
Hunters of Blood

In a world where magic is highly regulated by the governments, those that cast magic without the proper paperwork get tracked down by special bounty hunters named Blood Hunters. This story follows 3 characters (2 male, 1 female)

Omega7379 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7- Remoraf

[150 years ago]

"Rem!" Rin yells out as hundreds of spells fly overhead.

"Over here!" I call out while firing a longbow at the enemy soldiers.

Rin jumps over a collapsed stone column to my location casting fog upon the area.

"We need to go, the citadel has been lost!" Rin yells. We duck as a ball of fire flies above our heads and explodes behind us. The sound of screams and smell of burnt flesh can be detected in the air.

"Fucking shit, we spent a week pushing against the Magic Alliance, what happened?" I yell before standing and launching an arrow into a mage class enemy three-tens feet away.

"Some magic wielding assassins got behind our lines and took out our defenses!" Rin replies while sending an arrow through another mage. In the distance the horn sounds our retreat but quickly gets cut-off as a spell explodes in that direction.

"Three...two…" I call out, "one!"

Rin and I sprint from our cover heading back to the stronghold outside the city. Turning a corner I duck a swinging sword and plunge a knife into a member of the Magic Alliance. Rin quickly fires an arrow past my neck into another mage before they can get their spell off.

"Did Nysromae get those traps set?" I yell out at Rin.

"I'm pretty sure!" she replies as we keep moving through the battlefield.

"Alright then let's use em!", I say as a blast of lightning goes off in a room somewhere where we had just come from. Rin stops for a second and hits a button on her console.

"Come on!" Rin calls out as some more of our comrades join us, "this way!"

The ten of us move through the corridors until we get to a room with a large pedestal and benches everywhere. Rin and I rush to the pedestal while the others start to barricade the door.

"Come on come on come on," I mutter as the controls on the console light up. A single glyph appears on the pedestal top. Rin says the command word before pressing the glyph. A timer starts.

"Alright, the trap is set, everyone into the caves! Quickly!" I yell.

We rush to a hole in the floor and drop into the cave beneath the citadel. Dust rains down from the ceiling as we rush forward and explosive spells go off above us on the surface. An arrow sprouts from one of the soldier's necks. Looking behind me, I don't see anything but just to be safe I launch an arrow back the way we came. Rin's dagger flashes out as another arrow materializes out of thin air, slicing it in two pieces.

"They've found us!" Rin calls out, as we both start dodging the arrows and slicing the ones we can't.

"There!" someone points out, "behind that rock!"

"Got it!" I say pulling out an alchemy type arrow. With a quick draw I loose the arrow straight into the mage's chest causing it to bubble and burst. Screams fill the air as they effectively but painfully die. We quickly keep moving knowing that once the timer ran out the glyph would be nasty and Nysromae had warned us to get clear of the entire town to be safe.

A light at the end of the cave signals the way out about five-tens feet away from us. A loud thundering noise suddenly goes off and the cave around us starts to crack and collapse.

"Run!" I yell, going full sprint no longer watching for attacks from behind.

A few of our comrades get rocks to their heads, effectively knocking them out. We would have helped them if we had time but it seems the trap was released and we need to move...now. 10 feet… 5 feet… and the next moment I found myself jumping into thin air with a lake below my feet.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Rin yells before we hit the water.

My mask filters the oxygen out of the air...so I came back to consciousness pretty quickly. I saw Rin out of the corner of my eye and drag her with me as I make my way up to the surface. On the surface I flop down and take a breather. Rin eventually wakes up and we look at the rubble that was the citadel on the cliff...now reduced to rubble.

"Let's get going, the military is going to want a report on this", I say with a groan standing up.

"I really don't want to deal with the captain...if he's still alive," Rin replies.

We both start walking to the fall back base moving under the cover of fog and trees to avoid detection.