
Huntsman's Guide to Sorcerery

A blessing turned into a curse... a deadly curse. Valier wanted to learn magic and become a Mage, something that normal humans like him could not even imagine, from a gift he had obtain from someone. Yet when the surge of pain shook his body and green ethereal glowing screens appeared from thin air, his life got completely turned upside-down. He turned into a Sorcerer, not a Mage. The hunter had become the hunted prey—pursued for wealth and honor by everyone. Left with no choice but to accept the cruel reality he did not desire, Valier strived to defy his fate. Cornered prey rarely submits to the predator when pushed to a corner. And he was the same. Valier refuses to accept death without a tenacious fight, questioning if, in the end, the hunted can become the hunter. ┻⁠━⁠┻ #Cover picture not mine. Rights belongs to the rightful owner.

Razed · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 10: Practitioner Sorcerer and Spells

[Now that you have reached Rank Practitioner, you can practice spells]

"I'm guessing it's in the (Guide Library)?" He mumbled, and a wide bar appeared after he spoke, showing many columns containing a circle with illustrations. Under the circles were the name of the spelld, their descriptions, and many more.


Spell Name: Flaming Bolt

Tier: 2

Casting Requirement/s: 1 Mana Point / Basic Wind Manipulation / Basic Wind Manipulation

Description: Grants the Sorcerer the ability to launch a bolt made of flames.

Warning 1: The bolt can only reach a distance of 25 meters, and the speed and power of the bolt depends how far it has become from the caster. The nearer, the more power.

Warning 2: Each bolt costs 1 Mana Point.

Warning 3: Casting duration is 5 seconds.


Valid became fascinated by the spells displayed. He had always admired the abilities of Mages that seemed unnatural and out of this world, and now he had the opportunity to have that kind of power. It would be a big fat lie to say he wasn't excited.

As his eyes wandered from column to column, he noticed that beyond Tier 4 were marked by an X, while beyond Tier 3 were simply shaded in gray. "Can I not practice these spells?"

[As a Rank Practitioner, you can only practice Lower-Tier spells, or Tier 3 and below spells. And Tier 4 is the limit of spells a Sorcerer can practice]

"You mean… I can't practice spells beyond Tier 4?" His smile lessened. Reading through the spells available, they were already strong, and beyond them must be spells far stronger. Sadly, he couldn't practice them.

[Yes. Sorcerers typically do not rely on spells, since there is a limit on what spells they can practice. They rely on the skills obtained from beasts instead, which gives them no limit]

At her response, Valier's smile further faded. He had thought he could simply live as a Mage by practicing spells instead of eating Beast Crystals and turning into some sort of monstrosity. But it seemed that he could not. If he wanted to survive as a Sorcerer, he had to eat Beast Crystals.

Releasing a long depressed sigh, Valier helplessly nodded in acceptance. Dispelling the negative thoughts from his mind, he browsed through the spells which numbered less than a hundred. "Does the Guide have any recommendations for me?"

The Guide was there to help, so why spend long hours browsing through hundreds of columns when there's this thing that can give the most suited spell for him? It would be much better to take advantage of it.

[The Guide recommends the following: (Basic Water Manipulation) (Basic Flame Manipulation) (Basic Wind Manipulation) (Basic Soil Manipulation)]

Valier's brows raised in puzzlement. He had read these spells, since these were the first couple of spells he saw belonging to Tier 1, the lowest and weakest Tier. He did not pay too much attention to them as they are weak.

[Before racing a horse, a person must first learn how to get on its back. These are the four basics that most spells are derived from. So you cannot cast most spells without them. For example, to cast Flaming Bolt, you have to have practiced Wind and Flame Manipulation]

Now that she pointed it out, he did notice these four basics in many of the spells' requirements. Nodding in understanding, he decided to go back to these four and read. The information was the same as before, but now he saw them in a new light.

Water Manipulation just lets the caster manipulate the water around them to take various forms. As for Flame, Wind, and Soil Manipulation, they just grant the caster the ability to manipulate flame, wind, and soil around them respectively. However, he could see why these four are important. They are the foundation of other spells.

[The amount of spells a Sorcerer can have depends on their rank. For Rank Practitioner, 8 spells is your limit, and above that will be damage to your mind and crystal]

"I understand. So, do I just click on them?" Looking at the four spells, their requirements simply stated that he had to have 0.25 Mana Point. His Mana Points are now 5.7, so it won't be a problem. He was about to click on the four, when Vivi spoke again.

[Take in mind that you cannot obtain spells at the same time. After you obtain one, it is advised to wait for 5 hours before you obtain a new spell. This is to properly engrave the spell into your Mana Crystal and mind]

[You can choose to not engrave spells into your mind, which will make it changeable, or erased, anytime you want. But for these four basics, it is strongly recommended to engrave them in both mind and crystal]

"I get it. So I have to choose wisely." He muttered while retracting his hand. He fell into thought, wondering which spell would be the best for him to start with. The next time he would obtain the other spells is in five hours. He did not know what would happen to him before that. He had to be prepared with a spell he can use to protect himself.

'Water can't do much… and fire isn't around me all the time. As for soil… I can mostly form small lumps of land. I'll settle for wind.' He had decided, and besides, wind is a vital element when it comes to archery, his main fighting style.

"I choose Basic Wind Manipulation." He tapped on the column containing the spell, and a green bar appeared.

[Do you want the Guide to assist? (Yes) (No)]

He tapped 'Yes', and something unexpected happened. He had thought he would be given a bar that has instructions on how to learn the spell, but that did not happen.

It was as if a surge of lighting struck his mind, sending waves throughout his whole body that he trembled and shook, he forgot to breathe for a second. Following that was an intense headache that almost made him faint. The whole thing lasted in less than five seconds.

