
Hunting Shadows

Rachel, an orphan, flees town after a fatal run-in with her client left her devastated. Helped by her beloved friend Richie, she starts anew in a new town, far from home. He loves her, but she denies her feelings for him, yet he accepts her as family. Opportunity calls when she's in need of help again, and he seizes it to reclaim her for himself, despite the fact that she is married. Will he succeed?   Rachel finds herself cut in the web of love and hatred, in a saga fuelled by the shadows of past misdeeds and a desire to have it all. She just wants to live a new life and be happy with the man she loves—a man who loves her but is too weak to defend her. Here she is, trapped by the secrets she holds dear to her heart. Will she ever find true happiness?   What will happen to her cherished marriage with the guy who loves her but is too weak to defend her when vengeful acts reveal secrets that were perfectly kept for years? Will it survive the heat? Oh! Will Rachel ever accept Richie, who loves her so much yet uses her to achieve his own aim?  Walk with me as we unravel these mysteries together.

Peerless_1 · Urban
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15 Chs

It makes it easier!

Rachel's mouth was dry, and her palms were sweaty. She surveyed herself in front of her mirror. She was getting ready for her date with Kingsley. He was taking her to meet his family. She had met him a month ago, and it had been love at first sight. She hadn't thought she would ever find love. 

She's been in Newtown for two years now. The first week of her stay had been hell. She'd been living in a homeless shelter under a new identity, Gina Amilo, plagued by guilt and anxiety but finding solace in Richie, who called her every day, offering comfort and encouragement, until her phone had been stolen. Then, depression set in. 

Days later, as she sat moaning in a corner, a plump young lady who gave her name as Calisa approached her and started a conversation. She was a volunteer at the shelter. After hearing Rachel was new to town and jobless, Calisa had told her of a vacancy in the restaurant where she worked as a waitress and had offered to come back the next day to take her there. Rachel had been skeptical, but true to her word, Calisa showed up the next morning and took her to the place. 

The proprietor, desperately in need of a kitchen porter, promptly hired her. Calisa suggested Rachel move into her bedsit since it was closer to the restaurant. Rachel had been so grateful but puzzled as to why she was being so helpful. Calisa had never asked to know anything about her, and Rachel hadn't volunteered to speak a word.

After a year of working at the restaurant, they quit. Calisa moved out and got a job in a factory, and Rachel got a café job.

On one last check,she picked up her purse and headed for the agreed meeting point.

Kingsley Mitchell leaned against his car, anxiously waiting for Rachel. He was tall and chocolate-colored, with an oval, even-featured face. He pulled out the engagement ring he'd bought days before and looked at it. He was planning to propose that evening. He knew his parents might prove difficult, especially his mom, who was anxious to have him marry Franca Mills, her best friend's daughter, but he was determined to marry Rachel.


He turned to see Franca marching towards him. She was a little above medium height, slim, and had a beautiful oval face, blue eyes, a pointed nose, and pink lips. They had known each other since grade school. Their mothers were friends, and so were they, although he found her obnoxious and rude.

"Hi Fran, what's up?"

"Who are you waiting for, KK?" She demanded.

"A friend,"

"Who?" She persisted.

They heard footsteps and turned to see Rachel walking towards them.

"Hi KK," she greeted, smiling uncertainly at Franca.

"Who is this?" Franca demanded.

Kingsley made the introduction. 

"Are you ready, babe?" He asked Rachel.

She nodded. He opened the car, and she got in. 

"Later, Fran." Kingsley told her and got in the car.

He drove away, leaving Franca fuming.

"How was your day, babe?"

He asked her as he drove through the busy streets, heading towards Greenpark, the upscale middle-class neighborhood where he lived with his parents and sister.

"Great! I missed you though."

She smiled at him; for some reason, Kingsley reminded her of Richie. She had exciting news she wanted to share with him. That morning, she discovered she was pregnant. She planned to tell him later in the evening. 

They got to the stately mansion, and he rang the bell. 

The woman who opened the door was in her late forties, slightly above average height, full-bosomed, and slender with a round face and well-proportioned features. She frowned at Rachel.

Kingsley made the introduction.

"Mum, meet Gina Amilo, my girlfriend. Gina, meet my mom, Mabel Mitchell."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Mitchell," she greeted her.

Mabel ignored her and led them into the well-furnished living room, where her husband and daughter sat watching TV.

Rachel was introduced to them and still received the same unfriendly stare. She and Kingsley sat together on the love seat.

"Where are you from? What do you do? Who are your parents?" James Mitchell bombarded her with questions. He was a tall, broad man in his early fifties with coarse, heavy features and closely cropped gray hair.

"My name's Gina, Gina Amilo. I'm from Littletown."

"The coal mining town?" James frowned. "Your parents are coal miners?" He said it disdainfully.

"No, my dad was an auto mechanic, and my mom was a school caterer. They died in an accident when I was fourteen."

They bombarded her with more questions, their scorn evident, till Mabel announced dinner was ready.

The harsh questions continued after dinner, till Kingsley got annoyed and took her home. His parents' behavior spoiled their mood, and they each decided to postpone their news. 

The next morning, she was surprised to see Mabel come into the café where she worked and issue a stern warning.

"Stay away from my son; he has a fiancée, and you are nowhere near his class, you lowlife."

The incident depressed her throughout the day, and she refused to take Kingsley's calls.

She had just finished dinner that evening when there was a knock on her door. She opened it, expecting Calisa. It was Kingsley.

"What's going on, babe?" He demanded. "Why are you ignoring my calls?"

"You lied to me," she accused.

"What? No!"

"Then why did your mom come to warn me to stay away from you because you have a fiancée?"

His face darkened. "That's a lie. Babe, you are the only one in my life; you know that. I'll talk to my mom."

"Please, I don't want any problems. I have enough already," she sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm pregnant. I wanted to tell you last night, but I realized your parents don't like me."

"Serious? That's great news! It makes it easier for me to" 

He got on his knees and pulled out the ring. 

"Marry me, Gina!"

She gasped. "What about your parents? Sister?"

"They'll have to accept it. I love you. Please say yes."