
Huntsman's Guide to Sorcerery

A blessing turned into a curse... a deadly curse. Valier wanted to learn magic and become a Mage, something that normal humans like him could not even imagine, from a gift he had obtain from someone. Yet when the surge of pain shook his body and green ethereal glowing screens appeared from thin air, his life got completely turned upside-down. He turned into a Sorcerer, not a Mage. The hunter had become the hunted prey—pursued for wealth and honor by everyone. Left with no choice but to accept the cruel reality he did not desire, Valier strived to defy his fate. Cornered prey rarely submits to the predator when pushed to a corner. And he was the same. Valier refuses to accept death without a tenacious fight, questioning if, in the end, the hunted can become the hunter. ┻⁠━⁠┻ #Cover picture not mine. Rights belongs to the rightful owner.

Razed · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Book of the Day

'Did the ice break between them? I have never seen them talking that long since the moment I got here.' Valier thought as he glanced at the two men talking about something, which was a weird sight, as it was new to the eyes.

Noticing many other people looking at the two, it seemed that he wasn't the only one with the reaction. Even the Frozen Huntsman looked as flabbergasted as they stared at their leader as if what was happening was a miracle.

'With them having good communication, unlike before, the camp will certainly be more well kept.' He voiced, feeling hopeful for the future of the camp, while leaving the tent and stepping outside, under the bright yellow sun, generously spreading warmth and light.

As he basked under the rays, he noticed a few gazes lingering to him. Looking at them dead in the eyes, they turned their heads and walked away. Gazing at their backs, he shook his head, disappointed.

Hunters would not try to mess with him since it would be breaking the brotherhood they had forged since being part of the hunters. If they were found to be stealing from their fellow hunters, then the punishment of betrayal would be painful. However, that does not imply to other people.

The camp has merchants, gatherers, and other people. These people knew the consequences of messing with a hunter, which was incurring the wrath of all hunters. However, the chance to lift their feet off the soil would be enough to cloud the logical judgment.

'Some will definitely try and take the crystals. Surely, they are watching me secretly, looking for the perfect chance.' He believed while calmly walking, heading for Jakos to fetch Galleon.

Finding himself in front of a shop selling weapons and armor, he pushed the doors open, making the bell above the doorstep ring in his ears. Glancing around, he quickly found Galleon, behind the counter, explaining the features of the sword laid on the desk to the customer.

Galleon was just starting out as a gatherer, so he won't earn that much for having no sufficient experience in the field of gathering. He can't venture out in the forest, unlike experienced gatherers, and obtain valuable plants. As a result, he had to work a side job to support his needs while gaining experience in gathering at the same time.

Knowing that he should wait, he didn't approach him and went to wander around the shop instead. He looked through various weapons, and only picked a simple wooden bow that he felt he could use comfortably.

He walked towards Galleon and placed the bow on the desk. "I'll buy this one. How much is it, Gal? Surely there's a discount, right?"

Galleon replied, "Didn't you just get some crystals? At least try to buy something for once without asking for discounts."

He shrugged without a care. "What can I do? I'm not rich enough for that. And money doesn't fall from trees, you know. Sometimes, a beast has to chase you around first."

Galleon suppressed his laugh. "Heh, you're right. That'll be 25 bronze, from the original price of 29."

Valier got the pouch Somev handed to him and added a few of his savings, adding up to 25 bronze coins in worth. He handed his payment, and got the bow. Before walking away, he looked back at Galleon. "Hey, imma go rest for five days. You're gonna have to fend off yourself."

Galleon thought for a second before shaking his head side to side. "I'm not that helpless. And if you're worried about my safety, don't worry, I'll join some squad."

"That's reassuring. Just don't wander in the forest too far while I'm gone." He advised while releasing a sigh of relief. He left through the doorway, leaving the shop, and Galleon.

Outside, instead of going back to his house for some rest, he went for a blue tent far away that had an embroidery of a circle containing a white snowflake.

Once there, he greeted the first person he saw, which was one of the men he remembered holding Galleon in place when the guy lost his cool. And it seemed that the man also remembered him.

"You're that kid, right? Shouldn't you be resting instead of roaming around?" Asked the man in concern while glancing at Valier's injuries that had not yet healed since it was only yesterday since he got them.

"I'm planning to, sir. I'll be resting for a couple of days before returning to work. But before that, there's something I want to pick up." He replied.

"They did tell me about that. Leader had really become fond of you. That rarely happens. Come in." The man beckoned him to follow inside.

Valier went after him while glancing around. The place was empty of people except him and the man. The other Frozen Huntsman must be at Khennet's place, and had not yet come back.

"I'll just go get it. You can look around if you like, or sit down." The man mumbled while pointing at the seats before going somewhere.

Feeling exhausted from wandering around camp, he chose to sit down and wait patiently. After a few moments, the man came back with a book that had a blue cover with a golden depiction of a lion with wings.

Handing the book to Valier, the man's face suddenly turned serious. "Leader wrote this. And all members are given a copy. So I think he's investing in your growth. You better grow into a good hunter, or else this will just be wasted."

Valier felt the pressure in the air. The man standing before him was powerful, like every member of the Frozen Huntsman. So his words carried pressure, especially if spoken in such a serious manner. Yet, Valier did not let that faze him. He nodded.

