
Hunting Hellraisers

I'm Samuel and I'm a hunter. I don't hunt animals, I hunt demons. I've always hunted demons. It's kinda a family tradition. I do it to protect and serve. And for the money of course. I need it to support my four siblings and mother after my father's death.

Zarksy · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

Samuel's Pov:

"Wake up. We have a job." my father says shaking me awake. I sit up and rub my eyes. I watch father walk out of the room. I stand up and begin looking for my jacket and boots. It's dark so it's hard to find them. I find my jacket draped over my boots on the floor. I put them on and grab my knife and gun.

I walk out of the bedroom that I share with my siblings. A candle is lit in the main room so I can finally see. My father is standing by the door with his shotgun slung over his shoulder. "Hurry up boy." He says to me then walks out the door. I quickly follow him into the darkness. The cold begins to nip at my uncovered nose as we walk. I hear nothing other than the snow crunching under our feet. 

"Where are we headed?" I ask. "We are going to the Holead Mountains." Holead Mountains. That's a half-day trip.

Father doesn't like to talk much. He has always been a quiet man. He doesn't even talk to mother much. He only talks when we get a job.

"What are we looking for?" He continues walking without looking back, "There's a vamp that killed two people. So we're looking for her." I don't like hunting vampires. They look too much like humans. Werewolves also look like humans so it's hard to shoot. But it's my job to protect myself and my people.

Half a day later we arrived at Holead Mountains. Father and I set up a blood trap. When the vampire touches the blood it will begin to burn. We infused the blood with garlic. My father used a mixture of herbs to rid the garlic of smell.

We set up a small camp that consisted of two sleeping bags and a campfire. Father had caught a rabbit earlier. He had already drained its blood. He carefully cut up the rabbit and cooked it over the fire. It took about 20 minutes to fully cook. He handed me a piece and we ate as the sun began to set.

We returned to the blood trap and sat silently waiting for the girl to appear. I sat in a bush about 30 feet away from my father. I heard a rustle behind me then a hand shot over my mouth.

I was pulled onto my back and a girl sat over me. She had thrown my gun away from me. I struggled to reach my wooden stake that was tucked in my pocket but the girl had already bitten my neck. I finally was able to get my feet up and I kicked her off of me. "STUPID BOY!" She yells as she falls into the bush. I pull my wooden stake out and tackle the girl lying in the bush I sit on top of her and stab her throat. I pull the stake from her neck and blood splatters all over my body. I thrust the stake into her heart and she stops squirming.

I stand up and wipe the blood from my face. Then I hear a yell. It was my father. I rush over to the area where he was hiding. I don't see him. Where did he go? I rush around the area and finally I see him with a vampire on top of him. He looked dead. Shit. I tackle the vampire that was draining the life from my father before my eyes. I drive my stake through his nasty heart.

I go back to my father. He isn't moving. I grab his wrist hoping for a pulse. Nothing. "Father?" No response. I lay on the cold ground next to my father. I'm not sad, I'm just confused. What do I do? I should bury him. I stand and take a large knife from the bag on his back. I stab the knife into the ground and pull up dirt. I stab again and again.

I continue digging with the knife till morning. Finally, it was large enough to be a grave. I pull his body to the giant hole. I look over his body to make sure there wasn't anything of value. The only thing I took was his wedding ring for mother. I roll the body into the grave. "Goodbye, father. Thank you for your service. Thank you for making me the man I am. Thank you for loving my mother and my siblings. Thank you for this life. Thank you." I begin to cover his lifeless body with dirt.

I go off to find a few sticks to make a cross. I find the perfect oak wood sticks to make the cross. I cut notches into the stocks and push them together to form a cross. I stab it into the ground where my father lies.

I need to deal with the vamps. I go off to find the bodies. I pull each one into some direct sunlight and watch them burn. Stupid vampires. How dare they kill my father. I gather my things and my courage and begin the trip home.