
encounters and mismatches

Arthur was alone in the locker room, the rest of the boys went out to have fun, but he stayed because he had to have dinner with his grandparents today, so he would go straight home, but an unforeseen event occurred.

You play very well. Lydia appeared in the dressing room suddenly, her eyes staring at Arthur who looked like a helpless animal.

What the most you're doing here? – he asked, but something in Arthur's mind had already deduced something.

I kind of like men who stand out, you know, Art. I can call you that, right? Great. " Arthur did not have to answer anything, Lydia simply kissed him and pushed him towards a box nearby.

Arthur was no inexperienced, his father had already taken him to meet some girls. Despite meeting her a short time ago, Arthur doesn't have such a high moral sense.

A while later, Lydia got up and dressed as if nothing had happened. It seems she really believed that - There was nothing here, it was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Gray.

Arthur stood there trying to understand the multitude of mysteries a man will never unravel. Jackson wouldn't know anything, but he was a little shaken to have done it to him, he seemed pretty cool that day.


I'm sorry i took so long. "Arthur came home late, his grandparents were already having dinner.

He washed his hands and sat down at the table, he was starving after all the exercise he had done that afternoon.

And how did it go? – his grandfather asked, but apparently Arthur misinterpreted the question.

The training. Did you make it? – his grandfather noticed the confusion in Arthur's head and reasked the question.

Oh, sure, yes, the coach told me I was on the front row, even though I didn't even know how to play, but I have to do another test tomorrow. Arthur smiled for the first time he arrived in Beacon hills, his grandparents noticed, but said nothing. Lucas was very proud of his grandson for joining the team and following the family tradition.

The night flowed very pleasantly, the family got a nice little meeting, but the dawn for Arthur, it was not so pleasant.

In his dreams he could only hear his father, in the middle of the forest in which he had grown up, the rain soaked his face, Arthur did not know if it was just the rain or if there were tears there. He'd say. "I'm sorry, I leave it to you now.

Then a vine grabbed Arthur's right arm and began to curl up in a way that held his arm completely.

Arthur awoke amazed and as much shortness of breath, his head throbbed, but it happened quickly and soon, Arthur fell asleep due to exhaustion.

When he finally woke up, he noticed his bigger muscles. His vision, just as the other senses improved to a level he could not control.

He could hear the footsteps of a spider on the other side of the room and his vision was almost leaving him blind.

He got up in search of food, his whole body screamed for food. He attacked the fridge while her grandmother was in the kitchen, which surprised her.

She sees her ever laconic grandson eating desperately frightened her, but she soon remembered puberty and calmed down.

Grandma, this is out of this world. " said Arthur attacking a piece of turkey that was in the refrigerator.

That's weird. "His grandfather who was passing by noticed the turkey he had cooked before. "Nobody likes my food, I gave that piece to the dog, but he didn't want to, it must be really hungry.

You should talk to him about it. " said Mrs. Suzana.

About what? - questioned Mr Lucas.

About puberty, he's a man, so it's his job. "He came out of there as if he had gotten rid of a good one.

Lucas thought of a good way to start the subject, but thought it best to postpone, that's the kind of subject he prefers to leave for after breakfast.


Walking down the school corridor, Arthur was having difficulty dealing with his new features, his father had already taught him tricks with chi where he could improve his strength on some levels, that's how he managed to throw that super-fast ball at McCall in that workout.

But what he was feeling now was different, a lot of voices and a lot of moves he could captain left him a little upset.

Hey, Arthur, is everything okay? Alisson asked, her closet is next to his so they almost always meet at the intervals.

I'm just a little dizzy. – said Arthur trying to concentrate on Alisson and for a moment, everything was at peace again, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

Serious? Don't you want to go to the infirmary? – she was really worried, but Arthur smiled in a comforting way and soon changed the subject.

Listen, that guy's scaring me, do you know each other? Arthur made a gesture with his head pointing to Scott who kept staring at them.

