
Hunting in Hollywood

A continental director from many years in the future unexpectedly returns to Hollywood in 1986, and so begins his legendary journey to take step-by-step control of the center of the world's largest film industry. ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 41: Who is Daenerys?

After parking the car on the roadside, Attorney George Norman unbuckled his seatbelt and looked again at his niece sitting in the passenger seat, her expression somewhat uneasy. He smiled and asked, "Jenny, what's really going on? Did you know Simon Westeros before?"

Today, Jennifer Rebould, still sporting a ponytail, shook her head and said, "No, Uncle George, I didn't know him. I just think he's quite special."

George Norman eyed his niece once more and smiled, deciding not to press further. "Perhaps next year I can formally introduce you to him. If it wasn't for Janet Johnston's involvement, handling the affairs of a newcomer like this boy would be completely sufficient."

With that, George Norman and his niece stepped out of the car and approached the villa's front door, ringing the doorbell.

A moment later, a girl with short hair opened the door, looking somewhat puzzled at the two visitors.

"Hello, is this Simon Westeros' home? I'm George Norman, Simon's lawyer. We had an appointment," George introduced himself.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Norman, please come in," the short-haired girl stepped aside, explaining, "We just ran out of copy paper, Simon went out to buy some and hasn't returned yet, sorry about that. Also, I'm Sandra Block, a friend of Simon's."

"No worries, we're a few minutes early," George Norman shook hands with Sandra and introduced his niece: "This is Jennifer, my assistant."

Jennifer Rebould also extended her hand to Sandra, her gaze sweeping the spacious living room.

George looked around, his expression equally puzzled.

"Simon mentioned he was set up, so he had to rent this apartment," Sandra said with a slight embarrassment, smiling.

Jennifer chuckled and noticed a peculiar painting on the wall not far away. Curious, she walked over to it.

George and Sandra followed her.

"Simon said he donated to UNICEF and then received this item. It's very meaningful," Sandra added.

Hearing this, George looked at Sandra, then glanced at his niece, wondering if she knew Simon had actually donated a full $500,000.

As for Jennifer, seeing this, George was curious about what his niece would think.

With that thought, George grew more curious about what exactly had transpired between his niece and Simon Westeros. However, these young people's affairs were not something he intended to probe too deeply into.

After a brief conversation, they turned at the sound of footsteps to see Simon entering with a bag of copy paper.

Apologizing for his early arrival, Simon greeted everyone again and suggested, "Mr. Norman, Miss Rebould, let's go to the back."

They walked through the living room and hallway to the backyard.

Compared to the empty villa, the backyard felt more 'substantial,' being a vibrant garden. Unlike other mansions with swimming pools, it featured a beautiful vine arbor. The afternoon sun in Los Angeles filtered through the gaps in the vines, creating a picturesque scene. Under the arbor was a plain wooden table and several chairs.

Watching Sandra naturally start to tidy up the numerous sketches spread out on the table, Jennifer eagerly helped, but she couldn't help being drawn to the drawings.

These must be his work, right? Impressive.

She focused on one sketch for a while until she realized that the short-haired girl was watching her. She then noticed that all other sketches had been collected, leaving only the one in her hands.

A bit embarrassed, she handed it over.

She couldn't help but wonder, was the girl in the sketch her?

What luck.

Simon invited George Norman and Jennifer Rebould to sit at the table, while Sandra went to make coffee.

Once settled, George took a thick folder out of his briefcase and handed it to Simon across the table, "Simon, these are the documents for the two companies you asked us to register. You can take a look first, and I'll explain some of the details in a moment."

Simon nodded, opened the folder, and spread out the various documents inside, which also included two boxes, each containing several stamps.

Then there were two similar company registration certificates and other documents.

Having decided to independently produce "Run Lola Run," it was natural to establish dedicated companies. In the mature business ecosystem of North America, setting up a company was quite straightforward.

After consulting with George Norman, Simon had his law firm register two companies.

The certificates in his hand bore the names of the companies.

Westeros Corporation.

Daenerys Productions.

Since he had already used the Westeros name, Simon didn't mind borrowing from another iconic figure, the Mother of Dragons.

Indeed, the production of "Run Lola Run" would be under Daenerys Productions.

As for Westeros Corporation, it was more of a preemptive move by Simon.

The decades-long legal battles between the electronics manufacturer Apple and the record producer Apple highlighted the importance of early

 registration to avoid potential disputes over name rights.

After all, name squatters were plentiful everywhere.

Additionally, at the advice of George Norman, both companies were registered in Delaware on the East Coast.

According to his lawyer, due to the tax and corporate law advantages in Delaware, many entrepreneurs from North America and around the world choose to register their companies there. Half of the Fortune 500 companies are also registered in that state.

It is said that every street in Wilmington, the capital of Delaware, houses thousands of registered companies.

As Simon reviewed the documents, Sandra returned with a tray, serving coffee to everyone and sitting down next to Simon, intrigued as she flipped through the registration materials for the two companies.

Westeros Corporation was straightforward.

But Daenerys Productions?

Sandra glanced at the papers a few times and asked directly, "Simon, who is Daenerys?"