
Huntsman's Guide to Sorcerery

A blessing turned into a curse... a deadly curse. Valier wanted to learn magic and become a Mage, something that normal humans like him could not even imagine, from a gift he had obtain from someone. Yet when the surge of pain shook his body and green ethereal glowing screens appeared from thin air, his life got completely turned upside-down. He turned into a Sorcerer, not a Mage. The hunter had become the hunted prey—pursued for wealth and honor by everyone. Left with no choice but to accept the cruel reality he did not desire, Valier strived to defy his fate. Cornered prey rarely submits to the predator when pushed to a corner. And he was the same. Valier refuses to accept death without a tenacious fight, questioning if, in the end, the hunted can become the hunter. ┻⁠━⁠┻ #Cover picture not mine. Rights belongs to the rightful owner.

Razed · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 11: Act Normal

Leaving his humble abode, Valier sighed nervously as his eyes darted all around as if he's surrounded by enemies. Realizing his behavior will only make him suspicious, he closed his eyes and forcefully calmed his nerves.

'Act normal… normal. Nothing happened.' After reminding himself, his eyes sparked open, and his clenched fist relaxed. With a subtle smile, he looked up, and the sky was cloudless and bright.

He headed for the large tent in the distance, which was where Kenneth stayed. He still needed to obtain his pay from the moose he hunted, since every penny was valuable. After a few twists and turns as he navigated this way through the camp, he found himself at the large tent's entrance.

He did not waste time and entered inside. He stole some glances at the four people walking around, as they were famous throughout the camp. They are members of the Frozen Huntsman.

'They must be here to take care of their hunted beast.' He thought of a plausible reason. Hunting beasts aren't that common, and normal merchants don't have the capability of buying them. So hunted beasts are typically transported back to town and sold to nobles or very wealthy people.

It wasn't his business, so he did not bother to think about it further and sat down on an empty seat, waiting patiently. Since the place was busy, surely, Khennet was occupied as well with the important matter. He shouldn't bother the man for some pennies.

The stag was hunted by him, but since the camp was the one who brought it back and took care of selling it, his share would be less than half of the profit. It was saddening to think about, but that's how things are run here.

"Oh, kid, you're here. I was going to find you. Saves a lot of time. Here." The voice came from Somev, who was approaching him casually.

Valier remembered him to be the one carrying him around when his legs gave up. He gazed at the pouch the Somev pulled out, and received it gladly as inside was his share of his hunt.

"It sold for 4 silver, so you get 16 bronze coins, kid. Spend it wisely." Somev muttered with a smile while attempting to pat Valier's head, but he was a second slower and the kid dodged. He did not mind that his hand was left hanging in the air and shrugged.

Valier gave a bow of gratitude. "Thanks, sir Somev."

"No problem. Anyways, I still have many things to take care of. Bye." Somev waved goodbye while walking away.

Valier waved farewell, and sat back down. He had gotten his cut of the profit, but that was not his sole intention of coming here. He wanted to talk to Khennet personally. Unfortunately, the man might be busy for a long while.

Sighing dejectedly, he noticed someone looking his way and their eyes locked when he looked over. The person's cold eyes displaying indifference made him reflexively shiver from the cold as he instantly broke away from Peirus's gaze

Peirus sat down on a seat far away while facing him, which made it harder to not look at the man. His face was cold as ever, without the slightest change in expression, but the attitude he's showing betrayed his face. At first glance, they would think Peirus was a person that never waits, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. In fact, Peirus seems to be waiting patiently for someone.

"Finally, I'm done with those boring papers! " A voice full of relief and happiness echoed in the ears of everyone in the room. It belonged to Khennet, who just exited his office with droopy eyes. He looked tired, which was a rare sight.

Valier knew most hunters hate paperwork, and would prefer risking their hunting animals to be sitting behind a desk reading a stack of words. Khennet belongs in that category. However, since he's the camp leader, he can't just not do it. He doesn't have a choice.

