was truly tricky. It's inevitable that Doctor Zhao got too immersed in it."

"True. I learnt she's still taking care of the girl."

"I can't believe second Miss Zhao is this wicked. Taking advantage of someone in there weak state...such Despicable thing to do."

"True...she's no different from the shameless group after all."

The shameless group was well known in the country.

Of course they were none other that Lifen and Xiao Ai.

Lifen hearing that they were attaching Baozhai to her felt disgusted and couldn't help speaking.

"She's different. She's shameless in a shameless way. But we are shameless in a noble manner. Ok. We don't just go around talking and hating on people. We don't take advantage of people's weakness as well." Just as she was done speaking, she turned to Yusheng.

Yusheng seeing that she was suddenly looking at him, had a bad feeling and quickly looked away.

"Hey Yusheng, quick help me scratch my legs, am holding the phone so I can't do it myself. "

Yusheng acted like he didn't hear.

"What? You are ignoring me? Do you want me to post that your childhood picture of when...." before she finished, Yusheng quickly bent down and helped her scratch her legs.


Zhao AI whose attention was stolen:"..." Bitch! So shameless.

Who was the one that said she wouldn't take advantage of people?

Shameless people were so complicated.

The case of the teenager was one that made Xioa Ai popular.

It was indeed quite a complicated case.

"Zhao Ai stop lying. You Liar. How could you manipulate the results?"

Everyone sneered.

It was a report from the military Care centre.

There were known for their strictness.

"This miss Zhao must be mad."

"Manipulating the military reports. Even Emperor Gu won't dare."

"Delusional people like her love to think they are still in control. "

It was true that Xiao Ai was receiving counselling from the military Care Centre after the case, but it was an entire lie that she was depressed and completely immersed in the patients own emotions.

Zhao Ai was more capable than that.

She only took the counseling then because Professor Ku had advised her to.

Who knew the reports that she was being counseled would be useful later one.

Baozhai....you don't know me. If you do, you would never play a game with me.

She wasn't as dumb as Baozhai who wanted to go down with her enemy.

Instead she was wise enough to have planned everything out.

Regarding Baozhai, Xiao Ai already had all her plans out.

No matter what Baozhais next move was, Zhao AI would always be ready to counter her.

Her family was second to Gu family in terms of Public Relations.

Yet Baozhai dared to think she was a match for her.

Baozhai finally realized what was happening. Starting from her engagement banquet, Xiao AI was already prepared. She knew every move she would make and was already prepared to counter her.

Baozhai suddenly felt like she didn't know this Xiao Ai anymore.

The change was too drastic for Xiao Ai to accept.

Looking at Xiao Ai who had a pitiful expression on her face, only Baozhai could feel the coldness and pressure from her.

She instantly shuddered.

She remembered. Some time ago when Xiao Ai left for Russia, her father had said that Xiao Ai was a very dangerous child who wouldn't hesitate to destroy anything standing in her way.

She never believed but now..it was true.

This was why their father and Xioa a Ai never got along.

Zhao Ai was too scary form the beginning.

She just refused to notice it.

Suddenly feeling weak, Baozhais legs felt like jelly.

Zhao Ais aura was something she couldn't bear. It was too suffocating.

Too intimidating.

Seeing the triumphant look on her face, Baozhai felt that she wouldn't give up that easily.

Zhao Ai. So what if you are scary.

I can be scarier.

This isn't the end.

I Baozhai won't rest until I destroy you.

Soon the security took Baozhai away while Xiao Ai still wore the 'am so aggrieved look'

"No matter what Baozhai might have done, she's still her sister. Doctor Zhao don't you think that you have gone too far. Attacking your own sister. That's so scary." Shen Yumo suddenly said thinking it was her turn to humiliate Xiao Ai.

"Scary? Director Shen, what's scary is your over maked up face. Don't you feel disgusted staring at your reflection?"

"Zhao Ai don't push it."

"Push what? Your tiny strawberry breasts or your little figure? I have no time for you so move aside."

Everyone suddenly laughed.

This Zhao Ai was much too dramatic.

She was so vulgar they doubted there was something she couldn't say.

Shen Yumo gritted her teeth. What was so great about this Zhao Ai Anyways.

Why does she have to let her trample on her severally?

Before Shen Yumo could move her hand to touch Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai suddenly felt backward with a thud.

