
Hunters Fate

One Hunter and one Shifter, mates but can never be together. War broke out when I was just a baby, my mother dead trying to protect our people. She was the female Alpha; leader, mate, mother, daughter, and the only one who could bring peace or so they thought. You see my mother was a different kind of Shifter not only is she over 200 years old, she had our Goddess's blood running in her veins. She was powerful, that is till I was born. Now its my turn to fill my mothers place cause even the Goddess her self is done with this bull shit. So now your asking who I am, well my name is Ivory Thorn and if my story doesn't make u wanna read more my mates will. I've been trained to fight and kill people who are nothing more then animals, my name is Drake Phenix and I'm a Hunter. The stories I've been told of the Shifters is that they are evil, that the Devil him self made these Shifters to start war and boy did we humans bring the fight to them. Even brought some back for some fun, well that's from the stories I heard from my father at least. Out of everything that has happen in the past 200 hundred years, I have a feeling things are about to change.

DemonsWhisper · General
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When the Rain Pours - part4

"You made a promise to me when mom was taken that I could become Alpha because you knew if I was I would use my powers to protect our pack and now you just want to take that away from me? I would think that after I lost John and Alexis, you of all people would want this for us. For me to lead our people to life not death, to know that it wouldn't be their last day on this earth. Remember what the Goddess said, I will be Alpha father i know it but to put Daniel in that position and it will kill him."

Only after saying those words did Ivory turn back to face her father, looking him in the eye. One thing your never do to an Alpha unless you wanted a fight but this was father and daughter, Alpha to Alpha. Or what should be, she loved her father and her brother but how could he just give the leadership to her brother who was only just a Beta. Even in the wild it was the female who was the leader till she found a mate, then they would lead together as mates.

Ivory just didn't understand as to why her father was taken the pack from her so she had to ask. "What is the reason you are doing this in the first place? Why after all this time, after all the female Alpha's that have lead this pack are the council and you doing this?"

Shawn couldn't look into her eyes at that moment because the real reason is going to piss her off even more and by looking outside, her temper wasn't calm yet. He knew she would find out at one point but he wanted to be the one to tell her and at least be five miles away from anyone. He had to make sure what happened the night her mother was taken never happens again.

The memories of that night came back to Shawn and ever cents that night everyone has been scared of her, talking about her like she wasn't one of them. Just like they did to her mother, calling her names and saying the same as they do to Ivory. Yet hear he was telling her like her mother before that without a mate to keep her in check she wouldn't be Alpha because they fear what she would do or could do.

Everyone knew Ivory was powerful just as her mother was maybe even more, but Shawn knew she was. The night she was born his mate looked him in the eyes and said, "We must keep her safe, she will either bring darkness or ever shining light."  She never remember telling him this, her visions where always like so. It was one Shawn has never told anyone. He looked back at Ivory, he could see the pain in her eyes from breaking his promise. With a deep breath he opened his mouth to tell her of his reason to why she needed to find a mate before her 21 birthday or she would never be Alpha again. But before he could his son walked in the door.

Ivory knew that talking to her father was a no go now that Daniel was home. She turned to leave but Daniel stopped her with a hand to her arm, "You have to know i don't want to be Alpha, never will i take that from you sister."

She looked at him with tear filled eyes and a sad smile, "It's not you two who will but then again I'm just a Bitch without a loyal pack."

She then walked right out the door not planning to coming back with a mate but little did anyone know or even her that this mate will be her last, her forever.

Ivory's legs burned in the hope of rest but she couldn't stop. Pushing the thought away she pushed herself harder thinking that maybe she just could run away from all the pain she felt after losing her John and little girl. Her wolf felt her sadness and wanted her to shift, to run with her. But knowing that John wasn't her mate she couldn't, not without going mad. At least that's what she was told all her life, that without being mated she couldn't shift. In her frustration the ground gives beneath her feet, she pulls to a stop. Only then did she see how hard the rain was coming down, looking to the sky Ivory felt her eyes begin to burn. She let her tears fall knowing no one would ever come this deep into the forest without meeting death.

Ivory didn't know how long she stood there but suddenly she felt eyes on her. Her wolf let out a growl, Ivory throat vibrated with the same sound. She turned slowly looking for these eyes that made her skin crawl, seeing him to the right of her. Locking eyes with a man not much older then her. Ivory couldn't tell much about him by the dark hoodie he wore but his sent told her he was human, almost there was something else about him that she couldn't put her finger on. But really got her was his eyes, almost looking as the harvest moon was full in the sky. It called to the blood in her veins, calling to her wolf.

Once again a growl came passed her lips, fangs lengthen wanting to bite to protect. Ivory seen his head tilt to the side, like he knew at that moment what she was. By the way he closed his eyes and looked to the sky it was almost as though he was praying to her goddess that she wasn't a shifter. It confuzed Ivory, she couldn't fathom as to why he would do such a thing. Unless he was one of them, now fear was taken ahold of her. Ivory knew it was her who would be dead tonight cause a Hunter has found her but if he has her in his sight, her pack would be next.