Khennet met his gaze, and the man approached with his expression slowly becoming more energized with each and every step. "You don't look so good, Valier. Did you sleep well yesterday? You should rest for a couple of days."

Valier smiled embarrassingly as he remembered the things that shook him to the core this morning, turning him pale. His color hasn't returned just yet. He still needed time to process. And it seemed Khennet noticed with his keen eye.

"I did. And don't worry, I'm actually planning on resting for five days." He replied.

"That's good. You should try to get back to your peak self first. As he likes to say, "A hunter without rest is a step away from the grave"." Khennet muttered with a saddened smile, remembering the memory of Ballic.

"I will, don't worry." Valier gave a nod, also recalling those words.

"Anyways, why are you waiting here? Do you need something? If it's about your hunt yesterday, I made Somev take care of it." Not wanting to continue the gloomy atmosphere, Khennet changed the subject while sitting down next to Valier.

"Sir Somev already gave me my share. And I'm actually here for something else. I want to ask you something." Valier inhaled to calm himself in secret.

"Go on."

"Do you know a beast that has healing or regeneration?" He asked the man. Khennet's scars aren't aesthetic design. These are the scars he had obtained throughout his experiences as a hunter all over the kingdom. In the field of hunting, he's an expert, and knows many things.

Khennet scratched his chin deep in thought. "I do know a couple, but why? Are you curious about beasts?"

Valier gulped covertly, hearing the question and seeing Khennet looking directly into his eyes as he nodded his head in confirmation. Thankfully, he wasn't lying that he became curious of beasts. These creatures are what makes Sorcerers look like monsters, and one day, he may have to use them to make himself stronger. He wondered what features beasts could give him, and what he would look like if he obtained features of tens of beasts.

Shrugging, Khennet satisfied his curiosity. "There's the Immortal Jellyfish, and the Grand Tusk Boar. From what I know, the first can regenerate itself from any type of injury, almost making them immortal. As for the boar, they heal extremely fast."

Valier's eyes lit up with hope. "Where are these beasts found?"

"Immortal Jellyfish is found in the Hydrocast Kingdom, while the boar is found in the Shadow Forest, Solic Kingdom." Khennet replied, not pausing for a moment despite the information being years ago, showing his great memory and expertise.

On the other hand, Valier's hope almost got completely crushed. He knew about the different Kingdoms, and the Hydrocast Kingdom was several Kingdoms away, near the sea. Traveling there with his current self was a hopeless dream. Fortunately, the Solic Kingdom is just the neighboring country of the Phoenixin Kingdom.

Furthermore, the Shadow Forest and Shrouded Forest are actually one. The massive forest lay on the border of both Kingdoms, slicing it in half. The half belonging to Phoenixin was named Shrouded Forest, while the other half got named as Shadow Forest by the Solicians.

"I'm sure there are a lot more beasts out there with healing and regeneration, but those two are all I know. I hope I was able to provide you with an answer." Khennet spoke.

"You did, sir. Thank yo—"

Before Valier could finish, someone unexpected butted into the conversation with his usual cold voice with not a sign of warmth, Peirus. "Silver Slytherin. It can regenerate its own body even after being separated from it as long as the head is still fine. And Winder Wyrn, which can heal itself from any kind of injuries."

Both Valier and Khennet stared at him as if he's the odd one out of them. After all, Peirus was a known person, and even more so was his attitude. He normally doesn't butt into conversations uninvited. So this was the first time they saw him act like this.

"I never heard of those two." Khennet voiced, acting like nothing strange happened. However, inwardly, his interest was piqued by Peirus's strange behavior.

Slowly turning to Peirus, Valier was fidgeting. He bowed his head, expressing his gratitude. "T-Thank you, sir Peirus. I'll remember them."

Sensing the awkwardness of the situation, Peirus scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed grin on his face. "I apologize. I'm just greatly interested when the topic comes to Beasts. They are amazing creatures."