Just as he was about to feel relieved the pain had passed, his chest became burning hot. Looking down, his crystal was glowing intensely. Clutching his clothes, he laid on his face on the floor while enduring gritting his teeth and suppressing his cries of agony. He didn't want to alert anyone.


[You have successfully learned (Basic Wind Manipulation)]


Spell Name: Basic Wind Manipulation

Tier: 1

Casting Requirement: 0.25 Mana Point

Description: One of the first spells to be created since the dawn of magic. Grants the caster the ability to control and manipulate the wind around them.

Warning 1: The caster can only manipulate the wind that is 15 meters around them.

Warning 2: Each cast of the spell requires 0.25 Mana Point.

Warning 3: Casting time is 1 second.


Taking in large gulps of air while sweating profusely, he read the information with a happy smile on his haggard face. Out of nowhere, this smile crumbled like it was never there in the first place, as the strangest feeling just came to him.

How the spell was used, when it can be used, what its use, and many more appeared in his mind like an open book he could remember in detail. In less than a few seconds, he knew how to cast the spell. Safe to say, he was astonished beyond belief.

The strange feeling had long flown away, the same with the pain and burning sensation. His body felt normal, and he slowly crawled to his feet, struggling to find his footing for a short moment as his eyes remained blankly staring at nothing.


His clothes fluttered as gusts of wind circled him. Slowly, a delighted smile bloomed on his face as his once blank eyes sparkled in his amazement. He felt so happy at the moment. Not once in his life did he ever imagine himself wielding magic. For an orphan like him, it was an unreachable dream.

[Such expression is what always made master smile]

Her voice grabbed his attention. There was genuine happiness in her tone. Looking at the bar, he smiled and nodded his head in gratitude. "When I see the Mage of Golems, I will surely thank her for this chance."

[I do hope you will meet her]

"We. We will meet her." He added with emphasis.

[That would be good as well. But the master has always been mysterious and unpredictable. I do not think we will meet her that easily]

"As long as I don't die along the way, then it's not impossible." He grinned while inhaling the cold wisp of air. He was a bit nervous, but the thrill of having his own magic was overshadowing it. Sure, he would be in danger, but that would be when he reveals himself as a Sorcerer.

"I can live like a Mage as long as I don't expose my Sorcerer identity, right?" Mages can cast spells, and so do Sorcerers, although he could only cast Tier 4 and below. He can disguise himself as a weak Mage, as long as he doesn't grow a wing or an additional eye.

[Yes, you can. In the eyes of mortals, all of you can cast spells. However, if you encounter an Rank Master Mage and above, Rank Elite Witch and above, and Rank Elite Sorcerer and above, then your identity as a Sorcerer would be no secret to them]

'Thank goodness they don't fall from the sky. It would be very rotten luck if I do meet one.' He thought, feeling relieved.

[By the way, as I have said before, the Guide is not updated. So I would like to know the reason as to why you seem to dislike being a Sorcerer, and seemingly relieved you did not become a Witch]

Valier solemnly replied, "That's because Sorcerers and Witches are killed and hunted. It's been like that since the War of Magic that happened 900 years ago. It's said that Sorcerers and Witches betrayed the Mages and killed the Mage of Stars."

[So the Mage of Stars, or Seer of Destiny, Klioscope is dead?]

"You know him?"

[My master had a few interactions with him. Continue, please]

He gave a nod and did so. "As retaliation, the Mages waged war against the Witches and Sorcerers, and they won. They wiped them out from the face of the continent and branded their magic, Sorcery and Witchcraft, as 'Dark Magic', the enemy of their 'Pure Magic'. Anyone practicing Dark Magic will be executed without mercy."

[So much has happened, and the world is no longer the same. Back then, Mages, Witches, and Sorcerers existed in harmony]

"That's why I want to rank up fast. Mages are supreme, and they wouldn't hesitate to end me, a Sorcerer." He sighed, replying to her in a gloomy expression.

"Status." He called out, wanting to see his progress.


Name/s: Valier


Occupation/s: Hunter / Rank Practitioner Sorcerer

Mana Point/s: 5.45↓

Physical Status: Strength 5.4 / Agility 6.5 / Endurance 6.9 / Power 5.0

Mental Status [Guide Not Permitted]

Skill/s: (Click to Expand) Tracking / Aiming / Skinning / Stalking / Archery / Running / Skill Absorption

Spell/s: (Click to Expand) Above Limit / Basic Wind Manipulation


Now that he took a much more careful look, he noticed something strange. There were two spells listed, he swore he only obtained one, the Basic Wind Manipulation. He had no idea what the other was.

"Above Limit? I don't remember obtaining that…" He mumbled, perplexed.

[That is something called an Inherited Spell. It is passed from generations of the same bloodline. Above Limit is a Inherited Spell my master created]

Valier's eyes went wide at the flabbergasting revelation that came out with no warning. "Are you saying… The Mage of Golem and I… are related?"

[Yes. That is also the reason why the test behaved strangely, and how you are able to enter through the original entrance of my master's lair. The test and entrance thought you are my master because of your blood]

Valier's mouth hangs open in disbelief at her words.

[My master had a daughter that was unfortunately unable to feel mana. She wished to live a normal life, and she did. My master spent a long time in her lair, isolated, and hundreds of years passed, her daughter's family strangely went missing]

He did not know the history of his family since he was an orphan since the moment he opened his eyes. He was clueless of who his parents were, and where they were. So he was gobsmacked to find out he was related to an ancient Mage.

[That is why I hope you will meet my master. That way, she will know her daughter has descendants]