Everyone held there breaths.

Shen Yumo was the most surprised. She didn't even touch her, how dare she pretend!

But the angle was tricky and judging by how close they had been, no one would believe that she didn't push her.

Worst was Shen Yumo had a bit knowledge in martial arts which everyone knew.

So even she spoke up no one would believe her.

"What the hell. How could she push her like that?"

"This Director Shen is too wicked."

Lifen smirked seeing that Zhao Ai was courageous enough to be fall despite the cameras meant that she already calculated that she wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

Smart move.

Xiao Ai slowly got up. Staring at Shen Yumo she stretched her hands forward.



"Water. Why are you acting innocent. You just shoved me to kiss the floor and now you are playing this innocent card don't be despicable. Here's my account details. Send me the compensation lest I call the police."

Lifen:"..." What the heck. In front of so many people. She should really bow to Xiao Ai. She was simply too thick skinned.

Yusheng:"...." How am I even related to these two. He feared that if he wasn't careful he would be dragged into their shameless group.

Everyone:"..." So thick skinned.

Barely up and already trying to swindle.

Shen Yumo snorted." You so thick skinned. But you can dream on. You won't get a dime from me."

Thinking about how her salary would be reduced...Xiao Ai had no choice but to be thinking skinned plus she wanted to get something for her Hubby.

"Fine then..." Xiao Ai took her phone and made a call. "Hello is this the police, yes. I am Zhao Ai a law abiding and easy going citizen. I was suddenly bullied... "

Shen Yumo quickly grabbed the phone from her hands. Her teeth were clashing aainst each other. Her hands were violently shaking.

She had non idea she would be a victim of Xiao Ais swindling one day.

"How much..." she asked almost out of breath. If she really called the police, things would turn out too complicated.

With the impact of her fall, Xiao Ai could easily say she was injured and with the influence of her family, she would definitely be put behind bars.

"Doctor Zhao, do you know that taking money form someone just so that you wouldn't report then to the police is also an offense?'

Zhao Ai looked grim.

"What offence? If I don't want to report then that's that. And if I want to its the same. Are you saying the police of our country are people who would force innocent citizens to report little things like this?" Seeing that her account had been credited, Zhao AI was overjoyed. "Director Shen, thank you for being considerate, however you are my best friends cousin with our relationship, things like this needs to settled amicably which was why I didn't report to the police. Don't you think am reasonable enough?"

Everyone:"....." Reasonable their foot.

This is clearly daylight swindling.

Should this be legal?

Shen Yumo had no choice but to agree there were so many people. If she were to lose her cool, her father would never let it slide besides this was chairwoman Mos daughter. She dared not do anything rash to Zhao AI at the moment.

"Of course Miss Zhao."

"Good good. Glad that you agree. In that case don't forget to pay my hospital bills too, I will go get myself treated now. Lifen quick come here and help me move." she acted like she was really in pain which made Shen Yumo more angry.

This woman...

No worries...once she is married to Emperor Gu everything will change and she will get back at this shameless woman a thousand times.

Meanwhile in City Z, a man sat on his office chair looking quite arrogant yet handsome. His fingers caressed the surface of the table gently.

"Is that her."

"Yes. She's the one taking the case of Miss Xu."

He hummed a bit. Looking at the screen again, he felt that she wasn't that bad. She would make a good toy by his side.

"Where's the thing?" handing over the document to her boss, the secretary felt a bit scared.

If her boss knew whose woman he was having dirty thoughts about....

"Interesting. Seems Gu Bojing can't control his own woman." he said a deep gaze in his eyes.

At the Gu Coporation...

Seeing the news on the screen, Gu Bojing had a gloomy expression on his face....

The room was suddenly covered in ice and no one dared breath too loud.

Wasn't their boss in a normal mood few minutes ago?

What went wrong?

This woman again.... she dared to fall so hard.

what excuse will she give this time.

She wasn't short of money.....?


Hey hey...thank you everyone for reading this book and don't forget to vote and rate.

Quick question..

which character do you like the most....

I want to be part of the shameless group....it sounds so fun*cries*

I will bring more candies to bribe you all next time...thank you.

Guys I suddenly lost some of the power ranking on this book...does anyone know if something is wrong?

Loneliest_Empresscreators' thoughts