The wording perked Khennet's attention, and his smile decreased by a bit. "Amazing? Those things?"

Peirus nodded and replied, "Are they not? They possess strange abilities comparable to that of Mages. Although they are dangerous, they are certainly fascinating to think about and fight."

Khennet went silent for a while as he fell into thought. Peirus's words broadened his horizons, as he only saw beasts as dangerous creatures, and thought everyone shared the same sentiment. Turns out, that was not the case. He couldn't help but agree with Peirus. "I never looked at them like that before. But you're right. Who knows what strange abilities they have."

Peirus looked at scenery through the entrance, which was the wall, and beyond that was the tall trees of the forest. "The continent is large, and even the Shrouded Forest that possesses so many unexplored areas, is just a tiny plot of land. Who knows if there's beasts that can rival Mages."

Khennet chuckled as he thought the idea was ridiculous. "That might be too much of a stretch. There's a chance, but I think it's miniscule. Since Mages are very powerful. Hardly anything can rival them, you know. I've seen what they can do personally."

""You did?"" Both Peirus and Valier looked at him in surprise. Khennet had always been known to be an honest person, so the chance of lying was completely thrown out of the window. Mages hardly come out of their isolation from the outside world, so encountering them is as rare as being struck by lightning.

With blatant pride, Khennet pointed at the large scar going from his left elbow all the way to his neck. "Ten years ago, a kid, probably 14 or so, was actually a Mage. He summoned lightning from his fingertips and launched it at us as he thought we were part of the enemies. Honestly, I got the lightest injuries out of my companions that time."

Valier felt a lump in his throat and gulped it as his nerves turned uneasy. He had always kept in mind that Mages are like gods, and they shouldn't be messed with. And that idea was further etched into the very depths of his mind seeing that a kid did so much damage to Khennet.

'I have to get stronger, fast! Or else I'll suffer a much worse fate than just a scar!' He thought, feeling the urgency of the situation. Now, he was reminded of the knives positioned dangerously close to his throat. One wrong move might very well be the end of him.

"I never knew that happened to you…" Peirus mumbled with a face mixed with pity and amazement. His brows were knitted slightly, as his face was gloomy, yet his eyes were obviously fascinated as it remained fixed on the scar.

"Well, I never told anyone. This is the first." Khennet shrugged, not thinking much of it. He wasn't the person that liked showing off his experiences. Why he was topless, and showing his scars gained from years of experience was simply because it was comfortable to have no clothes on.

Inhaling deeply in secret, Valier prepared himself to interrupt their conversation. He looked at Peirus while fidgeting ever so slightly. "Um… sir Peirus. May I know where Silver Slithyrin and the Winder Wyrn are found?"

The sudden return to the original topic got their attention that both of them looked his way. Khennet, and Peirus were surprised, but did not show it in their faces.

Peirus did not intend to stall, and disseminated the answer to Valier. "Silver Slitherin can be found in the Great Swamp Lake, while Winder Wyrns are found in the High Peaks."

"Those are far places. How did you know about them?" Khennet asked curiously. He had been a hunter far longer than Peirus, yet the man knew more of Beasts than him.

"I read many books about Beasts, since they're of interest to me. It's just a hobby, actually." Peirus replied.

Khennet smirked. "I never knew the Frost Hunter had such a hobby. Now I know. It's very good to be learning things about the people around."

A thought sprang in Peirus's mind. "Now that I think about it, this is the longest conversation we ever had for years."

"We just didn't find the right topic."

"You're right. It seems like Valier found it for us." He turned to Valier and spoke, "Valier, if you like learning about Beasts that much, you're welcome to get a copy of a book of mine which contains information about Beasts. Just go to our lounge when you have the time."

Valier's eyes lit up in joy at the unexpected offer, but still, he couldn't believe that he was not dreaming. He just solved one of his problems, paving a much faster way to his survival.

"Thank you, sir Peirus!" He bowed deeply in gratitude.

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