"That is what I'm planning to do."

Satisfied with the response, the man grinned and gave Valier a pat on the head, which came out of nowhere and fast enough that he wasn't able to dodge it at all.

With his brows tWitching in annoyance, he bowed politely before he excused himself out with the book in his hands. He left the tent and trailed the road calmly, yet keeping a vigilant eye on his surroundings. As minutes passed, he reached his tent.

He went inside his tent without wasting any time and sat down, carefully flipping the pages of the blue book.

"Do I read it outloud, Vivi? Or can you see it?" He asked while opening the book widely, staring at nothing in the air.

[I can see it. So you can read silence while I records the information]

"Alright, got it." Valier gave a nod and went into flipping the pages gently. His first reaction seeing the first page was shock. There weren't only words written on the page, but illustrations were also drawn skillfully. Whoever Peirus collaborated to draw these images while he wrote, was a true artist.

[That is a Rock Guardian. The name did not change, however, it seems that there are more of their types discovered over the years]

Valier gazed at the different drawing of a bulky humanoid being covered head to toe in stones. They looked strong, and obviously tough, since their rock armor gave them protection against most attacks. Reading the words beside the drawing, what Valier thought was correct.

[You do not have to memorize the words as the Guide already recorded the information word by word. Simply ask if you want to look at it. That way, you do not have to carry the book around you at all times]

"That's a thing? Amazing. That will make things much easier." Impressed by the capability of the Guide, Valier let out a sigh of relief. Undoubtedly, memorizing the contents of this book will take a long time, which he did not have.

Moving onto the next page, he saw the beasts Khennet called the Immortal Jellyfish. It had a semi-transparent body, that looked very soft and squishy, and possessed a body that resembled a mushroom cap. Sticking out from behind the cap were the uncountable long stingers lined with spiky thorns.

As he read the information about these beasts, he couldn't help but let out a gasp of shock and amazement by its capabilities. If this beast wasn't very far, and not hard to kill, he wouldn't hesitate to take its skill to regenerate almost infinitely.

Just like that, several hours passed by as he became immersed in reading.


"Arghhh!" Valier failed to hold his cry of agony despite trying his best to cover his mouth. The piercing pain, as if a nail was being hammered into his head, was just too much. Shaking like a leaf subjected into a heavy storm, he curled into a ball, trying his best to remain conscious.

When the pain vanished like the passing smoke, a new challenge came in the form of intense heat from his crystal. Sniffling, and sweating like he had stood below the raining clouds, he endured the sensation until it faded into nothing.


[You have successfully learned (Basic Soil Manipulation)]


Spell Name: Basic Soil Manipulation

Tier: 1

Casting Requirement: 0.25 Mana Point

Description: One of the first spells to be created since the dawn of magic. Grants the caster the ability to control and manipulate the soil around them.

Warning 1: The caster can only manipulate the soil that is 10 meters around them.

Warning 2: Each cast of the spell requires 0.25 Mana Point.

Warning 3: Casting time is 1 second.


Despite the hardship he had suffered, nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment seeing his results. Grinning from ear to ear, he laid back down to rest his well spent body. This was the last of the basic spells. Now, he got all of them in just one day through painstaking effort.

"Valier? Were you chased around or something? Why do you look like that?" Galleon entered and spoke without announcing himself, startling Valier that his closed eyes opened in a snap.

"Didn't I tell you to not do that? Jezz." Valier said while closing his eyes and making himself comfortable once more.

Galleon covered his nose while growing heavily. "Seriously, Val. You smell. At least wash up first before sleeping."

"Yeah… just a few minutes…" While replying, his voice began to trail as his consciousness began to slip away.

Looking at his slumbering brother, Galleon sighed and put the dinner, wrapped in cloth, that he carried in his hands on the floor. He reached inside of it and took out a single ball of bread and munched. As he did, he caught sight of the blue book.

Seeing the detailed drawings, he reached out and began to flip the pages. Unfortunately for him, his interest waned After a few pages as he did not like reading very much. Without realizing it, he fell to the side, asleep.


Rising from his slumber, Valier chuckled seeing Galleon sleeping not far from him. He stood up and picked up the book, and placed it inside the chest. He grabbed a few clothes inside, and left the tent for a late night wash.

The wind had become frigid, sending a chill to his skin as he walked under the stars while guided by the light of the torches. Not everything was illuminated, as light casts its shadows, Valier turned more cautious as he walked.

When he reached the public bathroom, he entered after looking around for a moment. When he found no one, he went inside. Hearing the water running, it seemed that he was not the only one taking a bath at this hour.

Passing by the occupied stall, he went to the empty one. The stall was small, and can mostly fit one person at a time. It had one shower, and at the wall above it was a small window. There were swinging doors, which could only cover his shoulder, all the way to his knees, from outside view, and the rest were visible.

He lightly pushed the door and entered. He took off his clothes, and without wasting a heartbeat, he scrubbed like his life depended on it, because it does. Who wouldn't feel vulnerable when naked?

As the cold water graced his skin clean, its sound was completely ignored by him as his ears focused on the approaching steps. A lot of steps. Without having to turn around, he knew he was surrounded.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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