
Hunting the Lycan King

Elena Petrov is a Rogue Hunter, tasked with hunting down the most vicious of the furry beasts and putting a bullet through their brain…or heart, whichever she could reach first. But when she finds herself in the grasps of the Vampire King, who gives her the offer to either serve him the Lycan King’s head in a silver platter or watch her sister be mercilessly drained of blood in front of her…she has no choice but to set out on the most difficult task of her life…hunting down the Lycan King, Vincent Blackburn. However, their first encounter doesn’t go as she had planned and she ends up in the dungeons, chained and ready to be executed by the Lycan King himself. However, as their eyes meet and a searing contact is forged in the unexpected circumstances, she hears him say the only words she never expected to hear from a Lycan: Mate.

Bloodbath008 · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 25: Aftermath

Elena's P.O.V


I lay there on the side of the pool, my legs still dangling in the water as the waves of pleasure ebb away, leaving me adrift in a sea of confusion and guilt.


Lucien's face flashes in my mind, his expression a mix of hurt and betrayal, and my heart clenches painfully. What have I done? The intensity of the moment had swept me away, but now reality crashes back in with merciless force. It feels like a betrayal to him, to us and all the trials that we had withstood together.


Vincent, senses my turmoil, pulled himself above the water to sit beside me. His voice, gentle yet firm, broke through the whirlwind of my thoughts.


"Elena, you didn't betray Lucien." He said, once again reading me like an open book. "He turned away from you when you needed him the most."