Oh, him? He helped me with something the other day and he asked me out. "She seemed a little shy when she talked about it," Arthur pressed his heart dramatically and said. "I see that I have already lost, what I have left is the dark valley of great friends.

Stop for free. She said and they both laughed. Their proximity bothered scott a little.


Arthur didn't want to draw too much attention, in short, he didn't want any trouble, but his partner in chemistry class turned out to be Lydia.

The teacher gave the pair some free time to discuss a book he had had read.

Lydia spoke very well about the book and for a moment, Arthur can finally have a decent conversation with her, even if it was about a book. But something bothered him.

Why do you do that? - he asked suddenly, taking her by surprise.

What, Random Lord? - she scoffed.

You're so smart, but in front of the others you look like a lifeless mannequin. "Arthur said it would be this time.

First, dummy? Hurt. Second, it's not because we had sex once you'll know details about me. "She really didn't like the comment.

I think I've been too honest, but I must say that everyone would really like who you really are. Arthur closed his book and took advantage that the bell had hit and left the classroom leaving a thoughtful Lydia behind.



The sound of the cupboard ringing sounded all over the hall, Jackson pushed scott's closet door scaring him, Arthur who was nearby turned the hall and saw the scene.

Scott was shouting some strange things and Arthur didn't understand the context, he didn't believe these two were having an affair, Scott is evidently falling for Alisson.

What's going on here. "He asked, but Jackson just turned around and left.

Is everything all right in there? "Arthur asked, he wasn't a guy worried about everyone, but there were some things he wanted to ask the kid.

Those eyes and his skills were bothering Arthur, but that was something for another time.

Yes, I am, thank you. Scott seemed nervous, but he got it back together fast.

Let's go to practice. – At that point Scott's view of Arthur changed, he believed Scott was a pain in the ass like Jackson, but apparently he was wrong, yet his proximity to Alisson bothered him.

So you asked her out, didn't you? Scott was astonished, Arthur began to speak of the same thing he was thinking.

Well, yes, did she say anything about me? - scott asked, he gets excited fast.

Take it easy, buddy, she didn't say anything. Let me give you some advice, avoid staring, it's weird, come on.


Scott, wait, I have to talk to you. – Scott's great friend yelled at him to wait, it seems very important, but Scott is more concerned about training.

Just say, practice's about to start. Scott stared at Arthur strangely, Arthur soon drew and left, but his ears still work very well.

But all he heard was a strange conversation of why Scott is walking with him and animal hair in the body that was in the woods, should make more sense in a context, or they're just strangers, Arthur thought.

Gather here guys – shouted the coach in the middle of the field, all the players gathered there.

The bleachers were full, but Scott was eagerly searching for Alisson, who coincidentally just arrived in the stands and waved at him.

There's a question, McCall. – asked the coach, Scott had forgotten where he was and got lost looking at his beloved, his raised hand returning the nod made the coach lose focus for a while and that's why he asked.

Arthur could only laugh at the situation.

The trill gave a speech about the importance of joining the team.

Gray and Jackson, I said you were already on the team, but if you don't play today, you can forget it. "He gave the ultimatum by making both of them crack their tongues knowing it was a bluff from their coach.


The game began, Jackson seemed to be picking up heavy with McCal at first, but soon the situation reversed, scott began to dance on the field, dropping pirouettes and dribbling half time to score a goal, a really amazing performance.

But something on his mind told him to stop scott, his instincts were said to bring him down at any cost.

Then the mcal that was on the enemy team came up to Arthur and all he saw afterwards was the grass, he and no one understood what happened, in an instant McCal was running up to Arthur with the ball in his bat, seconds later he was on the ground.

Arthur left Scott on the ground picked up the ball, dribbled the first marker that ran low-headed aiming to hit Arthur well in the middle. Then he mimicked Scott's performance.

All this attention directed at me and scott seemed to be bothering our captain.

Coach called Arthur and Scott. Like a synic smile on his face and said. "You come on my field and you go out and pirouette snag like dancers, but I like that, gentlemen. Welcome to the starting lineup.