
What Just Happened?!

As Matilda stirred from her sleep, she felt a slight tickle under her feet, a sensation that gradually crept up her body, coaxing her awake. With a soft murmur, she shifted, the tickling sensation growing more pronounced until it finally roused her from her slumber.

"Stop... Hehe..." Matilda giggled sleepily, her hand instinctively moving to brush away the source of the tickle. But as her eyes fluttered open, she was met with a sudden jolt of panic as she saw the cockroach scurrying away from her feet.

"Ahhh!" she shrieked, recoiling in horror, her heart racing with adrenaline. She wiggled her hand frantically, trying to rid herself of the unwanted intruder, her mind racing with thoughts of disgust and revulsion.

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